How to Apply Rapid Hypnosis

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tutorial:  How to do a Rapid Hypnosis Induction... step by step.
Video: Tutorial: How to do a Rapid Hypnosis Induction... step by step.


After centuries of neglect, scientists have finally begun to pay attention to hypnosis and have come to the conclusion that it does work, albeit not quite as proponents have claimed in the past. You will not gain control over the hypnotized person, but you can lead him into a more calm and focused state of mind, in which distant thoughts and memories are often revealed. Hypnosis can effectively reduce stress and pain. It is best to put the person into hypnosis quickly so that less time is spent on distractions.


Part 1 of 3: How to Prepare a Person for Hypnosis

  1. 1 Speak in a soothing tone. For hypnosis, you need to talk to the person in a calm and relaxing tone. Practice speaking slowly, rhythmically, and melodiously without harsh or dissonant intonations. Learn to pronounce the right words. If you find it difficult to express your thoughts in the process of immersing a person in a hypnotic state, then he will lose concentration and the session will fail.
    • Don't sound like you're reading a script. The words should sound natural.
  2. 2 Perform mental and physical conditioning of the subject. It is always important to make sure the person is relaxed. Inform that you can touch lightly, otherwise surprise can lead to a loss of concentration. If the subject is wearing a skirt, suggest covering the legs with a blanket so that the subject does not worry about their posture.
    • Tell the subject to cough and move. Attempts to suppress biological functions can lead to loss of concentration.
    • Ask the person not to cross their legs, or the impulse to change the position of the legs may affect hypnosis. Also ask the subject to take off their glasses.
  3. 3 Tell the subject that he has nothing to worry about. A distinct feeling of fear will prevent a person from entering hypnosis. Explain that you will not be able to manipulate the person and that they are not in danger at all during the session.
    • Just say, “This is a completely safe procedure. You will enter a state of heightened relaxation and concentration, but you will be in control of yourself throughout the session. ”
  4. 4 Ask permission. Always start by asking if the person is ready for hypnosis. Consent will show you that the person is mentally ready, and the subject himself will feel calm.
    • Just ask, "Are you willing to go into a hypnotic state?"
  5. 5 Remember that not all people react the same way. The subject of hypnosis must be willing to participate in the procedure and psychologically receptive. According to research, approximately 80% of people are moderately susceptible to hypnosis, 10% have a high susceptibility, and another 10% have a low susceptibility.
    • The susceptibility of any subject is closely related to the propensity for fantasy and empathy. For example, the ability to concentrate while reading is also related to receptivity.
    • It is generally accepted that it is easier to immerse a person in hypnosis in a calm environment without external noise and distractions. Such hypnosis has a right to exist, but the researchers concluded that it is just as easy to hypnotize a person in a noisy environment.

Part 2 of 3: How to Do the Eight Word Dive

  1. 1 Ask the subject to "put their hand in your palm." Extend either arm forward and ask the subject to place their palm on your arm. Ideally, the person will place their hand with some pressure, but will barely touch the edge of the palm so you can easily withdraw your hand when you're ready.
  2. 2 Tell the subject to close their eyes. At the same time, wave your other hand in front of the subject's face. Start moving your hand abruptly immediately after the person places their palm on your hand. Thus, his attention will be occupied by two tasks at the same time.
  3. 3 Tell the subject to "go to sleep." At the same time, remove your hand with an open palm so that the person lean forward, as if he fell asleep at your command. Your task is to surprise the subject. Tell the person to fall asleep in a confident, commanding tone.
    • The whole process should take about four seconds. Suddenness and speed are necessary conditions.

Part 3 of 3: How to End a Hypnosis Session

  1. 1 Prepare to take your subject to a deeper level. The initial shock of being immersed in the eight word method will quickly heal unless the words are spoken immediately, which will plunge the subject into a deeper level of hypnosis. To do this, say in a calm voice a request to plunge into a deeper sleep.
    • The best way to dive will be described below: swing the subject's head or perform a countdown. Choose the option that suits you best. Rocking the head requires physical contact with the subject.
  2. 2 Rock the person's head. If the subject is in this position, when he falls forward sharply after you remove your hand, then some hypnotists begin to swing the subject's head with their hands to plunge the person into a more relaxed state. When doing this, tell the person to relax their neck and transfer the feeling of relaxation to the rest of the body. Tell the subject to relax their body and mind until they fall into deep sleep.
    • For example, say, “I rock your head and you go into a deeper trance. The more I shake my head, the more you fall asleep; the more you fall asleep, the better you feel; the better you feel, the more you fall asleep ... ".
  3. 3 Count down. Tell the person that they will gradually relax as you count from 1 to 5. For each count, describe the person's falling asleep: “1, relaxation is spreading through your body. 2, the relaxation becomes deeper. 3, your mind is relaxed. 4, you no longer feel anything but relaxation. 5, the relaxation gets deeper every second. "
    • Counting can be done in reverse order: “10, you feel relaxed. 9, deeper and deeper. 8, everything is fine, keep relaxing. 7, for every count you plunge into a deeper trance. 6, even deeper, great. 5, deeper, and now completely relax. 4, 3, you follow the directions perfectly. 2, even deeper sleep. 1, 0. you are in a deep trance. "
  4. 4 Begin to prepare the person for awakening. Just before waking up, say that it's almost time to "wake up" and "come to your senses." For a smooth transition, explain to the subject how they will feel after exiting hypnosis. Tell him that after coming out of the trance, he will feel "relaxation and comfort."
    • In doing so, use signals that will allow the person to immediately understand that he is returning to the real world. Stop speaking in a slow, soothing voice. Change to a more familiar conversational tone like in everyday life. Call the subject by name so that he prepares to return to reality.
  5. 5 Wake the subject up. Tell the person that they will wake up when you finish counting down from 10 to 1. As you count down, gradually move from a calm to a conversational tone. For example, you might say, “10, you are starting to wake up. 9, you gradually regain consciousness. 8, you remember your life. 7, 6 you wake up after a deep sleep. "