How to be a successful student

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Habits of Highly Successful Students
Video: 8 Habits of Highly Successful Students


Successful students know how to focus on their studies when needed, while taking breaks when needed. They are good at managing their time wisely, adhere to rigorous study schedules, and spend most of their time in class. In the process, successful students also know how to have a good time and, as much as they love to acquire knowledge, just as much they love to get high marks.


Part 1 of 3: Developing the qualities of a successful student

  1. 1 Your studies should be your top priority. Successful students know how to be successful as they have made learning their first priority. While it is important to make time to socialize with friends, family, extracurricular activities, and to be alone with yourself, you should never neglect your studies. If you have an important exam soon, and you are not well prepared, then most likely you should skip the big party, which will be two days before the exam. If you are very far behind in French, you might be better off skipping the new Criminal Minds episode for now. This does not mean that you can never do what you want, just that you should be aware of when learning should come first.
    • Even so, you cannot ignore everything in the world just to learn. If your friend or family member is having a life crisis, you cannot leave him or her just to learn.
  2. 2 Be punctual. You should develop the habit of timing and learn to arrive on time when needed. Basically, you should plan your time so that you always arrive a little early - then you will have time to look around, focus and prepare for learning when you get there. By being punctual, you will also earn the sympathy and respect of the teachers. Whether you are taking a test or going to do homework with a friend, you must be on time if you want to be a successful student.
    • One wise man once said: "To come is already half the battle." If you cannot commit yourself and arrive on time, then you will not be able to internalize the material.
  3. 3 Work honestly. This means that you have to work independently and beware of plagiarism and cheating at all costs. Cheating will get you nowhere, and the seemingly easy path can later bring you a lot of problems. You should never cheat on a test, and it is far better to fail on an exam you are not prepared for than to be caught cheating. And even if you don't get caught cheating, you think it's better to take the easiest path when it comes to your life and study, and this can lead to the fact that later on you will develop bad habits.
    • Do not follow the example of others. In some schools, cheating is considered normal, and since many children cheat, you may be tempted to join them. This type of groupthink is very dangerous and can hinder your development of potential.
  4. 4 Concentrate. Successful students can concentrate on their assignment. If you need to learn one chapter from your history book in an hour, you should do it without distraction. If you need a break, take a 10 minute break, but don't let it go into an hour when you only have 10 minutes left for school. In fact, you can train your brain to concentrate for longer periods of time, because even if you feel like you cannot concentrate on something for longer than 15 minutes, just work on increasing the time to 20 minutes. then up to 30 and so on.
    • With that said, most people shouldn't be concentrating or doing a single task for more than 60 or 90 minutes. Intermediate breaks of 10-15 minutes will help you regain your energy and focus again on the task.
  5. 5 Don't compare yourself to others. Successful students succeed on their own terms. They don't care how their brother, neighbor, or lab partner learns, because they know that ultimately the most important thing is to get there. If you follow too enthusiastically what others are doing, then you may be disappointed in yourself or a desire to compete with them will wake up in you, which will take all your thoughts. Learn to ignore those around you and try to do your best.
    • Perhaps you have a competing friend who is always looking to measure grades or talk about your GPA. Don't let this person annoy you, and if you don't want to discuss your school affairs, feel free to say so.
  6. 6 Act progressively. If you want to be a successful student, you shouldn't set yourself the goal of getting an “excellent” with “satisfactory” grades. Instead, you should work on getting a 3-plus, then a 4-minus, and so on, so you don't get upset. Successful students know that it is difficult to go forward by leaps and bounds, and they focus on the details without trying to immediately achieve the end result. If you want to be a successful student, then you have to come to terms with gradual progress.
    • Take pride in yourself for every little step you take towards excellence. Don't hang your nose if you didn't get the highest grade you were hoping to get.
  7. 7 Take an interest in the material you are studying. Successful students are not just machines who are not interested in anything other than getting “excellent” grades. They are actually interested in the information they study, and their pursuit of knowledge helps them get high scores. Of course, you may not be interested in everything you go through - from photosynthesis to linear equations, but you can try to find something interesting in every subject. This will help you concentrate and it will be much more fun for you to study.
    • If you are really interested in something, then you should go beyond the school curriculum and do extracurricular reading to learn more. For example, if you liked reading "The Sun Also Rises" - try reading "The Holiday That Is Always With You" or other novels by E. Hemingway on your own.

