How to pretend you are asleep

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Asleep, or Just Pretending? | Sadhguru
Video: Asleep, or Just Pretending? | Sadhguru


Do you want to avoid socializing with your roommate or your parents? In this case, you can pretend to be asleep. If you are believed, then the person can stop bothering you. You may even be able to secretly eavesdrop or observe his actions. You can also pretend like you got enough sleep last night and act as if nothing had happened even after a long party.


Method 1 of 2: How to Pretend You Are Asleep

  1. 1 Get into the position in which you normally sleep. Lie down and try to assume a position that is natural for a sleeping person. Do not hold anything in your hands, place your feet on the bed, and do not lift your head from the pillow. If you normally sleep on your stomach, assume the same position when pretending to be asleep. People who know you well will not suspect anything.
  2. 2 Lie still in bed. Usually a person moves very little during sleep. Better not to move at all in order to convincingly pretend to be asleep. You can only move if you are being watched for an extended period of time.
  3. 3 Close your eyes calmly. You don't have to grip your eyes tightly. If you are pretending to be asleep, then all of your muscles, including your eyelids, should be relaxed.
    • Close your eyes and look down to keep your eyelids from trembling.
    • During sleep, the eyes are not always completely closed. The eyelids can rise slightly and gently lower, while at this time you can see what is happening around.
  4. 4 Breathe regularly. Breathing should be slow, even and deep. You need to relax and breathe as evenly as possible. Count the duration of the inhalation to yourself and then exhale for the same amount of time. Repeat this step for each breath. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Marc Kayem, MD

    Otolaryngologist and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Mark Kayem is a board-certified otolaryngologist and plastic surgeon (facial surgery) based in Beverly Hills, California. Specializes in beauty treatments and sleep disorders. He received a medical degree from the University of Ottawa, is certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada.

    Marc Kayem, MD
    Otolaryngologist and plastic surgeon

    Did you know? During sleep, many physiological processes in the body slow down slightly as the body is resting. That is why the breathing of a sleeping person becomes slower and more rhythmic. If you are trying to pretend to be asleep, maintain a steady breathing rhythm and try to take deep breaths.

  5. 5 React to noise and touch. If you hear a loud sound or feel a touch, then take a short, sharp breath, and then perform a sharp movement, as if a spasm had passed through the body. Even in sleep, our body is aware of what is happening around it. Simulate subconscious reactions to sounds and movements in the room.
    • After responding to an external stimulus, relax and control your breathing again.
    • Do not smile or open your eyes, otherwise you will simply give yourself away.

Method 2 of 2: Pretending to Sleep

  1. 1 Take a cold shower. Quickly douse yourself with cold water. This will raise your heart rate and speed up your metabolism as your body tries to keep warm. The duration of such a shower is about one minute.
  2. 2 Get dressed and complete all morning routines. The first step is to change your pajamas to casual clothes. Next, you should wash your face, brush your teeth and put on makeup.
    • Facial cream with caffeine reduces puffiness under the eyes.
    • Follow all the steps you follow after a night's sleep.
  3. 3 Eat a nutritious breakfast. Food should contain complex carbohydrates and proteins (such as oatmeal and eggs) to keep you energized. Try to avoid sugary foods as their effects are too short-lived.
  4. 4 Have some coffee. Coffee is a quick way to recharge your batteries. If you don't usually drink coffee, then half a cup is enough to invigorate. If you usually drink coffee after a night's sleep, then after a sleepless night you can have a couple of cups.
  5. 5 Move. You need to stay active so that you remain alert. If you sit down to rest, the body will feel tired after a sleepless night. You need to move to fight sleepiness.
  6. 6 Don't forget to snack during the day. To maintain energy levels, you need to refuel throughout the day. Avoid high sugar and heavy meals to avoid reactive hypoglycemia or sleepiness after a heavy meal.


  • Practice pretending to be alone asleep. Lie still and breathe evenly.
  • Be prepared to "wake up" if disturbed.
  • You need to remain vigilant, so try not to fall asleep while pretending.
  • Bite yourself on both sides of your mouth at the same time to suppress a smile, but don't overdo it or you might be exposed.
  • If the person is trying to move you while "sleeping", do not resist. Try to look sluggish, move very slowly, or make a slurred sound.
  • If you lie all night in the same position, it may seem suspicious - usually people change their position from time to time in their sleep. Do not forget to periodically change your position or turn on the other side.
  • Bury your face in the pillow if you don't want people to notice your smile.
  • If the person says something or touches you, try to mumble something inaudibly.
  • Try not to blink (not move your eyelids) when your eyes are closed.