Make beet juice

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Beetroot Juice
Video: How To Make Beetroot Juice


Fresh beet juice is delicious! On the plus side, it may also improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure and give you glowing skin. All you need to prepare fresh beet juice yourself is a juicer or a blender. You can even add other fruits and herbs to make it sweeter. However you like your juice, drink it and enjoy!


Simple beet juice

For 1 person

  • 4 small beets (less than 7 cm in diameter) or 2 large beets
  • Water (optional)

Sweet and spicy beet juice

For 1 person

  • 1 large beet (greater than 7 cm in diameter)
  • 1 large apple (bigger than a tennis ball)
  • Fresh ginger (2-3 cm)
  • 3 whole carrots
  • 60 ml unsweetened apple juice (optional)

Tropical beet juice

For 1 person

  • 1 small beet (less than 7 cm in diameter)
  • Half of a small cucumber
  • ¼ pineapple
  • 60 ml pineapple juice (or coconut water)

To step

Method 1 of 4: Prepare the beets

  1. Use a sharp, serrated, or chef's knife to cut the ends off the beets. Trim the green from the top of the beet and cut to about half an inch from the root end of the beet. Save the greens and stems for other purposes (such as stews or stir-fries), if you wish.
    • Theoretically, you can juice the green at the top along with the rest of the beet, but it's more common to leave it out. If you choose to bring the greenery with you, rinse it under the cold tap and cut it into 5 cm or smaller pieces. Make juice together with the prepared beets.
  2. Rinse the beets under the cold tap. Rinsing the beets is necessary to remove dirt, dust and germs. Use a vegetable brush to scrub off any dirt you can't get rid of with your fingers.
    • The skin of beets contains many nutrients, so if it is relatively thin, you can clean the skin and process it into juice.
    • On the other hand, if the skin seems particularly tough or dirty, you can peel the beetroot with a vegetable peeler or paring knife before moving on to the next step.
  3. Use a sharp knife to quarter the beets. First, cut each beet in half, then cut each piece in half so that you have four pieces in total. You can cut it even finer if you have a small or not very powerful juicer.
    • If the pieces are too big for the appliance, the motor can burn out.

Method 2 of 4: Using a juicer

  1. Prepare the jug and container of the juicer. Place the jug under the spout of the juicer and attach the pulp container under the juicer (if applicable). Consult the manual of your juicer to see exactly how to set it.
    • If you have a model without a jug supplied, place a clean bowl or large glass under the spout.
    • If your juicer doesn't have a filter, place a strainer over the top of the canister or jug.
    • If your model has a push stop to push fruit or vegetables through the tube, wash it off with soapy water first.
  2. Run the pieces through the juicer. Place a piece of beetroot in the gutter. Use the machine's push-off stopper to gently push the beets into the machine. Do not add more pieces until you see juice coming out through the spout and pulp from the pulp outlet so that the juicer does not get stuck.
    • Beets are very hard, so it may take a while for the motor to process them. Do not push the pieces through too fast or with too much pressure, otherwise the motor may burn out.
  3. Pour the collected beet juice into a glass. Enjoy the juice at room temperature or chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes if you prefer. Beet juice can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days.
    • For the freshest taste, drink the juice the same day you make it.

Method 3 of 4: Make beet juice in a blender

  1. Put 60 ml of water and four prepared beets in a mixer. Put the quartered beets with water in a powerful blender. Depending on the size and power of your appliance, you may need to cut the beets into smaller pieces.
    • Since beets are hard, most blenders will struggle to handle them dry. Adding a splash of water will make it easier for the knives to cut through the beets at the start of the process.
  2. Puree the beets with the water on high speed. Puree the beets with the water on high speed, until you no longer see large chunks of beets. There will still be a lot of pulp, but try not to leave pieces larger than a pencil eraser.
    • If you want to toss in spices, such as fresh mint, do so towards the end of mixing.
    • Stir the mixture with a fork to make sure most of the larger chunks have broken down. If not, mash the beets for another 30 seconds and check again.
  3. Cut two 60 cm long pieces of cheesecloth and place in a bowl. Stack the two pieces of cheesecloth on top of each other, then fold them in half to make four layers. Place these layers of cheesecloth along the inside of a large bowl.
    • If you don't have cheesecloth, you can also place a fine mesh strainer on top of a large bowl.
    • Beet juice can stain your skin for a day or two, so put on some kitchen gloves if you don't want to have pink hands!
  4. Pour the contents of the blender into the cheesecloth. Gently pour the mixture into the center of the cheesecloth. Do this slowly to make sure that all of the pulp stays roughly in the middle. Place a strainer on the bowl to hold the cheesecloth in place, if necessary.
    • Use a spoon to scrape all the pulp from the blender - don't do this with your fingers!
  5. Squeeze the juice from the cheesecloth. Place the edges of the cloth over the pulp, close the opening, and squeeze the bundle to squeeze the juice through the cloth and into the bowl.
    • If you are using a fine mesh strainer, press down on the pulp with a rubber spatula to squeeze out as much juice as possible.
  6. Enjoy the beet juice immediately or refrigerate it. Discard the pulp and pour the beet juice into a glass. Enjoy it immediately or drink the juice after it has been chilled in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    • You can keep beet juice in an airtight container or bottle in the refrigerator for up to two days, but fresh is better.

