How to tame a stray cat or dog

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dog and Cat Socialization: Training for Hyper-Excited Dogs
Video: Dog and Cat Socialization: Training for Hyper-Excited Dogs


Stray animals can be quite dangerous, and besides, you should always remember that animals can get scared and even attack! But if you still want to get to know a stray animal better, follow a few simple rules, which we will tell you about in this article! Perhaps the animal will begin to trust you and become completely tame!


Part 1 of 2: How to get the animal's attention and get close to it

  1. 1 Beware of aggressive dogs. Aggressive animals show special signs that it is best not to approach them. For example, they have strongly bulging eyes, they twitch their lips, exposing their teeth, their ears are raised and directed forward, the tail is tense, the hair on the nape can stand on end. Pay attention to these signs. If you spot them, stay away from the dog.
  2. 2 Avoid prolonged eye contact with the animal. Do not look directly into the eyes, but a little to the side, as dogs perceive direct gaze as a sign of dominance. They interpret it as a kind of challenge, and this can lead to the manifestation of aggressiveness. The dog may think that you are going to fight it. Eye contact with the dog should be avoided because it can scare or anger the animal.
  3. 3 Stay away from dogs showing rabies symptoms. Many mammals, including dogs, can get rabies. An animal with rabies appears to be mildly anxious and possibly aggressive. It can bite a person or attack him for no reason at all. It is important to know that rabies is spread through the bites of infected animals.A dog can get rabies if it licks a toy from another dog that is already infected. If you notice that the dog has a fever or fever, and it reacts strongly to light, sounds and touch, stay away from such a dog, or rather call a specialist to save others from danger.
    • An infected dog may have a paralyzed jaw and foam collecting at the mouth.
    • There may also be disorientation in space and seizures.
  4. 4 Get the animal's attention with a light click or click of the tongue. A dog's attention can be attracted by calling her. It is important to do this calmly so as not to scare the animal, otherwise it may run away or even attack you! Move slowly and calmly, speak in a low voice. This way you won't scare the dog and keep yourself safe!
  5. 5 Walk up to the animal slowly. If you've already got his attention, very slowly approach him as if you were sneaking. If you do not want to scare the animal, do not make sudden movements.
    • Do not squat, otherwise it will be difficult to rebound if the animal decides to attack. Get close to the animal 3-4 meters.
  6. 6 Now wait for the dog to come up to you. As soon as you are 3-4 meters close to it, stop. Lure the dog to you and call it in a calm, affectionate tone. If the dog is wagging its tail and showing its friendliness, extend your hand towards it. Tap gently with your palm straight in front of you. You can bring something tasty with you, such as tuna or canned food for dogs, so that the animal will definitely come to you.
    • Stretch your hand, palm down. Oddly enough, such a sign seems less threatening to dogs than just an outstretched hand. In addition, the chances of being bitten are reduced this way.
    • If the dog doesn't suit you, pay attention to his body language. If the dog looks quite friendly, you can slowly approach it with small steps. Be very careful because the dog may be scared. If you don't move smoothly and calmly, the dog may run away.
  7. 7 If the dog starts to growl or grin, try to remain calm and slowly back away. Don't run! If you run, the dog will take it as a challenge and chase after you. Be very careful not to turn your back on the dog, just back off slowly.
    • Don't look your dog in the eye
    • Move very slowly and smoothly

Part 2 of 2: How to Meet Your Dog

  1. 1 Let the dog sniff your hand. For a dog, smell is like a touch for a person. In a sense, sniffing is as much a ritual to her as shaking hands is to us. Try not to move while the dog sniffs your hand.
  2. 2 Allow the animal to calmly complete the study of your hand, and then slowly bring your hand to the animal's shoulder. In no case try to pat the animal on the head right away, as this can scare it and it can bite you. Remember that many animals don't like being petted or touched on certain body parts. Therefore, act slowly and watch the reaction of the animal to see if you are doing everything right.
  3. 3 Look for a collar or other identifying mark on the dog. Wait a while, as soon as the animal feels comfortable next to you, inspect the collar (if any). Speak and move calmly and slowly so as not to scare the dog. If the animal does not have a collar and ID tag, think about where you could give the animal for a while. For example, in a shelter or animal rescue center. If the dog is very friendly and calm, you can even take it yourself.
  4. 4 Check if your dog has a microchip. Many owners place their dogs with microchips so they can be found. Contact your veterinarian or animal rescue service for a scanner to check if the microchip is inserted into the dog. If you find the owner's data on the collar, be sure to contact him.You can place an advertisement on the found animal on the Internet or in a newspaper. As a last resort, you can keep a stray animal.


  • Never try to corner an animal. This is fraught with the fact that it will feel trapped and, out of hopelessness, will attack you in self-defense.
  • Even when the dog realizes that you are not a threat to him and are not going to harm him, do not relax, do not make sudden movements or frighten the animal. Remember to move as slowly and smoothly as possible.
  • If you are unable to gain the animal's trust, but fear for your life or safety, the best thing to do is to call your local animal shelter. They can advise you on the phone and explain how you should lead in this particular situation.
  • Try to communicate with the animal using basic commands ("sit", "stand"). Perhaps the dog understands these commands because it was once a pet.
  • If you notice that the mouth is full of foam, step away immediately! Because this dog is sick with rabies. Call animal control immediately.
  • Never approach an aggressive dog. If you notice that the dog's hair on the nape of the neck stands on end, that it growls and assumes a defensive posture, slowly retreat.
  • Be very careful when feeding stray dogs!
  • A frightened or sick animal may behave unpredictably. A sudden sudden movement from your side (for example, opening a car door) can scare the dog and it will jump out of the car right onto the highway. If the animal looks threatening, stay in the car.


  • When trying to win the animal's trust, be very careful and consistent, because no one guarantees you your safety.
  • Be very careful when approaching stray animals! Homeless animals are sometimes completely wild and not in the habit of interacting with people, so they can not hesitate to attack you if they sense the slightest danger!
  • Keep children away from stray animals!
  • Before adopting an animal, make sure that it is not sick, visit your veterinarian and give all the necessary prophylactic injections.
  • Make sure the animal is not contagious.

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