How to get through your first year of high school

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
advice for high school freshmen
Video: advice for high school freshmen


Surely high school seems intimidating. But only if you don't know what to do. Knowing what to expect from high school will help you make friends, do well in school, and have fun after school activities. Once you figure it out, you'll have a place in the dining room for lunch, tasks to tackle with ease, and game plans for the weekend. If you want to know how to get through your first year of high school, read the steps below.


Method 1 of 4: Always be one step ahead

  1. 1 Don't miss the introductory course. You might think you're too cool to take an introductory course, but when you're in 8th grade, you definitely shouldn't miss it. It will help you not only feel at ease in the new environment, but also get used to some of the teachers, so use the introductory course as a social opportunity. And this is true.Instead of hanging out with your mom, it's better to go out, meet new people, and hang out with old friends.
    • Look like a brand. Wear casual clothes, but try to look good and take good care of your hygiene. You won't get a second chance to make a first impression.
  2. 2 Make friends before school starts. If you're lucky and already know many of the people who will go to high school with you, great. In this case, you can talk with friends in advance, discuss their schedule, think about who you will have lunch with. Be bold, make friends with the kids at the pool, mall and summer soccer club. You will feel much more comfortable at school.
    • If you're a beginner, don't worry. You will not be alone.
  3. 3 Build friendships with your high school students. Knowing the other kids at school will be of great help to you. If you have an older brother or sister to look after you, or a neighbor, or even a family friend who goes to high school, that person can be a good support for you by being your friend. High school students can help you deal with the following things:
    • How to deal with certain teachers.
    • Who is better to avoid
    • Provide information about the clubs and sections that interest you
    • Action plan
  4. 4 Examine the map of the school. It may sound strange, but underestimate how much more comfortable you will feel in your new school if you already know where to go on the first day of class. It is worth paying attention to this not only on the introductory course, but to take the school card, if possible, and find the most convenient options for moving from class to class. When you know how to accurately calculate those precious 3-4 minutes that you have to move, you can avoid stress and come to class on time.
    • If during recess you can't get to your locker and then to class, consider if you can use a friend's locker. This will save you from having to carry around 8 textbooks with you everywhere at the same time.
  5. 5 Prepare whatever you need. Before the first day of school, you should have everything you need ready and not get confused on the first day of school. You must have a copy of the timetable if you have already received it, all books, binders, notebooks and school supplies, and replacement clothing for physical education. Don't be that boy who forgot his uniform for the first physical education session, or the girl who asks for a pencil in every lesson.
  6. 6 Find out what the dress code is for your school. Some schools are more strict about student appearance than others. In some schools, teachers stop students, send them to the nurse's office or home, or, if you don’t have a change of clothes, worse, force them to change into physical education uniforms. If you have a uniform that your school requires, make sure you wear it properly. If not, look for this:
    • Athletic shorts. Many schools say that the shorts should be longer than the level of the toes. Girls, wearing shorts, stand with your hands at the seams, and see if you pass according to the standard.
    • Demonstration of underwear. Girls, bra straps should not be visible. Boys, your pants should not hang down and flaunt your underpants. In many schools there is a ban on this, and, in the end, it just does not look aesthetically pleasing.
    • Offensive logos. Do not wear T-shirts with offensive words or expressions. In the worst case, they may even be expelled from school for this.

