How to Write the Groomsmen's Speech

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Give an Awesome Best Man Speech With Ideas For A Funny & Emotional Wedding Toast
Video: How to Give an Awesome Best Man Speech With Ideas For A Funny & Emotional Wedding Toast


Even the most talented public speaker may feel anxious about being assigned to be the best man and express feelings at a wedding. Being your best man is one of the greatest honors you will receive at a wedding, and people want you to speak to honor that honor, to make everyone at the wedding laugh and cry, and to show off. pay tribute to this special couple on the most important day of their life. The thing to do when acting as the groomsman speaking at the wedding is to thank everyone who attended the wedding, talk about the relationship with the groom, and make everyone laugh but avoid making comments that tend to be prodigious. me. If you want to know how to write touching and memorable speech, start with Step 1.


Part 1 of 2: Writing Special Speech

  1. Be yourself and don't worry that giving a formal speech won't reflect you. Although there are some rules to stick to, the most important thing is to show a relationship with the groom - even if it is a PG relationship (if you want to hear your parents' supervision. brother). You don't want to feel too pompous or become someone who isn't yourself. In the end, the most important thing is to speak out about your feelings and be yourself.
    • Most of the groomsmen's speeches, for example, have a hint of reckless humor and stir the crowd. But if that doesn't work for you and the jokes seem too forced, you don't have to.
    • On the other hand, if you're known to be funny and like to joke around, you don't have to force yourself to have too many emotions. Just a few words of genuine affection can convey the message without making you feel fake.
    • If public speaking is not your gift, don't worry too much. You can even joke about how you like to talk in public, or about how the groom punishes you / retaliated against you when you force him to push your cart uphill.

  2. Keep it short. You don't want to just say "Congratulations" or a joke, but you also don't want to have to say long, long words; today is not your day. Your speech should be long enough to say what you want to say and not longer than that. From experience, try to talk for about 2-4 minutes; Most people are not patient enough to listen for more than 5 minutes. The bride and groom can suggest a speech length, so don't be afraid to ask them.
    • While your speech needs to be well prepared in advance, watch the crowd; If they seem impatient or want to eat and dance, you can cut out the segments you don't really need.
    • Although normally the bridesmaids and groomsmen will be the key wedding speakers, there may be other speeches available. The bride's parents sometimes give speeches, maybe two bridesmaids give two speeches. Even the drunk neighbor wanted to say a few words. If you plan to have some wedding speeches, pay special attention to writing short speeches because people don't want to spend the night listening to others.

  3. Write and practice speaking first. The earlier you write, the more time you will have to practice speaking and perfecting your speech, which will give you confidence in speaking in public. Don't think that you can just drink a little courage and say whatever comes to mind about the bridegroom's bridegroom. Actually, it's the worst idea because you may end up with words that you will deeply regret or completely lose control of your thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to prepare in advance for your speech to flow smoothly.
    • Don't feel ashamed of holding the speech paper when you speak during that crucial moment. Even if you don't use the speech paper, taking it with you can help you feel more confident and avoid making mistakes.
  4. Find inspiration. If you're really struggling with speech, then there's nothing to be afraid of going to YouTube and watching the thousands of best man speeches everyone has filmed and posted. You may come up with ideas that you wouldn't come up with if you sat down to write. You can also search for articles online, or even ask friends, family members who have speaking experience if they can give you a copy of their speech or advice. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Presentation of the Speech