Part 2 of 3: Succeed in your lessons

  1. 1 Concentrate. If you want to be a successful student, mindfulness during class is a key aspect of your success. While you don't need to love every subject you have, you need to be motivated enough to listen to the teachers rather than chatting with friends, focused enough to really hear what the teacher is telling you and be able to grasp the most important aspects. when studying each subject.
    • To focus, it is important to look at the teacher.
    • If something is not clear to you, you can quickly clarify it. If the lesson continues and it seems to you that you do not understand anything at all, it will be difficult for you to concentrate.
  2. 2 Take notes. Note taking is also an integral part of successful studies. Your notes will not only help you to refresh your memory after the lesson, but also help you focus on what is happening in the classroom, and will help you study the material, as you will have to write it briefly in your own words. Some even use different markers or pens to take notes to help them absorb the material better. Taking notes in class will make you feel more responsible and will help you listen to teachers.
  3. 3 Ask questions. If you really want to make the most of your time in class, you should ask the teacher questions when appropriate to help you understand the material better. Do not interrupt your lessons - only ask questions if you really do not understand something and you should prepare for the exam. The questions will also help you actively participate in the discussion, and make it easier to assimilate the material.
    • At the end of each lesson, you can also review your notes and prepare questions to ask next time if something is unclear to you.
    • Some teachers only allow questions to be asked after the lecture. If so, treat it with respect.
  4. 4 Get involved. If you want to excel in your studies, it is important to be actively involved in class. You should not only ask questions, but also answer the teacher's questions, be an active participant in group sessions, volunteer to help the teacher during class and be sure to be as active as possible in the classroom in order to stand out the most in the learning process. Participation will also help you develop good relationships with teachers, which will also help you in your studies.
    • You don't have to reach out after every question, but if you have something to say, try to voice your opinion.
    • Participation is also important when working in a group. Successful students do well not only alone, but with others as well.
  5. 5 Try not to be distracted during class. If you want to get the most out of the learning process, then you should do your best to avoid distractions. Avoid sitting next to friends or chatty students, and put aside food, magazines, your cell phone, and anything else that might distract you from your studies. As a reward, you can chat with friends, read magazines, or relax after class, but you don't need to do this to the detriment of your studies.
    • Try not to think about one subject when you sit on another. While sitting in the lesson, do not think about other subjects - you will have such an opportunity when the bell rings.
  6. 6 Build warm relationships with teachers. Another way to excel academically is to develop close bonds with teachers. You don't have to suck up or become their best friend - there just needs to be a rapport between you, as this will come in handy when you need extra help and will also increase your interest in the material. Try not to be late for class and follow the guidelines set by teachers to get the most out of your lectures.
    • Don't worry about people thinking you are a teacher's favorite if you are friendly with the teachers. You are just trying to be a good student.
    • If teachers are sympathetic to you, they will be more willing to help you and answer questions, and will be more understanding if something happens.
  7. 7 Sit as close to the teacher as possible. If you are in a classroom where you can sit anywhere, then you should sit in front, closer to the teacher. This will help you to concentrate, since you will not become distracted or indulge in extraneous matters when the teacher is right in front of you. It will also help you develop a closer bond with your teacher, especially if you are in a large lecture hall, as teachers tend to pay attention to those in front.
    • Don't worry about people thinking you are a sneak. You just do everything you can to absorb the necessary material.