Method 2 of 4: Social Survival

  1. 1 First, be sociable. While high school newbies are not as friendly as college newbies, you should try to be as outgoing as possible before people become socialized and less inclined to meet other people. So, say hello to the girl from the French lesson, be friendly with your laboratory partner, get to know your classmates better, after all, you will sit next to them for the next four years.
    • Meet the guys in a physical education lesson.
    • Meet your locker neighbors.
    • Make friends with the guys sitting next to you at the dinner table.
    • If someone invites you to go to the mall or to a party, don't hesitate. Try to accept as many offers as possible if they are interesting.
  2. 2 Try different social groups. You may be worried that you will not be able to find a place for yourself and a company that you really fit into. Therefore, you should try as many options as possible. Here are the social groups you might find at school: popular kids, nerds, advanced nerds, jocks, junkies, and so on. You don't have to fit neatly into any of these categories. Take your time with conclusions and just get to know as many new people as possible.
    • Despite the fact that many guys from the same company continue to be friends in high school, the dynamics of relationships and circumstances are changing. If, after a few months, you realize that your company is not right for you, and at the same time, you have not tried to meet anyone else, then you can sympathize.
    • Participating in various clubs and participating in various sports will help you expand your horizons and get to know as many new people as possible.
    • It is important to be open to communication, but try to avoid people you will get in trouble with, such as people who make you smoke, skip class, and cheat on tests.
  3. 3 Take your time to build relationships. You may find your dream love in your first science class, but slow down before sending him or her love notes. If you plunge headlong into school love, then you will not have time to develop yourself, communicate with friends and find out what really makes you happy. And let's face it: 98% of school relationships are short-lived, and you may find yourself in an awkward situation when you split up while having mutual friends.
    • And if you do date someone, do it wisely. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, make sure you know enough about sex.
  4. 4 Attend school activities. You may think you're too cool to go to school discos or home games, but it's definitely worth showing up at events like this to make new friends and to let people know who you are. Goodies hardly go to football, and pitching hardly attend school plays. But if you go there and there, you will meet more people and realize that there are a lot of interesting options in high school.
    • You don't have to go everywhere. But in the first few months, try to attend as many events as you can to see what you really enjoy.
  5. 5 Find one friend in each class. Even if you only know one person from each class, you will not feel left to fend for themselves. This person will remember you, and perhaps you will go to the next lesson together. And when it comes to group projects, you will already have a partner!
    • If you have at least one friend, through him you can get to know other people.
    • A classmate will also support you in your studies: if you miss a lesson, you will have someone to take homework from or ask questions if you do not fully understand something.
  6. 6 Take a table in the dining room. Of course, you will not have to sit at the table at which you sat on the first day of school until the end of school, at least in most schools. However, you need to decide on this task as quickly as possible. If you know guys with the same class schedule before going to school, great. Agree to meet and choose a table together. If not, be friendly, go to the dining room early and find friendly, open-minded people you can sit with.
    • You can also ask new acquaintances where they plan to sit.
    • Feel free to ask a nice cool person if you can sit down with him at the same table. It's much better than being with people you don't like.
  7. 7 Don't worry about how you look all the time. It may sound like something impossible in the first year of school. But remember that everyone is more concerned with what the people around them think of them than what others are wearing, how popular they are, and so on. Remember that everyone feels as insecure and uncertain as you do, just make your life easier by realizing that none of it matters much.
    • Don't spend more time in front of a mirror than you do textbooks.
    • Looking good will help you feel good about yourself. But if you keep dwelling on your clothes all the time, then the opposite will turn out.
    • Even if you are not confident in yourself, you can look quite confident in yourself. Walk with your back straight and your head held high, but do not cross your arms or slouch.

