How to pretend you feel bad and skip school

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fake Sick to Skip School
Video: How to Fake Sick to Skip School


Have you ever wanted to pretend for a day or two that you feel bad just to get some rest? No problem! Here you can find out such effective methods; just try not to use them too much until you learn how to use these methods without any unnecessary consequences, effort, or disclosure of your pretense.


  1. 1 Tell your parents a day or two before the day you are going to skip school that you are not feeling well.
    • For example, if you want them to believe that you have a sore throat, whine from time to time that you have a sore throat. Don't be afraid to go into details. However, do not over-remind them of your illness, or they will become suspicious of you.
    • For a sudden digestive upset, do not eat as much as you usually eat, but steal food for later, etc. If you really want to convince them that you are sick when they look at you, rub your eyes, then curl up. Complain that you cannot sleep in the evening or at the end of the day.
  2. 2 On the appointed night, set your alarm for 2 a.m. Make sure he can't wake up your parents when he beeps.
    • Turn on a lamp and shine it on your forehead close to your skin for about a minute or two.
    • Then, calmly soak a cloth in hot water and place it on your face / forehead until it cools.
    • Now, wake up mom or dad and tell them in a plaintive voice that you are not feeling well. Speak slowly so that everything looks believable, by the way. Ask them if there is any medication in the house that you can take. If they find something for you, pretend to take the medicine.If they insist that you drink the medicine with them, just hold the pill between your teeth and try not to wet it with saliva, so that you can spit it out in the trash can later and do not dissolve it in your mouth.
  3. 3 Since they didn't accuse you of pretending last night, wake up late in the morning. If one of your parents comes to wake you up, sit down and tell them that you are feeling very bad again. Show fatigue, pity, and sadness.
    • If they do not come to you, slowly go downstairs or wander to where they are. After going out to them, rub your face and forehead and lie down where possible. Moan miserably or say that you feel bad. Focus on an infection that you do not want to spread in your school (laryngitis, fatigue, nausea, or stomach complaints associated with an infection that may not be related to a fever, but which will make teachers and students want you to stay at home) where you cannot infect anyone).
    • If they tell you to go to bed, protest. Tell them you have testing or something else that you don't want to miss. If they either accuse you of pretending or tell you that you can no longer skip school, wait a bit before faking other symptoms so that they don’t feel you are fooling them. Ask them to repeat what they said and act confused - then emphasize that you feel bad and lie down somewhere curled up.
    • Toss and turn and whine / whine calmly. It's a pathetic sight, but it works.
    • If they tell you to go back to bed, but add that they will take you to the doctor, agree, take a deep breath, and go back to bed. Never smile. If feelings of joy come over you, think of something very sad so that you can contain yourself.
  4. 4 If they take you to see a doctor, take a deep breath and rub your face frequently. Always whine. To be honest, there are no definite tips for a doctor's appointment. Just be careful not to smile, laugh, or chat as much as you usually do.


  • Headaches and abdominal pain are the best that can be faked, since no one can prove that you are pretending.
  • Avoid visiting your doctor whenever possible.
  • Do not intentionally induce vomiting. Otherwise, you will have to go to the doctor or take medication.
  • If you do this a lot, you may fail or your ideas may be bad. If your parents are away for the day, play video games and have fun!
  • 1 hour at the doctor's won't kill you. Especially if you need to skip a couple of days outside of school.
  • A cold will work because others are afraid to catch it, even if they can't prove you have it. Cold tests aren't perfect, and don't be afraid of a doctor.
  • Always whimper, cry softly, lie down where possible, rub your face and complain of symptoms.
  • Nausea is fine too, but harder to fake.
  • Fatigue and lethargy, as well as lack of mood, are very important to your success.
  • You do not need to specify exactly what you are sick with. Play the symptom guessing game to make it harder to prove, for example, that your dog is sick, sad, and lacking in attention.


  • Never say that you pretended to be sick.