How to accept yourself and gain confidence

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
lets talk about how to finally stop *HATING YOURSELF* & have CONFIDENCE & SeLF LoVE πŸ’–
Video: lets talk about how to finally stop *HATING YOURSELF* & have CONFIDENCE & SeLF LoVE πŸ’–


What is real beauty? Surely it’s not a secret ingredient in a super long-lasting lip gloss, and it’s not hiding among the jars of drugstore cosmetics. Beauty is the feeling that you like yourself, that you are confident in the correctness of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Beauty is in the eyes that can be compassionate, that are able to see the best in people. Beauty is lips that can say harsh words when they are offended, and gentle ones when you need to comfort someone. The best thing you can wish for for yourself is confidence. Read on to find out how to get it.


  1. 1 Make a list of five words that can describe you. The trick is not to describe the physical characteristics and not write the impersonal "good". Here are some creative descriptions to choose from:
    • Loving
    • Diligent
    • Hardworking
    • Confident
    • Friendly
    • Strong
    • Clever
    • Attractive
    • Shrewd
    • Easy-going
  2. 2 Praise people for what they do, not just for their looks. Try to compliment your friend today that is not about his appearance.
  3. 3 Try asking your older sister, mom, cousin, aunt, or grandmother what they thought of their appearance at your age. Maybe now they know something that they would like to know about before? Compare what they have to say with your own experience.
  4. 4 Share your achievements with family and friends. When you've done something you're really proud of - be it successfully passing an important test or winning a sports competition - in that moment of triumph, you are more beautiful than ever. Congratulate yourself! Call your grandparents or your beloved aunt and share the wonderful news with them. Celebrate the event with family and friends.
  5. 5 Limit the time you spend in front of the mirror. In the morning, before leaving the house, you can allow yourself to show off in front of the mirror a little longer.
    • Was your face washed?
    • Is the zipper closed?
    • Hair not tousled where it shouldn't?
  6. 6 Don't get hung up on your appearance. Each is beautiful in its own way. It's okay to watch your appearance change or dream about how you will become. But spending too much time in front of the mirror and catching your reflection in every glass, mirror, shop window is too much. You have better things to do!
  7. 7 Learn to accept compliments. When your friend says, "You look great," don't say to yourself, "Oh, I think these pants look stupid on me." Just say "Thank you" and let your doubts remain with you.
  8. 8 Make self-care a holiday. Try taking the time today to pamper your skin with scented soaps, gels, and lotions. Get yourself a manicure.
  9. 9 Love your body and the rest of the world will love it too. Even if you woke up without a mood, or you are just too lazy, wash, brush your teeth and put on your favorite jeans with a T-shirt.
  10. 10 Write down three things you like about your appearance. If you've had a bad day, focus on what you like about yourself (for example, β€œI have wonderful deer eyes with dark eyelashes, a dazzling smile, shiny hair,” and so on).
  11. 11 Don't waste time comparing yourself to those around you. It will only lower your self-esteem and take away your self-confidence. There is no one in the whole world like you - with identical life experiences and your talents. Remember also to listen to your body when you exercise. Don't push your body to its limits, even if you are being forced. Your instincts will tell you when to stop.
  12. 12 Be confident in yourself. Don't say bad things about yourself and always be optimistic. When you feel like you're losing confidence, think to yourself, "I'm just amazing no matter what others say."
  13. 13 Make your meals special. Even if you're just eating dry cereal with your family, create a ritual that will make those moments unforgettable. Set the table. Share with each other the dreams you had last night. At dinner, turn off the lights and place the lighted candles on the table. Enjoy your meal and share your feelings, ideas and thoughts with the people who are sitting at the same table with you.
  14. 14 Try changing the subject if your friends talk about weight and dieting. Show them that there are many more interesting subjects to talk about, like how they are doing on the soccer team or how old their cute ginger puppy is this month.
  15. 15 Know that it's okay that you don't always feel cheerful and cheerful. Sometimes you may be in a bad mood - just remember that it will pass. If you really feel bad, be sure to talk to the adults who care about you. Plus, if you're in a bad mood, your body senses it. Remember which part of your body reacts when you are upset or irritated? Do you have a stomach ache when you are nervous about the tests? Or do you have headaches when you are anxious? Learning to recognize your body's signals can help you figure out what's bothering you and get yourself in order more quickly.
  16. 16 Cheer yourself up if needed. Open the window during the day and let in some fresh air and light into the room. In the evening, put on clean pajamas and make yourself comfortable with your favorite book, movie or music. Are you stressed? Take a warm bath or shower. Imagine how the water washes away your worries. Also, create your own pacification rituals. When angry or stressed, take three long, deep breaths. Make a diary entry. Listen to your favorite song. Find your own way to relax, and use it when you feel anxious.
  17. 17 List your dreams. Find a cute notebook and write down the places you would like to visit, the experiences you would like to have, the people you would like to meet, and the skills you would like to gain. A dream list is a great place to start for creating a life of adventure, pleasure, and fun. Check off each item to be completed.
  18. 18 Make a list of everything that you do well, whether it be math or humor. If your self-esteem starts to drop, take a look at this list, and remember - you are wonderful!
  19. 19 Wear clothes that make you feel good. You know which shirt makes you shy and which pants make you uncomfortable. Talk to your mom about why you don’t feel comfortable wearing these clothes, and ask if you can donate them to charity. Wear your favorite color, as well as colors that suit your skin, hair, and eyes. If you are comfortable with your clothes, confidence is sure to appear! Even if someone teases you about these clothes, do not pay attention and say: "Well, but I like it."Remember: people around talk and think about you much less than you think. Try something new. Comb your hair, braid, curl and tie. Experiment! You can express yourself through your looks, and none of the styles are the only correct ones. All in your hands.
  20. 20 Develop your own style. Experiment with your clothes to find out what makes you feel best. Sometimes you want to be feminine and elegant - and sometimes quite the opposite! This is fine. Check out a clothing store this week with a friend and pick up five new outfits in colors and styles you've never worn. And then have fun trying them on! Don't be surprised if what seemed to look awful actually decorates you. Laugh at the things you don't like.
  21. 21 Don't worry about what other people think. Are you hurt by someone's words? Remember: people who humiliate others do it to feel their power and assert themselves. Do you know what this means? They are most likely very vulnerable. They lack self-confidence, so try not to bend under their pressure and return their comments a hundredfold.
  22. 22 Learn new things. Read good articles on world events. You will be aware of current events and your self-confidence will increase.
  23. 23 Look for beauty in those around you. The ability to see the beauty of people around you endows you with inner beauty.
  24. 24 Accept everything that you hate, love, ignore in yourself, and love it all. At first glance, it may seem that this is a very difficult task. But this is easier than constantly tormented by self-doubt. Give yourself a chance! And try to accept yourself.
  25. 25 Trust in yourself. Do not be afraid that it will make you arrogant - it will only add confidence to you. Trust that you can handle any task. When you resolve it, you will feel great because you knew in advance that you could handle it. So don't give up and try all of the options.
  26. 26 Help others to earn their gratitude, and over time, your reputation among others will grow ... which means everyone will love you.
  27. 27 What do you need to do to live like your role model? It's simple. Imagine how a role model would behave in your place. Do what he would do - how would he treat people? What would you do in unpleasant situations? How would he enjoy life? If at the moment you feel lost, close your eyes and imagine how your ideal would cope with this situation.


