How to make cheese toast

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Double Cheese Toast
Video: Double Cheese Toast


1 Turn the oven to medium heat.
  • 2 While the oven is heating, cut the bread and grate the cheese.
  • 3 Spread the grated cheese over the surface of the bread. You must take enough cheese so that the entire surface of the bread is covered.
  • 4 Place a baking sheet of bread in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Wait until the surface of the bread turns golden brown.
  • 5 Turn off the oven.
  • 6 Remove the cheese toast from the oven and eat. Bon Appetit!
  • Method 2 of 2: On the stove

    1. 1 Get a good quality heavy-bottomed skillet. Preheat a skillet over medium heat.
    2. 2 Lubricate a skillet with a little oil. You can use vegetable oil or butter.
    3. 3 While the pan is heating up, cook the cheese. Cut the cheese into slices or grate.
    4. 4 Place the bread in the skillet. You can put the cheese on the unroasted side, or wait until the bread is browned on one side, flip it over, and then add the cheese while the other side is browning.
    5. 5 Wait for the cheese to melt and eat. You can put the two pieces together, with the cheese inside, and make a sandwich.


    • It is best not to cut the cheese into slices with a knife. The grated cheese melts faster, so you avoid the danger of the underside of your toast burnt before the cheese melts.
    • If you want to add flavor, you can sprinkle the toast with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little Worcestershire sauce before placing it in the oven.
    • There are many variations of this dish. You can put some ready-made spaghetti or fried beans on top of the cheese, put tomato slices and onion rings on top of the bread, then sprinkle with cheese. You can season the finished toast with ketchup or hot sauce.
    • Depending on which variety you use, the melted cheese will have a specific hue. It is best to use Cheddar cheese.
    • choose the type of cheese carefully - too ripe cheese may not crack.

    What do you need

    • Cheese grater
    • Oven
    • Frying pan with a thick bottom