How to use Wella tinting paint

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Wella: How to Color Hair with Wella Color Charm Paints
Video: Wella: How to Color Hair with Wella Color Charm Paints


After bleaching the hair, yellowness appeared in the strands and is it very annoying to you? In this case, tinting paint will be the ideal solution. The popular Wella brand offers tinting products in a variety of colors that are used to remove reddish tones after bleaching. Most interestingly, toning is a simple and relatively inexpensive process that can be done at home.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Wella tinting paint

  1. 1 Opt for T15, T11, T27 or T35 if you have dark hair. Redheads may appear in the strands if your natural hair color is brown or black and you recently dyed blonde. The lightest Wella tinting paints will not completely remove it. To solve this problem, choose rich sandy shades. This is a great option if you want your hair to turn blonde, but not platinum.
    • If you have used a medium shade but want your hair to be even lighter, wait a few weeks and then use one of the T10, T18, T14, or T28 shades.
    • Check out the color palette at this link:
  2. 2 Choose T10, T18, T14 or T28 for pearl or ash shades. These lightest tones will give your curls a platinum color if they are already light enough. If your hair still has a coppery or yellowish tint, refrain from using these tinting products, as they do not have enough intensity to change the hair color at this stage.
    • See what the result of staining with Wella tinting paints looks like in real life. The Wella Color Picker can be found here:
  3. 3 Use a 10 volume (10 vol) oxidizer with darker paint tones. The oxidizing agent will open the hair cuticle to maximize the effectiveness of the dye. 10 vol is the most neutral and works great with dark blond or even ash chestnut tones, or in the case when it is necessary to neutralize a light copper shade.
  4. 4 Choose an oxidizer 20 vol for hair with pronounced reddishness. It works quite intensely and not only will open the hair cuticle to help the toning action, but will also lighten the hair on its own. This is a great choice if you want to tone your hair in a very light shade or remove noticeable reddishness.
    • Do not use 30 or 40 vol oxidizers at home. Oxidants of this high concentration can cause serious damage to hair and should be consulted by a professional.
  5. 5 Search the internet for Wella toners and oxidizers. Use trusted sources to shop online, or check with your nearest beauty salon or perfume store that has this brand's products.

Part 2 of 3: How to apply tinting paint

  1. 1 Apply tinting paint immediately after lighteningto get a good lasting result. Toning agents are most effective on bleached hair, because their color is already as close as possible to the desired result. After bleaching, wash your hair with shampoo to rinse off the clarifier. Do not apply conditioner before toning.
    • Many people tint their hair immediately after bleaching, but it may take a few days for you to buy a tinting dye or decide if you want it at all. Don't worry! You can tint your hair at any time after bleaching.
  2. 2 Towel dry your hair, but do not dry it dry. It is better to apply tinting paint to damp hair. Rinse off the bleach and gently towel dry your hair to keep it slightly damp.
    • If you do not plan to use the tinting paint immediately after bleaching, simply wash your hair and dry it with a towel.
  3. 3 Put on plastic or latex gloves and an old T-shirt. Tinting paint stains your hands and stains your clothes, so use gloves and an unnecessary T-shirt to keep unwanted stains away.
  4. 4 Mix 2 parts oxidizer with 1 part tinting paint in a bowl. If you have long hair, use the entire tinting package. Fill an empty paint container with oxidizer and pour the contents into a bowl. If your hair is short (shoulder length or slightly below), use only half the bottle of paint, and adjust the amount of developer accordingly so that the ratio remains the same, 2 to 1.
  5. 5 Pin up the top of your hair. Use hair ties or long plastic hair clips and leave the bottom strands loose. It is in these places that reddish shades often appear, so it is worth starting toning here.
  6. 6 Apply tinting paint with a staining brush. Start with small strands on one side and apply evenly from roots to ends. After toning, the strands should look dark and damp. Work your hair thoroughly from left to right or right to left, and use a mirror so you don't miss unpainted areas.
  7. 7 Release the following strands after toning the first zone. Loosen the next small layer of hair and repeat the toning process. Then work on the next coat and so on to the very top, until you have applied the tinting agent all over your hair.
  8. 8 Spread the rest of the mixture with your hands through your hair. Pay attention to the roots and back of the head, as these are difficult to apply with a brush. Leave your gloves on until the toning process is complete to protect your hands.
    • Don't worry if you run out of tinting mixture. This point was added to the article only so that the remains of the paint did not go to waste.
  9. 9 Leave the toner on your hair for 20 minutes. Don't worry if your hair turns dark, blue or purple. This is normal and after you wash off the toner the purple color will go away.
    • If you don't want to stain your shirt while the product works, use a plastic barrette on your hair.
  10. 10 Rinse off the tinting paint and apply a moisturizing conditioner. Do not use shampoo for the first 24 hours after toning to help the color set. Shower hair with cool water and massage moisturizing conditioner from roots to ends.
    • The Wella brand produces moisturizing conditioners that you can buy online and in beauty stores.