  • Walk upright and hold your head high, good posture will give you confidence and help you look good wherever you go.
  • Every day, television, films and magazines bombard you with their ideas of what a beautiful girl should look like. These pictures are completely far from reality! Get rid of their hypnosis. Look around and you will see that out of a hundred people, only three look like models.
  • Do you feel a loss of coordination and some distraction? Remember, your body is growing and changing, so everything is fine. Pause. Don't give yourself offensive nicknames because of this. And if you stumbled and sprawled on the floor in the hallway, laugh at the situation and move on.
  • Get a sense of balance from the dancers. Imagine a thread sticking out from the center of your head. Now imagine that someone gently pulls on this thread, making you tall and slender. Try to maintain this position throughout the day!
  • Sit back with your journal and write the following in it:
    • Three good things that happened to you today
    • The best thing that anyone has ever told you
    • Five things you are grateful for.
    • A time when you faced difficulties - and experienced it.
  • Every day, look your reflection in the mirror in the eye and sincerely name a few things about yourself that you like.This should become your daily ritual, just like brushing your teeth. You must really believe what you are saying.
  • Find a partner and sign up for a dance class. Dancing is fun, it is a good workout for the body and it is a great way to communicate. Dancing will give you confidence and a useful skill.


  • Don't try to change yourself to please people. The best way to please them is, first of all, to love yourself.
  • To accept yourself, you first need to understand yourself. Knowing yourself will make it easier to determine what is going on inside you and why. It will help you love yourself and those around you. One way to accept yourself is to realize your worth. Don't allow yourself to be self-flagellated. Don't be negative about yourself, such as "I'm not good enough," "Nobody cares about me," "I'm boring." Allow yourself to say, "I'm good enough!" Positive words addressed to you will help you to believe in yourself, and as soon as you believe in yourself, you will accept yourself.