How to cook spaghetti

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Cook Pasta Properly ( Step by Step Pasta Cooking )
Video: How To Cook Pasta Properly ( Step by Step Pasta Cooking )


1 Determine how much spaghetti you need. Estimate the number of servings. Usually, spaghetti packs indicate the approximate number of servings. For example, if you're going to make spaghetti for three people, you might need half a box.
  • To avoid being too crowded in the pot, cook no more than 900 grams of spaghetti at a time.
  • 2 Take a large saucepan and pour cold water into it. If you want to boil 700-900 grams of spaghetti, use a 5-6 liter saucepan. For less spaghetti, a 3 or 4 liter saucepan will work. Fill the pot 3/4 full with water.
    • If you use a saucepan that is too small, the spaghetti will stick together.
  • 3 Add salt and bring water to a boil. Dissolve 1–2 tablespoons (15–35 grams) of medium-grain salt in water and cover the saucepan. Turn the heat to high to bring the water to an intense boil.
    • When the water boils, steam will come out from under the lid.
    • If you are cooking fresh (not dry) spaghetti, do not add salt to the water.
  • 4 Add spaghetti to boiling water. Put on oven gloves and remove the lid from the pot. Dip the spaghetti slowly into the boiling water so it doesn't splatter. Stir the spaghetti well with tongs or a long spoon. After that, the water should boil quickly.
    • Try splitting the spaghetti in half to keep them shorter.
  • 5 Set the timer for 8-11 minutes and stir the spaghetti frequently. Read the instructions on the package and set the timer to the recommended time. Stir the spaghetti frequently to keep them from sticking together.
    • Spaghetti is made from different types of flour, so you should follow the instructions on the package.
    • Do not cover the pot while the spaghetti is boiling.
  • 6 Taste the spaghetti to determine if it's cooked well enough. Remove one thread from the water and cut through it. It should be soft. The spaghetti should be soft, but not soft.
    • If the middle of the spaghetti is firm, cook it for another 1-2 minutes, then try again.
  • 7 Strain the spaghetti through a colander. When the spaghetti is done, turn off the heat and place a colander in the sink. Gently bring the pot of spaghetti to the sink and pour the contents into a colander.
    • Keep the pot away from you to avoid scalding yourself with the boiling water and hot steam.
    • Do not rinse the spaghetti with cold water, as this will not absorb the sauce well.
  • 8 Add your favorite sauce and place the spaghetti on the bowls. After you have drained the water, season the spaghetti with the sauce of your choice, or place on plates first and then pour the sauce over each serving.
    • If you are going to eat the spaghetti later, wait until it has cooled completely, transfer it to a tightly sealed container and store in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days.
    • To make it easier to use chilled spaghetti later on, drizzle 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of olive oil on top of it before refrigerating.
  • Method 2 of 4: Meat Sauce

    1. 1 Saute the onions and garlic over medium to high heat for 5 minutes. Pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) vegetable oil into a large skillet over medium to high heat. When the oil starts to boil, add 1 finely chopped onion and 2 tablespoons of minced garlic.
      • Stir and saute the onions and garlic until the onions are clear and the garlic smells free.
    2. 2 Add 500 grams of meat minced meat and cook for 7-8 minutes. At the same time, chop the minced meat with a spoon and stir frequently until the meat loses its pink tint. You can use ground beef, pork, chicken, or turkey.
      • If desired, you can use a mixture of different minced meat.
    3. 3 If there is a lot of fat in the pan, drain it. Usually, minced meat gives off a large amount of fat during frying. If the bottom of the pan is covered with grease, drain it. Place a metal can in the sink and cover the pan with a lid. Carefully tilt the pan so that the fat collects on one side, while holding the lid on the meat to prevent it from falling out. Drain the fat gently into a jar.
      • Wait for the fat to cool before discarding it.
      • Do not pour hot grease directly into the sink, as it can clog the pipes.
    4. 4 Cook and stir the sauce for 10 minutes. Open a can of tomato sauce and place in a skillet. Stir until the sauce is combined with the meat and onions. Reduce heat to simmer the sauce and cover the skillet with a lid.
      • Stir the sauce once or twice to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
    5. 5 Place the meat sauce over the finished spaghetti. Divide 700 grams of cooked spaghetti into bowls and top with meat sauce. Sprinkle grated Parmesan over the spaghetti if desired.
      • You can also stir the spaghetti with the sauce and then serve on the bowls.
      • If you have any remaining spaghetti and meat sauce, transfer them to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Note that the longer the spaghetti is stored, the softer it becomes.