Part 3 of 3: excel academically

  1. 1 Make a plan of action for the period of each study session. One of the ways to excel academically is to have a clear plan of action before each study session. This will ensure that you stay focused, achieve your goals, and make your studies productive. Break the learning process down into time slots of 15-30 minutes and make a list of what you will need at each time frame, whether you are doing flashcards, reviewing your notes, or solving practice tests. This is to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed or lethargic.
    • Making a check-list list will keep you motivated. By checking the availability of each item on the list, you can focus on the tasks at hand.
  2. 2 Insert training sessions into your schedule. Another important way to succeed in school is to make sure to start a day planner and break down the learning process into time frames in advance. You should definitely devote time to study during the week, and if necessary, even on weekends. While you won't bite off more than you can gulp down, don't fill your calendar with cultural programs and extracurricular activities or you won't have time to study.
    • If you decide to set aside time for classes, then you do not need to plan cultural events during this time that will distract you from your studies. You may not even notice that your calendar of events is full if you don't make time for classes.
    • You can even set up a monthly schedule to spread the material across weeks, especially if you need to review everything before an important exam.
  3. 3 Find a learning method that suits your memory type. There are different types of people, and not every learning method, such as using flashcards or reviewing notes, is ideal for every type. Knowing your memory type is important so you can tailor the learning to your needs. Many people are actually a combination of different species, so several ways may apply to you. The following are the most common teaching methods and some tips for teaching:
    • Visuals. If you are a visual, then you assimilate information through images, pictures and spatial perception. Graphs, charts, and notes that are underlined with colored markers work best for you. Writing notes, drawing graphs, or even drawings related to a topic can be a more effective method than writing a lot.
    • Audials. This kind of people assimilates material better through listening. Try to write down your lectures and repeat them, or listen carefully to the teacher and then take notes. You can also read your notes or course materials aloud, speak with experts in the field, or participate in a group discussion to better assimilate the information.
    • Constructivists or kinesthetics. These people assimilate the material better using their bodies, hands and sense of touch. You can practice writing down words to reinforce a topic you have covered, taking notes by walking around the room, or doing other activities that will allow you to move or touch objects as you study.
  4. 4 Take breaks. You may be surprised to learn that taking breaks can be your key to success. No one can study continuously for eight hours, not even an over-motivated person or someone with coffee constantly flowing through their veins. In fact, taking breaks is an integral part of successful studies because they give your brain a rest so that you can return to your studies with an interest and energy. Take a rest every 60 or 90 minutes and do something to rest your eyes, refresh yourself, or go for a walk.
    • Successful students know when they need rest. They notice when they are tired or when their studies are no longer bringing the desired results. Don't think that only lazy people are resting, and remember that this is really the best thing you can do to increase your productivity.
  5. 5 Try not to get distracted. If you want to study your best, then you will have to learn not to be distracted as you prepare to study. That is, you should avoid practicing with an unproductive friend, turn off your phone and make sure that you only use the Internet for educational purposes, and not in order to read gossip from the life of the stars. While you may not be able to completely avoid the temptation to be distracted by unnecessary things, you can try to keep them to a minimum before you sit down to study - this will help you concentrate and not be distracted.
    • You can even turn off the Internet if you do not need it for study, so that nothing distracts you.If you really don't need a phone, you can also turn it off.
    • If something bothers you, take the time to figure it out, and then return to school if possible. If you worry all day, you will not be able to do your job.
  6. 6 Try to create the best learning environment for yourself. A supportive learning environment can play a key role in your quest to become a successful student. But every person is different. Some people prefer to study in their rooms, in absolute silence. Others - to study, sitting on a blanket in the park, turning on their favorite music. Some people like to study in a library or cafe, where they are surrounded by people who are doing the same. Try to work out in different places to see what works best for you.
    • If lately you don't like working in a noisy cafe, then try to work out in the silence of your room or even in a park, where you can feel like you are alone.
  7. 7 Use your resources. Another way to get the most out of your training sessions is to make sure you are using all the tools available. Reach out to your teachers, librarians, and smart friends to help you deal with obscure material. Use the library and online resources to expand your knowledge; solve additional problems at the end of the textbook to become more familiar with the material. Use every opportunity to take advantage of all resources and learn successfully.
    • Successful students are also highly creative. When they can't find the answers they want in the textbook, they look for people, places, or websites that can help them.
  8. 8 Find a friend or group to practice. Some people get even better at school by working with a friend or in a group. Working with other people will make you more interested and feel that you are not so alone in your attempts to learn. You can also learn from others or remember material by explaining it to others. While working with a partner or group is not for everyone, it is still worth trying to get the most out of your opportunities.
    • Not all people are sociable. You can test the waters by working with a friend and then invite other students to join you.
    • Make sure your study group is manageable and organized so that you don't have to be distracted by unrelated questions. If you feel that the group is straying from the topic, do not be afraid and say so politely.
  9. 9 Don't forget to have fun. While it might seem like it’s inappropriate to talk about fun when talking about how to become a successful student, it can actually be the key to your achievement. In the same way that taking breaks during study sessions can help you focus better on your studies, taking breaks from yoga classes, hanging out with friends, watching a movie, or just relaxing can help restore the energy you will need to be successful at school.
    • Entertainment won't stop you from doing well in school. In fact, making time for fun will help you learn better in due course.
    • Taking time to hang out with your friends can also help you relax after getting a bad grade. If studying is all that interests you, then it will be very difficult for you.