Method 3 of 4: Coping with your studies

  1. 1 Don't be rude to teachers. It may seem to you that it is cool and funny to be rude to a chemistry teacher, but when, during the exams, your three-plus does not round towards a four-plus, you will have a different opinion. And while you don't have to love all of your teachers, being friendly with them will help you a lot. Be on time for class and show interest in the course materials.
    • When you go to college, you will need references from several teachers, so it’s best for you to build a good relationship with them from the beginning.
  2. 2 Prepare a serious personalized lesson plan. If you want to successfully complete your first year of high school, you need to figure out which habits help you and which hinder your preparation for the big exams. Are you best for your free time, right after school, or in the evening before bed? Do you prefer listening to music or snacks while doing your homework, or is it easier for you to study in silence over a cup of tea? Try to find your routine as soon as possible and stick to it.
  3. 3 If you are better at doing in a group, create a group of learning-focused students so you can motivate each other. Do this only if you are really confident that it will help you cope with the assignments.
    • Become a master of note-taking. The notes you made during the lesson will greatly help you in your studies when it comes time to prepare for the exams.
    • And, of course, don't leave preparation for the last night. You will feel terrible, panic, and exhausted, which will prevent you from successfully passing a serious exam. Take time to prepare at least a few days before a serious exam.
  4. 4 Do your homework. This should be taken for granted, but it is not. Don't do your homework on the bus, in the morning in front of school, or in the classroom. Take time right after school to do all your homework diligently, or after you return from extracurricular activities. Make sure that you really did everything, and did not complete the minimum and forget the key information.
    • If you can't handle your homework, feel free to ask for extra help after class.
  5. 5 Take part in the lesson. Active participation in the lesson will not only help you stay awake and get the attention of teachers, but also imbued with the material that you are studying and come to class with great enthusiasm. This does not mean that you have to answer every question posed or grasp everything on the fly. But you should speak up from time to time so that the teacher can see that you know the material.
    • Active participation will also help you prepare for the tests. The more you immerse yourself in the material, the better you will understand it.
  6. 6 Start thinking about going to college, but don't get hung up on it. You don't have to make a list of the top 10 colleges you want to attend, but in your first year of high school, you should have an idea of ​​what college you will be going to, or at least how competitive it is. In general, for admission to a four-year university, it will be necessary to present certificates of academic performance, recommendations of two or three teachers, an essay, and also take part in extracurricular activities, ranging from team sports to volunteer organizations.
  7. 7 If you sign up for a club or gym in your first year, you will have ample time to develop your skills and leadership skills by your first or final year.
    • If you didn’t do anything in junior high and suddenly enroll in 5,000 clubs, you’ll raise suspicion in college.
    • Think college, but don't get hung up on it. Your accomplishments will not affect your college entrance right now, and there is still plenty of time before graduation.
  8. 8 Avoid the "folder for everything" by all means. Remember that folder in which you stuff all the papers in all subjects from the beginning of the eighth grade? The one that was torn in half by the end of the school year, the one you couldn't find under the bed for a week and that caused two tests to fail? Yes, it was unprofessional. It's time to get serious.
  9. 9 Get Organized In high school, a folder for everything will not work, so prepare a separate folder for each subject, many notebooks, folders for each class. Sign each folder carefully and check the contents every day at the end of the day to make sure you don't mix up the pieces of paper.
    • Being organized also means keeping your locker in order. The books in the locker should be neatly stacked, and not thrown into the trash heap.
    • Start a day planner. It will help you know ahead of time which week you will have a busy week, and plan your test preparation and other activities.
  10. 10 Hang out with smart people. And it is right. Don't spend time with anyone who thinks IQ is ET's second nephew. Your friends may not be Einsteins in their studies, but it is always nice when there are purposeful, smart people in your social circle. They will help you with your studies, give you good advice on homework, disperse the stress of a full workload.
    • And in addition, communicating with those who are smarter than you will make you smarter. And who doesn't want that?
  11. 11 Don't be too cool to be smart. Seriously. You will regret this for the rest of your life. You might be cool in high school, but what happens when it's time to go to college and you can't even spell your name correctly on the screening test? And while your social life is important, do not forget that study is also important - maybe even more, because it will set the tone for your future life.
    • Don't hide your mind just because you think you will be loved more if you are ignorant. This is no longer the case.