Method 4 of 4: Create interesting flavors

  1. Make a sweet and spicy juice by adding ginger, apple and carrots. Ginger has a slightly spicy flavor, so use this according to your own taste - there is a lot of flavor in a 2-3 cm piece! Stir in a few fresh basil leaves for a round, earth-sweet flavor.
    • Peel, core and quarter the apple before running it through the juicer.
    • Peel the carrots with a vegetable peeler, wash them and chop them into 5 cm pieces before pressing them.
  2. Add pineapple and cucumber for juice with a tropical flavor. Put half a cucumber, 250 grams of pineapple cubes and the beet cubes in your juicer, before mixing 60 ml of pineapple juice with the juice. You can drink the juice right away or chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
    • Stir in a few fresh mint leaves for a crisp, refreshing taste.
    • You can also replace the 60ml pineapple juice with coconut water if you prefer a coconut flavor (and less sugar).
  3. Create healthy pink lemonade by adding white grape juice and lemon. Add fresh 120ml of squeezed lemon juice, 500ml of pure white grape juice and 700ml of water for each beet to make a sweet, refreshing summer drink.
    • Drink it with frozen berries at the bottom of the glass for a sweeter finish.
  4. Add beet juice to your superfood smoothies. Make an antioxidant-rich smoothie with half an avocado, 180 grams of frozen blueberries, 250 grams of spinach and 120 ml of milk in a mixer. Add 120 ml of fresh beet juice at the end of the mixing.
    • Mix in a tablespoon of chia seeds for a healthy dose of omega 3 fatty acids.
  5. Make a refreshing summer drink with watermelon, lemon and beetroot. Watermelon and lemon are the perfect accompaniment to beet juice to make it a bit sweet and sour.First, squeeze two medium beets, add 700 to 900 grams of seedless watermelon pieces and squeeze in the juice of half of a lemon if you want to drink it.
    • You can enjoy this juice chilled, so chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes or add a few scoops of ice.
    • Make it a perfect poolside cocktail by adding 45ml tequila (blank) or vodka.
  6. Mix beet juice, ginger beer and tequila for a spicy cocktail. Take 30 ml beet juice, 90 ml ginger beer, the juice of half a lime and 45 ml tequila blanco. After the juice of the beet, simply add all the ingredients to a shaker with 250 grams of ice and shake.
    • Place a slice of lime on the rim of the serving glass for a festive touch.
    • For a sweeter, richer flavor, use mescal in place of tequila.


  • If you plan to leave the skin on, use organic beets.
  • Wash freshly picked (extra muddy) vegetables with one part water and one part vinegar to remove dirt and bacteria.
  • If you use carrots in your recipe, keep the greens in the fridge. You can use this in stews, sauces (such as pesto, chimichurri) and salads.


  • Don't use your fingers to push the solid chunks into the juicer. Use the push stopper that came with your juicer or the handle on kitchen utensils.
  • If your blender gets stuck, don't try to free the blade with your fingers. Unplug the appliance and use the handle of a butter knife to turn or clean the blade.


Prepare beets

  • Sharp serrated or chef's knife
  • Cutting board
  • Vegetable brush (optional but recommended)
  • Vegetable peeler or paring knife (optional)

Using a juicer

  • Juicer
  • Drinking glass
  • Airtight container or bottle (for storage)

Using a blender

  • Blender (you can also use a food processor)
  • Big bowl
  • Cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve
  • Wooden or rubber spatula (if using a sieve)
  • Food-safe rubber or plastic gloves (optional)
  • Drinking glass
  • Airtight container or bottle (for storage)