  1. Don't drink too much to get the job done well. Although each wedding is different, it is often the case that the groomsmen read the speech during dinner, when the guests are calm and able to turn their attention to the speaker. This means the time it takes from the moment you speak to the end of the wedding can be a few hours. Maybe there's a cocktail party or some time the wedding goes on before you are invited to speak. This way, you will have to restrain yourself from drinking too much, or you may get confused. Once you've finished giving your speech, you can give yourself more comfort if you want!
    • Remember that people often film the groomsmen's speech. You won't want to look messy on camera leaving a bad impression forever.
  2. Ask the crowd to direct their attention to you. You might face a noisy crowd and have to tap a spoon a few times to get their attention, or have to wait for everyone to settle down before starting your speech. Since the first thing is to introduce yourself, it's important for people to listen to know who you are and what kind of relationship you have with the groom. Say something as simple as: "Ladies and gentlemen, please take a moment for me."
    • Depending on the wedding program, someone may introduce you and you don't have to do that job. But prepare in advance in case you have to introduce yourself and realize that your audience is not necessarily listening to you.
  3. Introduce yourself. The first thing you should do is tell your audience who you are. Although many will know you are the best man at the time, after the wedding, it is still necessary to introduce who you are and how you know the groom and the bride. Maybe not everyone at the wedding knows you, so you need to introduce yourself, how you meet the bride and groom, and how long have they been. Even if you don't memorize the speech, try to remember the first words so that you can start sincerely. Here are some simple ways to introduce yourself:
    • "For those who do not know me, I would like to introduce me as Tuan, the groom's brother."
    • "I'm Nam, the groom's best friend. We have been studying together since 7th grade, and I knew the bride when they had just gotten to know each other for two days."
    • "I'm Minh, the groom's best friend. I know the groom and the bride since college. We live together in the dorm."
  4. Show gratitude. Traditionally, it's often the bride's parents who are thanked for providing the wedding party, but express it subtly. Don't thank them for "paid" for the wedding, but say thanks to them for having this wedding. You could say a few things, like the wedding was great, the venue was perfect and how people were having a good time. This is a way to thank for what the bride's family did for the wedding without being too revealing. Remember that in today's culture, it is common for the family of the bride and groom to share the cost of the wedding together, so don't lie to whoever made the wedding happen.
    • Thank you everyone for giving you the opportunity to speak is also a good idea. You should also thank the girl's house party.
    • Also, you can thank the bridesmaids. Compliment them for being the bride's good friends and for looking great at their friend's wedding. You can make a little joke about it as long as it's not so gross. You can compliment the bridesmaids' dresses, their enormous help at the wedding, and anything you can say quickly and meaningfully.
  5. A little joke about the groom's wedding expenses. A funny groomsmen often share the groom's jokes, letting everyone know a little bit of the groom's privacy. If you want to make a pleasant but courteous quote, take Oscar Wilde's quote that "Marriage is a victory of imagination over intellect." You shouldn't be offensive, but you can make jokes about how shy / polite / perfect the groom is. If it is a trait that is easily recognized by the groom, it is best to avoid making people feel like it is only you and the groom knows.
    • Remember that half of the wedding guests don't know the rest. Make your speech humorous and touching even though people may not know the groom or have to hear too much information about a person they don't. Of course, if it's a narrow wedding where everyone knows each other, you can tell more detailed stories if you want.
    • If you are the groom's brother, you can joke about how he teased you mercilessly when you were younger, or how you teased him. You could also joke that those teases haven't changed much so far.
    • Remember to keep an emotional balance. You should have touching and sweet comments about the groom as much as jokes.
  6. Tell a touching story about the groom. The main part of the speech should be a short story about the groom, maybe about the bride as well. While the purpose of the story is to make your speech more touching, avoid delving into unpleasant details from the past. The story should tell about how the couple are meant to each other, why the groom's personality is perfect for the bride. Here are a few ways to do that:
    • Tells Jokes. This will not affect the solemn atmosphere of the ceremony, but only help people love the bride and groom. A good way to get everyone's attention is to start the story with "I'm going to reveal to everyone a groom's secret" or "the groom begged me not to tell this story but I simply have to tell it to me." everyone knows. "
    • Another way is to tell a touching story. A story especially suitable for this occasion is to describe how the bride and groom have met or a sweet memory that has helped their feelings grow stronger. As the groom's best friend, this is the right time to describe the scene where the groom kneels to propose to the bride.
    • If you cannot think of something appropriate to tell or do not know the bride well enough to say something about her, make a general comment about love and marriage, or about the groom's feelings towards the bride. Even if you don't spend a lot of time talking about the bride, you can also comment on the bride's first mention of the bride, or his claims about the first date.
  7. Avoid talking about sensitive topics. Although you may find it funny to joke about the groom's annoying ex-girlfriend or talk about the groom being locked up for a day for drunkenness, the groom, his bride, and their families. definitely wouldn't think it was funny. Your joke should be harmless, light, and a bit edgy if you're sure everyone, including the bride and groom, really likes it.
    • While you want to choose funny stories to tell, you have to make sure that they are right for everyone; Reluctantly new to mention memories of shame or stinginess.
    • If you mention that the couple had been falling apart after 3 weeks or talked about the groom's exciting life before being "chained" then his wife will never forgive you. You certainly don't want to put your relationship into question or sever your relationship with the groom just because of such thoughtless words during your speech.
    • Don't talk about how you didn't like the bride very much at first and then get used to it later.
    • And finally, don't thought it would be funny to disparage the wedding venue or food. Someone has to pay hard earned money for things you consider decorations like flashy Christmas lights or chewy chicken.
  8. Let's talk a lot about the groom's virtues. For example, praise the groom's fidelity and compassion, that you know how much the bride loves the bride and that he will be a great husband. In other words, you might think you're acting as the person selling the groom to the bride's family, who know him less than you do. Tell them how much he means to you, how he has helped you over the years, or that you wouldn't be able to get through the tough days without him.
    • You can tell about what the groom helped you with.Let's say for example: “I will never forget the day when Manh helped me travel across the country in pursuit of my dream. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him. "
    • It is okay to feel a little confused about telling such things. Remember this is your best friend's day, and no one will want to go foolish laughing at you.
  9. Don't forget to spend winged words on the bride. You don't have to say that you don't know why your great friend married her. In fact, all you need to do is say that the groom has become stronger / happier / quieter / more relaxed since he met the bride. You could say things like: "Since the day Quang met Mai, he doesn't seem to take matters seriously anymore ..."
    • If you don't know much about the bride then that's okay. Instead of saying so bluntly, you can say: "Although I haven't had much time with Mai, it can be said that she is the person for Quang."
  10. Praise the bride and groom's relationship. This is a great way to prepare to end your speech, especially if you spend a lot of time teasing the groom. There are ways of showing it like how well they fit together, sharing work together, helping each other regain balance, how you see how passionate they really are.
    • Say something like: "Even when Mai and Quang stand at either end of the room, you can feel they are looking for each other. They don't have to be together all the time to have a lasting bond. tight and magical like that. "
    • You can also comment on how much you admire their relationship and are always looking for the same enduring love as them (if you're still single). If you are married, share your feelings about marriage and why the bride and groom are such a great couple.
    • You don't have to exaggerate that they are the perfect couple, for each other, a soulmate if you don't really feel that way. You can mention the tenacity of their relationship without being too forced.
  11. End your speech with a maxim. While you don't have to use proverbs, they can be a nice conclusion after talking about the bride and groom before asking everyone to toast to them. You can get inspiration from websites or use a famous quote about marriage, like: "Marriage is not about finding someone to live with, but finding someone you can't live without." You can attach that quote to the bride and groom if possible.
    • Don't force yourself to do it unless you find a really relevant quote. There is another adage you can use: "Marriage is not about looking at each other, but looking in the same direction."
  12. Raising glasses to congratulate the bride and groom. Wishing the bride and groom happy life forever is the most important part of the speech. End your presentation with a blessing and connect with people. Let's raise a glass of champagne with other guests to congratulate the happy couple. Please ask everyone to raise their glasses and give the best wishes to the bridegroom's bridegroom.
    • You can say something like: "Ladies and gentlemen, I respectfully suggest that we have a toast to Mai and Quang. I wish you both happiness, happiness and health."
    • You can also say, "I wish you Mai and Quang a lifetime of happiness."
    • If the bride takes the groom's last name, you can have a toast to "Mr. and Mrs. Thompson."