    Method 3 of 4: Garlic Parmesan Sauce

    1. 1 Melt the garlic butter and crushed red pepper flakes over medium heat. Place 10 tablespoons (140 grams) of unsalted butter in a medium saucepan and place over medium heat. Add 3 minced garlic cloves.
      • If you want the sauce to be hot, add 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of crushed red pepper flakes.
    2. 2 Heat the oil over medium heat for 4-5 minutes and stir it while stirring. Stir the contents of the pot continuously. Continue to heat the oil over medium heat until it has a rich golden color.
      • Watch out for the oil as it can burn quickly.
    3. 3 Turn off the heat and add the spaghetti and cheese to the saucepan. Put 450 grams of cooked spaghetti into a saucepan (strain the water first). After that, sprinkle the spaghetti with half a cup (50 grams) of freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
      • If you don't have kitchen tongs, use a large spoon and fork to stir the spaghetti, cheese and butter.
    4. 4 Divide the spaghetti with parmesan and garlic sauce into bowls. Try the spaghetti and add salt and pepper if needed. Sprinkle the spaghetti with 2 tablespoons (7.5 grams) of chopped parsley leaves. After that, immediately serve the dish on the table.
      • Store leftover spaghetti in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days.
      • If stored for a long time, butter and cheese may separate from the spaghetti.

    Method 4 of 4: Homemade Tomato Sauce

    1. 1 Make canned tomato puree. Take 800 grams of canned whole peeled tomatoes and place them in a blender or food processor. Cover the blender with a lid and grind the tomatoes.
      • If you like a coarse sauce, you can skip this step and simply crush the tomatoes with the back of a spoon after the sauce has boiled.
      • For a smooth sauce, stir the tomatoes in a blender until smooth.
    2. 2 Saute the onions for 5-6 minutes. Pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) extra virgin olive oil into a large skillet and heat over medium heat. When the oil starts to boil, add 1/3 of the coarsely chopped onion.
      • Stir the onions constantly to prevent them from sticking to the pan.
      • The onion should soften slightly and become translucent.
    3. 3 Add garlic and crushed red pepper flakes (optional). Peel and chop 3 garlic cloves into 1 centimeter pieces. Place the garlic in a skillet with onions. If you want a hot sauce, add a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes as well. Then cook the sauce for about 30 seconds.
      • The garlic should give off a scent. Do not fry the garlic for more than a minute, as it will burn quickly.
    4. 4 Add tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste. Pour the blended tomato puree into the skillet. Stir in tomatoes, onions and garlic. Try the sauce and add salt and pepper if desired.
      • To make the sauce tastier, try it often when frying. Add spices as needed.
    5. 5 Cook the sauce over low heat for about 30 minutes. Cook the skillet over medium heat and wait for the sauce to gurgle. After that, reduce the heat so that the sauce continues to gurgle slightly. Leave the pan uncovered and cook the sauce until thickened.
      • Stir the sauce frequently to prevent it from burning.
    6. 6 Add chopped fresh basil leaves to the sauce. Pour one or two handfuls of fresh basil leaves into the sauce (break each leaf into 2-3 pieces first).Stir the sauce and turn off the heat.
      • Once the basil is in the hot sauce, it will soften immediately.
      • Try the sauce again and add salt and pepper if necessary.
    7. 7 Pour the tomato sauce over the cooked spaghetti and serve immediately. Strain the water out of the spaghetti, place them on bowls and top with the cooked tomato sauce. Toss the spaghetti and sauce in a saucepan, if desired, before serving them on the bowls.
      • You can sprinkle the spaghetti with grated cheese, add fresh basil, or drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
      • Store leftover spaghetti in a tight-fitting container in the refrigerator for no longer than 3-4 days.


    • If you are going to eat spaghetti right after boiling, do not add vegetable oil to the water. Otherwise, the sauce will not stick well to the spaghetti.
    • Fresh spaghetti cooks faster than dry spaghetti. Fresh spaghetti can be ready in 2-5 minutes.

    What do you need

    Cooking spaghetti

    • Large saucepan with lid
    • Colander or strainer
    • Measuring spoons
    • Timer
    • Kitchen tongs or spaghetti spoon

    Meat sauce

    • Measuring glasses and spoons
    • Knife and cutting board
    • Large frying pan with lid
    • A spoon
    • Metal can

    Parmesan sauce with garlic

    • Measuring glasses and spoons
    • Medium saucepan
    • Knife and cutting board
    • Kitchen tongs

    Homemade tomato sauce

    • Measuring glasses and spoons
    • Blender or food processor
    • Knife and cutting board
    • Large frying pan
    • A spoon