How to get rid of hives on your face

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 TIPS TO GET RID OF HIVES | Dermatologist @Dr Dray
Video: 10 TIPS TO GET RID OF HIVES | Dermatologist @Dr Dray


Hives, or urticaria, is a type of skin rash that results from an allergic reaction. They are raised, reddish itchy bumps on the skin that, when pressed, turn white. Hives is an allergic reaction to an allergen in the environment. Hives can appear anywhere on the body, including the face, and the treatment is the same no matter where they appear.

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Method 1 of 3: Relieve facial hives with home remedies

  1. Use a cold compress. Cool water can help reduce swelling and irritation from hives. Take a clean cotton towel and soak it in cool water. Squeeze out any excess water and place the cloth on the affected areas.
    • You can use a cold compress for as long as needed. Re-soak the towel in cold water every five to 10 minutes to keep the area cool and calm.
    • Do not use very cold water as this can make hives worse for some people.
    • Warm or hot compresses can temporarily relieve the itching, but will make the hives worse and should be avoided.
  2. Soothe hives with oatmeal. An oatmeal bath is a common method of soothing itching caused by hives, chicken pox, and sunburn. It is a folk remedy for itching and irritation. Oatmeal baths are usually best for hives that are spread over a large area of ​​the body, but you can make a smaller amount in a large bowl and then hold your breath and dip your face in it, or by soaking a towel in the water and over your face. You can also try an oatmeal mask. Use uncooked colloidal oatmeal, which is specifically designed for the bath.
    • Put a cup of rolled oats in a clean knee-high nylon stocking. Tie these around the water tap so that the water runs through the oats when it enters the tub or a bowl to make an oatmeal bath. Putting the oatmeal in a nylon will make cleaning easier and won't clog the drain. If you are using colloidal oatmeal, you can simply sprinkle it in the water. Use cool water, as warm, hot, or cold water can make hives worse. Soak a towel in the oatmeal bath and apply it to your face. Repeat this as often as necessary.
    • To make an oatmeal mask, mix a tablespoon of colloidal oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of yogurt. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse the mask off with cool water.
  3. Use pineapple. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. Bromelain can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Try putting pieces of fresh pineapple directly on top of the hives.
    • Know that this is not a scientifically proven treatment and that you should not apply or ingest pineapple if you are allergic to it.
  4. Make a paste. Baking soda and tartar can be used to make pastas to relieve hives. Both substances have astringent properties. They help reduce the reaction, swelling and itching.
    • Mix a tablespoon of tartar or baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Divide the pasta over the hives.
    • After five to ten minutes, rinse with cool water.
    • Use this as often as needed.
  5. Make nettle tea. Nettle has traditionally been used in the treatment of hives. The scientific name of nettles is Urtica dioica and the term urticaria is derived from that name. Make a cup of nettle tea by adding a teaspoon of dried herb to a cup of water. Let it cool down. Soak a cotton towel in the nettle tea. Wring the excess tea from the cloth and place the damp towel over the hives.
    • This remedy is not verified by scientific research - any evidence that it can calm hives is anecdotal or based on personal experience.
    • Use this as often as needed. Make new tea every 24 hours.
    • Keep unused nettle tea sealed in the refrigerator.
    • Nettle tea is safe for most people, but avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and do not give it to children. If you have diabetes or low blood pressure, or if you are on medication, talk to your doctor first.