  • Regularly praise. A compliment can make people smile as much as a short joke.
  • Carry mints in your bag as you will be in contact with many people at the wedding.
  • Take a few notes with you in case you don't know what to say while you are celebrating the bride and groom. You do not want to keep five sheets of paper to read, but bulleting the main idea on the sticky note will help you not forget important content.
  • If possible, turn the speech into a mixture of sincerity and humor. The light-hearted humor is often used in speeches and the groomsmen's blessing is no exception. A subtle joke takes off tension when you start your speech, and a little humor is welcome after every touching story.
  • When it comes to particularly moving parts of your speech, take a look at the bride's mother.
  • A short poem (4-5 lines) about the bride and groom is always welcome.
  • If you want to try something a little different, consider sliding the appropriate images or using something meaningful to aid your speech.
  • Help the bride's family, who may not know the bridegroom, feel good about the groom becoming her guardian and starting a new life with the bride.


  • Don't try to create humor. If you don't like public speaking and are not confident in your prank skills then it is better to read speech instead of being a comedian for the night. Most of the jokes on the "Wedding Jokes" or the website are are not funny. Nobody will go crazy about you if it's bland, but people will be scared if you suddenly turn into Michael Scott (author of horror stories).
  • Unless you know your guests and their preferences, don't let the speech become vulgar. Don't tell dirty jokes, honeymoon hints, or stories about the groom's ex-girlfriend. They may not be suitable. Don't think this is in the dressing room. Even the groom and his friends found it funny, but the bride and her mother probably weren't.
  • Be alert before making your speech. Looks like a drunk will adversely affect people's impression of you and cause the groom to doubt his judgment of you.