How to prepare for fasting

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prepare for a Fast | Fasting & Cleanses
Video: How to Prepare for a Fast | Fasting & Cleanses


Fasting is a specific period of time when people remove certain foods and drinks from their diet. People fast to cleanse their digestive system, lose weight, and in some cases also for religious and spiritual purposes. These steps need to be taken to prepare the body for the dramatic dietary changes during fasting. Read on to learn how to prepare for fasting.


Part 1 of 3: Learn About Fasting

  1. 1 Check with your doctor before starting a fast. People fast for a variety of reasons, but fasting can be harmful to health in some cases. Therefore, discuss your intention with your doctor and get professional advice in this regard.
    • Certain medications you take can cause dangerous effects on your body during fasting due to changes in blood chemistry.
    • Fasting may not be suitable for people with certain health conditions, such as pregnancy, cancer, low blood pressure, and so on. Therefore, consult your doctor before embarking on a new diet for you.
    • The doctor may require a urinalysis or blood test before fasting.
  2. 2 Decide what type of fast you want to follow and the length of it. There are hundreds of different types of posts. The types of fasting include: fasting water, fasting juice, spiritual fasting, weight loss, and so on. Some people fast for medical reasons. You must determine why you will follow a new diet for you.
    • The strictest type of fast is water fasting. Fasting can last from 1 to 40 days, depending on the specific goal (if you decide on 40 days, consult your doctor). 10 days is the optimal duration of a fast on the water. Spend the first and last couple of days on juices. Distilled water is a better option for this diet.
    • Try a juice fast. Juice fasting is a healthier option. Juices contain nutrients that our body needs. 30 days is the optimal duration of a juice fast. Drink vegetable and fruit juices (don't mix them together), herbal tea, and vegetable broth. Strain the juice out of the fiber containing pulp before drinking.
    • Try the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet. Master Cleanse is a diet of freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup and water. The duration of this diet is 10 days. This diet is more gentle on the body, since you will still be getting calories (although not as much as before).
    • Fasting can last from 1 to 40 days, depending on the specific purpose and type of fasting (fasting on juices, fasting on water, and so on). Watch your body, how it will react to the fact that you deprive it of most of its calories.
  3. 3 Prepare for the changes that may occur in your body. Fasting helps to flush out toxins from your body (the body will be cleansed even if you are fasting for religious or spiritual reasons). Therefore, do not be surprised if you feel tired and weak at the beginning of the fast.
    • Fasting can cause side effects such as diarrhea, tiredness and weakness, body odor, headaches, and more. This is due to the detoxification of the body.
    • If possible, combine fasting with your vacation so you can adjust to changes in your body.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing to Fast

  1. 1 Reduce your intake of all addictive substances 1-2 weeks before fasting. If you give up bad habits, it will be easier for your body to sustain a long fast. Give up alcohol gradually and quit smoking if possible.
    • This will reduce any potential withdrawal symptoms that may arise during the fasting process. In addition, the body is quickly cleansed of toxins and toxins.
    • Addictive substances include: alcohol, caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks, cigarettes or cigars.
  2. 2 Start changing your diet 1 to 2 weeks before you start fasting. Prepare your body for fasting by not only giving up all bad habits, but also changing your diet.
    • Cut out a few foods each day (refined sugar foods for the first couple of days, meat for the next two days, then dairy products, and so on).
    • Reduce your intake of chocolate and other foods that contain refined sugar, as well as foods high in fat. Also, try to minimize your consumption of soda, candy, and baked goods.
    • Eat small meals to reduce the strain on your digestive system. In addition, it will be easier for your body to adapt to the new condition.
    • Reduce your intake of meat and dairy products, as they force the digestive system to work harder.
    • Eat larger servings of cooked or fresh fruits and vegetables. This will have a beneficial effect on your health, the body will quickly cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.
  3. 3 Limit your diet 1 to 2 days before fasting. Once you are confident that your body is ready for the fast, you can take action (if you do this gradually, it will be easier for your body to deal with stress).
    • Eat raw fruits and vegetables because they will cleanse and flush toxins from your body in preparation for fasting.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of fluids. Drink only water, fruit and vegetable juices made from fresh fruits or vegetables. Increase your fluid intake a few days before you start fasting. The body should not suffer from dehydration. In addition, thanks to this, you will prepare the body for the fact that during the fast you will only sit on water or juices.
  5. 5 Go in for sports. There is no need to engage in intense training, but moderate physical activity will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. Walking or doing yoga are great exercise options for the body.
    • You will feel tired and weak even on the days when you are just preparing to fast. Choose a training regime that is within your power.
  6. 6 Get enough rest. A good night's sleep and rest is the key to a successful fast. Get enough sleep at night and try to make time for rest during the day.
    • It is very important to prepare for the fast in advance. Take time to recover and rest.Try to unload your busy schedule.