Method 4 of 4: Spending Time After School

  1. 1 Enroll in a circle or two. Find what really excites you and join a circle that will help you learn the things that interest you. There is a large selection of hobby groups such as school newspaper, yearbook, poetry, French and Spanish, skiing and so on. It is better to choose one or two circles that you can really focus on and devote your time to than five or six that you can put on your resume. The circles will help you not only broaden your horizons, but also meet some very good friends.
    • You can start with five or six circles in order to figure out which ones you like best, and then quit others.
    • Most high schools have a home club and volunteer clubs, you should find out.
    • Consider the fact that all the clubs are organized differently.For example, a yearbook will take you much longer than other circles that meet once or twice a month. So don't get overwhelmed.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. If you are not a sports person at all, then don't worry about it. But if you have already been involved in some sports or would like to try, sign up for the section. You will not only make friends with new guys, but you will be healthy and easier to cope with daily activities. Research shows that athletic guys get higher grades than unsportsmanlike ones.
    • Just remember that sport requires a much more responsible attitude than most clubs. If you go in for sports, and especially if you have three seasonal sports all year round (one per season), do not take on more than you can carry, enrolling in five clubs at once.
  3. 3 Don't be rude to your parents. You may not be best friends with your mom and dad, but you should treat them like friends, not enemies. After all, they feed you, take you to school, maybe give you pocket money when you need to go to the mall with your comrades. Behave so that you do not look back and do not regret that you were rude to your parents just because you were in a bad mood or your passion refused to you.
    • Having your parents on your side will make your school experience feel much better than if you turn your parents against you.
  4. 4 Don't have sex if you are not ready for it yet. Despite the fact that most of the high school students have never kissed, the fact remains that some students have already lost their virginity. In fact, you shouldn't have sex until you are really ready for it and attached to the person you truly love, with the person you met by chance after drinking too much. In other words, do not have sex until you feel ready for it and that you are comfortable with this person if you are drunk or if someone is pressuring you.
    • If you are dating a guy who is trying to induce intimacy with you, this is not the person you want.


  • Your skin should be clean and smell good. If you stink, no one wants to be with you.
  • Avoid dramatic situations. Don't give in to pressure. Don't start anything on your own, but don't back down in an argument either. Only intervene if the problem concerns your friend.
  • From the moment you choose your travel itinerary from office to office in the first week of school, pay attention to where you are going, and you will learn how to get to the schedule faster and how to make the travel route smoother.
  • Get organized. Use a binder and folder for each main item (if you like). It helps a lot of people.
  • Be glad that you are you.
  • Review each teacher's policy regarding gum, water, and food in their office. It can be a lifesaver for you if you find out that your teacher doesn't mind someone drinking water in class after physical education.
  • Take a break from your studies. Divide your homework in half, play your iPod for a few minutes, and then get back to school. This will help you be more focused and less stressed.
  • Don't forget your diary! It's usually small and lightweight - why not take it with you? This will save you many headaches in the future.
  • Enjoy! The first year of high school can be a lot of fun if you choose to make it one.
  • It's easier to earn people's respect if you show that you don't care what they think of you, if you know who you are, then no one can impose their opinion on you.
  • Use your locker. Not only will you not look like a hunchback, carrying all your books everywhere behind your back, but you will also feel quite comfortable. Decide what time of day you would like to go to your locker.
  • Don't carry too many books with you. Carry a binder with all the items and school supplies - that's enough.
  • Relax! Don't worry too much about a piled dough or homework forgotten in the printer at home.
  • You've heard this a million times already, but really try it. Be yourself! Know that people love you for who you really are, not for who you are trying to appear.
  • Allow yourself to be happy. Do what you like for twenty minutes every day. And homework will not seem so daunting to you.


  • Don't be late for your lessons! This is a favorite annoyance among teachers. Usually, a certain number of late arrivals equate to a pass.
  • Always keep your locker closed. High school theft is not uncommon.
  • Don't turn your locker into a rat hole. If your locker is a mess, it’s impossible to find the item you need quickly. And because of this, it will be difficult for you to get to the lesson on time.
  • From the moment you meet new people, remember one thing: never trade people. You are unique in your way! And if other "friends" exchange you, they will never become true friends for you.
  • Choose your friends wisely. They will have a significant impact on how you do in high school.
  • We all send messages sometimes during the lesson. But do it so that the teacher's eagle eye does not notice it. Some teachers may just make a comment, some will pick up the phone for a while, and some will confiscate it for the rest of the day! Don't let this happen!
  • Don't try to pretend you are not. Posers are never respected. In addition to the fact that most likely you will end up in a situation where they see your real face and you have to explain why you were lying, you can still lose a friend. So don't do it. You can hurt not only the feelings of others, but yourself too.
  • If you become a target for a bully, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and / or report it to the director. If you just hide, the bully won't stop and make your first year of high school miserable.
  • If you are afraid that your belongings will be stolen (expensive phones, MP3 players, etc.), do not bring them to school! This is the best way to prevent them from being stolen or confiscated by the teacher.