How to pretend to be injured so you don't do anything

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
No Doubt - Don’t Speak (Official 4K Music Video)
Video: No Doubt - Don’t Speak (Official 4K Music Video)


Ever wanted to be able to just sit out at the gym for a while if you feel unwell or don't want to run that day? Well, here's how to avoid doing this kind of task!


  1. 1 Fall on purpose in a crowded place (schoolyard, cafeteria, etc.)making it seem like a coincidence.
  2. 2 Make sure a lot of people saw you fall to have witnesses.
  3. 3 Pretend that your leg / arm / shoulder is in great pain and that your parents will take you to the doctor in the morning or something similar.
  4. 4 Get your crutches if you can. If you are asked what you need crutches for, just lie that you need them for a school project (example: you are playing a play in class).
  5. 5 Come to school on crutches and tell everyone how you got hurt.
  6. 6 It will also look good if you have bruises so that when people ask you what happened, you can tell them and show the bruises.

Method 1 of 4: Injured Ankle Method

  1. 1 Get out an elastic band so your mom doesn't know about it. Don't buy an expensive dressing, just get something cheaper at your local pharmacy.
  2. 2 Buy a pair of ballerinas or flip flops to wear on the day you want to pretend to be "hurt." It will look very strange if you wear sneakers with an elastic band on the leg.
  3. 3 Wrap the bandage around your ankle several times, then wrap it around your foot (the part between your toes and heel). Wrap until the bandage is too short to continue. Tuck the bandage at the top, pin or step on it to secure it in place.
  4. 4 Come up with a good story and make sure it looks realistic. For example, "I was cycling and hit a trash can," not "I was hit by a bus."

Method 2 of 4: Injured Hand Method

  1. 1 Find an elastic band, wrap it around your forearm and slowly wind it up to your wrist.
  2. 2 Wrap your fingers around and return back to your wrist.
  3. 3 Secure the bandage as above.

Method 3 of 4: Injured Shoulder Method

  1. 1 Take an elastic band and wrap it around your chest several times. Girls, you can wear a bra while doing this, unless you are actually hurt.
  2. 2 Move to your shoulder and continue winding the bandage until you go over your shoulder to your neck.
  3. 3 Secure the bandage as above.

Method 4 of 4: Head Injury Method

  1. 1 Take out an ice pack and put it in the locker beforehand.
  2. 2 In the lesson before the one you want to skip, pretend you fell and hit your head on the table / floor / cabinet / wall and grimace in pain. Pretend you are crying if it’s not humiliating to you.
  3. 3 When you go to your locker, take out an ice pack and place it on your head.
  4. 4 When you come to a lesson you don't want to do, pretend realistically that you are in great pain. If the teacher asks you what happened, tell him / her that you fell and bumped your head.Ask if you can skip the assignment because it really hurts.
  5. 5 Speak softly and in a whisper, flinch at loud noises and, most importantly, look like you are in pain.


  • Here are some tips to help you avoid getting caught:
    • Place a rock in your shoes so you don't have to control the limp. Make sure the stone does not have any sharp, sharp edges that could really hurt you.
    • Make sure you plan / think everything in advance. Be sure to come up with a good plan so everyone will believe you.
    • If you tell someone that you are pretending, make sure that person does not tell others, because others should not find out.
    • Make sure you know where the cameras are so that when you remove your crutches, thinking that no one is seeing you, no one will notice you and your homeroom teacher will not know about it.
    • If you told one of your friends that you were hurt, and he accidentally saw you without crutches in the store, explain to him that the doctor advised you to practice walking with your "injured ankle".


  • Don't do this often. People will become suspicious.
  • Be sure to plan ahead, otherwise someone might figure out your plan.
  • Make sure your parents don't have to pick you up early, because if people see you can actually walk, they'll know you were just pretending and you're in big trouble.
  • Make sure the person you told about your plan is someone you can trust 100%, otherwise they can easily betray you in an instant.

What do you need

  • A lot of courage to be able to pretend in front of a lot of people.
  • Witness.
  • Ankle or knee bandage.
  • Crutches.
  • Alibi.