Part 3 of 3: Be Prepared for Change

  1. 1 Make sure you know what physical symptoms you will experience throughout the fast. The first few days are usually the most difficult, so please be patient. After a few days, you will start to feel better.
    • During the first phase (usually the first two days) of a fast, you may experience headaches, dizziness, nausea, halitosis, and plaque on your tongue. These are just signs that your body is flushing out toxins. Plus, you will feel hungry.
    • In the second stage (3-7 days), the skin may become oily and you may notice other changes in the skin. At this stage, your skin adjusts to the changed diet. Also, you may feel a stuffy nose.
    • The next step is to cleanse the intestines, resulting in diarrhea or loose stools. Also, you can see a lot of mucus in your bowel movements, especially if you haven't eaten anything for several days. Be prepared for bad breath. Do not hesitate, this condition will pass when the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. You will feel weak because your body is not getting enough calories.
  2. 2 Try to endure the entire post. Very often, people stop following the fast after a few days because they feel unwell. Unless you have a serious medical condition (you should discuss this with your doctor), try to go to the end. Otherwise, your body will not get any benefit. To make it easier for you to reach the end, follow these tips.
    • Set a goal. Before you start fasting, tell yourself why you decided to take this step. Do you need to improve your health? For religious reasons? Do you want to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins? When fasting is especially difficult for you, remind yourself of this reason.
    • Make a commitment. Promise a friend or family member that you will go all the way. If someone is watching your progress, it will be more difficult for you to quit.
    • Take notes. As you fast, write down each day what you ate and how you felt. Thanks to this, you will see changes for the better, and this will be a great incentive to continue what you started.
    • Prepare yourself physically. This means that you will have to follow your doctor's advice and adhere to all the rules during the preparatory period and during the fast. This will make it easier for you to follow your new nutritional system.
  3. 3 Make sure you are aware of the disadvantages and benefits of your new diet. While fasting has a positive effect on health, it is not the best option if you decide to lose those extra pounds, because you will gain weight back very quickly once you are done fasting.
    • Fasting helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, especially if your diet is dominated by unhealthy foods. By eliminating fats from your diet, you help cleanse your body. Fasting and following the correct diet can help you cope with conditions such as lupus, arthritis, and chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. In addition, the work of the digestive tract will improve. Diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease can recede if you start following a healthy diet. It can also help lower blood pressure.
    • If you experience heartburn during fasting (the stomach will produce more acid during fasting when you think about food or smell food) and are taking heartburn medication, keep doing it. You may also have trouble getting dehydrated while fasting, so make sure you drink enough water and fluids. Otherwise, you may experience constipation.
    • People with a weakened immune system, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, heart rhythm disturbances, etc., should not fast. In addition, fasting is contraindicated in pregnant women.


  • Gradually change the type and amount of food in your diet, the closer you start to your fast.
  • Change your meal schedule 1 to 2 weeks before fasting to help ease hunger.
  • Replace solid foods with softer, more digestible foods and fruits.
  • Don't overdo it with fasting. If you are fasting for 3 days, set aside 3 days for preparation.


  • If you have diabetes, don't fast. Fasting causes dramatic drops in blood sugar levels.
  • Fasting under the supervision of a doctor, especially if you have health problems or intend to stick to this diet for a long time.