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining Tint

  1. 1 Wash your hair no more than 2 times a week with a sulfate-free shampoo. This will prolong the toning effect. Use a special sulfate-free shampoo marked "for colored hair", which has a mild effect and contributes to the longest possible retention of the shade.
    • If you have to wash your hair frequently, use dry shampoo or rinse it with water and apply a little conditioner that will not affect the color.
  2. 2 Use a purple shampoo or conditioner once a week. Lather or massage the conditioner evenly over the entire length of your hair. Leave the shampoo or conditioner on for 2-3 minutes and then wash off.Leave it on your hair for a little longer each time and gradually bring this time to 10 minutes.
    • Do not leave products on your hair for more than 10 minutes or use them more than once a week, otherwise hair will become dull or even appear gray.
    • For the same reason, use or purple shampoo, or conditioner, but not both.
  3. 3 Apply heat protectants before using your hair straightener or hairdryer. To moisturize and protect the color, massage lightly into hair from the middle to the ends of the hair and then to the roots. You can use a heat protectant spray and reduce the heating power of the styling tools.
    • An effective, albeit expensive, way of protection will be the purchase of special irons for straightening colored hair.
    • Avoid washing your hair in hot water.
  4. 4 Laminate your hair once a month. The lamination procedure closes the hair cuticle, which will preserve the color and give the curls an extra shimmer. This is a great solution if, despite taking good care and using the right products, you notice that your hair is losing color. You can do the lamination in the salon or on your own right at home.
  5. 5 Rinse your hair before and after using the pool. Stand in the shower for a couple of minutes before jumping into the pool to properly wet them with clean water, so they will absorb less water from the pool. For extra protection, apply a little conditioner from the crown to the ends of your hair. After swimming in the pool, rinse your hair immediately with a sulfate-free shampoo.
    • If you are unable to shower in front of the pool, dampen your hair with water from a bottle.
    • Follow the same procedure before swimming in the sea, river, or ocean.
  6. 6 Reapply the tinting paint every 5-6 weeks to maintain the color. Toning is usually enough for 2-8 weeks, but it may happen that it fades even earlier. Toning is a simple and relatively inexpensive process that does not have such a harmful effect as lightening or coloring, so you can repeat the procedure after a month.


  • Toning can be done in a beauty salon. Ask your master about this possibility and sign up for the procedure. Try to repeat it every 3-4 weeks.

What do you need

Applying the tinting agent

  • Tinting paint of choice
  • Oxidizer 10 or 20 vol
  • Shampoo
  • Towel
  • Polyethylene or latex gloves
  • Old T-shirt
  • Small bowl
  • Hair tie or plastic clips
  • Paint brush
  • Mirror
  • Moisturizing conditioner

For color protection

  • Sulfate free shampoo
  • Dry shampoo (optional)
  • Purple shampoo or conditioner
  • Heat protectant spray or hair oil