Method 2 of 3: Treat facial hives medically

  1. Treat the hives with drugs. For a case of hives that is mild to moderate, antihistamines are often used. Antihistamines help block histamine, which leads to the hives. These can be over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines, including:
    • Non-narcotic antihistamines such as Loratadine (Claritin, Claritin D, Alavert), Fexofenadine (Allegra, Allegra D), Cetirizine (Zyrtec, Zyrtec-D), and Clemastine (Tavist)
    • Narcotic antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Brompheniramine (Dimetane), and Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)
    • Over-the-counter corticosteroids in nasal sprays, such as Triamcinolone acetonide (Nasacort)
    • Prescription corticosteroids, such as Prednisone, Prednisolone, Cortisol, and Methylprednisolone
    • Mast cell stabilizers, such as Cromolyn sodium (Nasalcrom)
    • Leukotriene Inhibitors, such as Montelukast (Singulair)
    • External immune modulating agents, such as Tacrolimus (Protopic) and Pimecrolimus (Elidel)
  2. Rub lotion on the hives. You can rub a soothing lotion over the hives on your face. Calamine lotion can be applied on the hives to relieve the itching as often as needed. Rinse off the calamine lotion with cool water.
    • You can also use a cotton cloth or cotton ball soaked in Pepto Bismol or milk of magnesia as a kind of lotion. Dab this on the hives. Leave it on for five to ten minutes and rinse with cool water.
  3. Use a EpiPen in severe reactions. In rare cases, hives can cause swelling in the throat and cause an emergency that requires epinephrine. An EpiPen can be used for people who are severely allergic and need epinephrine to prevent anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that can occur with or without the appearance of hives. The symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include:
    • Skin rashes that may include hives. There may be itching and red or pale skin.
    • A feeling of warmth
    • The sensation or feeling of a lump in the throat
    • Wheezing or other breathing difficulties
    • A swollen tongue or throat
    • A fast pulse and heart rate
    • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
    • Dizziness or fainting
  4. See your doctor. If you are not sure what is causing your hives, or if home remedies fail to relieve it, you should see your doctor. You may need to consult an allergy specialist to find out the specific allergens that are causing your hives. Your doctor may be able to prescribe stronger medicines to treat your hives.
    • Angioedema is a deeper form of swelling in the skin that often occurs around the face. It is a deeper swelling than hives and occurs all over the body, but when it appears on the face it often occurs around the eyes and lips. Angioedema can be very dangerous as it can also cause swelling around the throat. If you are experiencing any form of hives around the face and also feel a tightening of your throat, changes in your voice, or any difficulty swallowing or breathing, this could be a medical emergency. You must then immediately seek medical help by calling 112 or your doctor.
    • If you think you have angioedema, seek immediate medical attention.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent hives

  1. Recognize the symptoms of hives. The symptoms and appearance of hives can be very short-lived and last only a few minutes. But it can also be long-term, with symptoms and appearance lasting for months and years. Hives are usually round, but can appear to merge into what appear to be large, irregularly shaped welts.
    • Hives can be very itchy. It can also cause a burning sensation.
    • Hives can make your skin very red and hot.
  2. Know what causes hives. Anyone can get hives. During an allergic reaction, certain skin cells containing histamine and other chemical messengers are stimulated to release the histamine and other cytokines, which then cause the swelling and itching. Hives are usually caused by:
    • Excessive sun exposure. Sunscreen doesn't seem to protect the face from it, and some sunscreens can even cause hives.
    • Soap, shampoo, conditioner and other personal care products.
    • Allergy to medication. Common medications that can cause hives on the face include antibiotics, especially sulfa medications and penicillin, aspirin and ACE inhibitors used to control blood pressure medications.
    • Overexposure to cold, heat, or water
    • Food allergies, such as those to shellfish, eggs, nuts, milk, berries and fish
    • Certain clothing fabrics
    • Insect stings and bites
    • Pollen or hay fever
    • Exercise
    • Infections
    • Treatment for diseases such as lupus and leukemia
  3. Avoid known triggers. You can try to prevent hives by staying away from the source of the allergic reaction, if you know what it is. These could be things like poison ivy or oak, an insect bite, woolen clothing, or a cat or dog. Avoid them as much as possible.
    • For example, if you react to pollen, make sure you are not outside in the morning and evening when the pollen level is highest. If you are allergic to the sun, wear a hat or something else to protect yourself.
    • As much as possible, avoid known irritants such as bug sprays, tobacco and wood smoke, as well as fresh tar or paint.