How to create a Homunculus in Ragnarok Online

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Ragnarok Online: Homunculus System | Part 2 of the Biochemist Guide
Video: Ragnarok Online: Homunculus System | Part 2 of the Biochemist Guide


The Homunculus is a special pet that assists the Alchemist class by taking on the role of support, victim, or party member. If you are or are planning to become an alchemist, read on to learn how to create your very own homunculus and how to choose the right partner to help you on your journey.


Part 1 of 4: Types of homunculi

  1. 1 Select the homunculus Amistr. Amistr is the best homunculus for beginners, it is also the longest to upgrade and longer to feed due to the lack of attack skills. If you have a lot of free time, you may well choose this homunculus. It will take you a long time to level up, but the results will be worth the effort.
    • The Amistr is a sturdy tank-type homunculus ideal for low defense classes like mages and healers.
    • The Amistr eats Zargon as food.
    • He has four skills:
      • Castling The instant change of place of the homunculus with its master causes the monster to change its target and focus on the homunculus.
      • Amistr Bulwark (Stronghold). Temporarily increases the stamina of the homunculus and the host.
      • Adamantium Skin Increases the homunculus to its maximum health, health regeneration rate and defense.
      • Blood Lust Temporarily increases attack, plus each attack has a chance to steal 20% damage as health.
    • Amistr Bulwark is very useful in the later stages of the MVP game. It increases your stamina and even provides a valuable amount of PVP defense.
  2. 2 Select the Filir homunculus. Filir is the fastest leveling homunculus in the game. Its negative side is the lack of VIT. Although easy to upgrade, he dies a lot too. If you don't have time to develop your homunculus, Filir is a good choice, but don't expect him to be able to withstand strong attacks.
    • Filir is a homunculus with high dodge and attack speed.
    • Filir eats Garlet as food.
    • He also has four skills:
      • Moonlight. Commands the homunculus to repeatedly attack its target.
      • Flitting (Flight). Temporarily increases Homunculus Attack and Attack Speed.
      • Accelerated Flight. Temporarily increases the chance to dodge a hit.
      • S.B.R. 44. Commands the homunculus to deal massive damage to his target with his Proximity Points.
  3. 3 Select the Vanilmirth homunculus. Vanilmirth is the golden mean between Amistr and Filir. This homunculus has high stamina and health, as well as pretty decent offensive skills. However, compared to Filir, it deals less damage, which in some situations can lead to slower leveling. However, this homunculus can become very powerful. He also has skills that apply different elements to the enemy.
    • Vanilmirth is a magic-type homunculus.
    • Vanilmirth eats Scell ​​as food.
    • Vanilmirth has the following four skills:
      • Caprice (Caprice). Can cast a random attack spell like Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, Lightning Bolt, and Earth Spike. The Caprice skill level affects the level of each of the spells.
      • Chaotic Blessings. Can apply the Heal skill on a random target chosen from opponents, the owner, or himself. Healing can restore health to the Undead instead of dealing damage.
      • Instruction Change. Increases homunculus strength (STR) and intelligence (INT). Also increases the owner's chance of successfully creating potions.
      • Self-Destruction. Orders the homunculus to self-destruct and inflict damage proportional to its maximum health, which ignores the defense and evasion of enemies in the affected area. If the homunculus successfully self-destructs, the level of intimacy will be reduced to 1, that is, to the level of Hate.
  4. 4 Select the homunculus Lif. The weakest of the homunculi due to the fact that it has no practical application. It is useless in battle due to its low attack rates, lack of strong attack skills, and weak healing skills.
    • Lif is a support type homunculus.
    • Lif eats Pet Food as food.
    • Lif has the following skills:
      • Healing Hands Restores health to the owner in the same way as the Heal skill of the Acolyte class (Minion). Every use of the skill needs a Condensed Red Potion.
      • Urgent Escape Temporarily increases the running speed for itself and for its owner.
      • Brain Surgery Increases the Homunculus maximum SP, SP recovery rate, and also increases the effectiveness of the Healing Hands skill.
      • Mental Charge For a short time, the Homunculus's attacks are based on Magical Attack (MATK) rather than Physical Attack (ATK). This skill also increases Stamina (VIT) by 30 and Intelligence (INT) by 20 per skill level.

Part 2 of 4: Creating Your Own Homunculus

  1. 1 Gather the required materials. When you decide on the choice of a homunculus, collect everything you need to create it.
    • First, you need the Embryo potion, which you can buy from an alchemist or craft yourself using materials purchased from the Material Seller in Al de Baran located in the Alchemist Building (alde_alche 35,179).
    • The Platinum Skills of Pharmacy and Bioethics will also come in handy.
    • Don't forget to buy Seed of Life, Morning Dew of Yggdrasil and Glass Tube
    • Buy Potion Creation Guide and Medicine Bowl in another building, Gever Al Sharp, located at alde_alche coordinates 22, 188.
  2. 2 Create Embryo. To craft an Embryo, use the Prepare Potion skill along with materials purchased from the Al de Baran material store.
    • Once you have all the necessary skills, start the process by applying the Pharmacy skill. You will see a list with the names of the available potions. Among them will be the Embryo potion. Select "Embryo" and click "OK" to create it.
    • After you get Embryo, use the Call Homunculus skill to summon a homunculus.
    • After using the skill, you will randomly receive one of four homunculi, each of which will also have two forms. Keep creating and destroying homunculi until you get the one you want.
  3. 3 Upgrade your homunculus. Your homunculus can grow and eventually become a powerful companion. When the homunculus reaches Loyal, you can evolve it with the Stone of Sage item.
    • With evolution, the homunculus will receive a random bonus to one of the characteristics, an increase in health, an increase in SP, as well as a new look.
    • After evolving, the proximity of your homunculus will be reset to 10 (Hate). When you raise intimacy to Loyal again, the homunculus will gain a new skill.

Part 3 of 4: Controlling the Homunculus

  1. 1 Manual control. If you want to manually control your homunculus, you can do it with the following commands:
    • Alt + Right Click will select the target.
    • Alt + Double click will order the homunculus to attack the target.
    • Alt + T will tell the homunculus to wait, cancel all commands and return to the owner.
    • Alt + Right click on the ground will order the homunculus to go to the specified point. The maximum radius is 15 tiles.
    • Finally, Alt + R opens the homunculus window where you can see its status.
    • Be aware that if the owner dies, you will not be able to use manual control.
  2. 2 Using AI. AI (artificial intelligence) - is the cause of all actions of the homunculus, which is controlled by a script, a list of standard commands that can be replaced.The default script is both simple and poorly made, which gives your homunculus the command to attack everything or not attack at all. Therefore it is recommended to create your own script or use someone else's.
    • To install a new AI, with a newly uploaded or newly created script, go to the Ragnarok Online folder. It is usually located at C: Program Files Ragnarok Online AI.
    • Paste the downloaded AI script into the USER_AI folder and restart the game or call the homunculus to activate the script.
  3. 3 Using third-party programs. In fact, this is prohibited, but some players are willing to take such a risk. A third-party program will be used to move the character, feed the homunculus and even kill the other player's monsters.
    • Such programs are an easy way to control the homunculus and level up while you are not at the computer, letting the AI ​​program do the work for you.
    • However, you should know that the player, the account owner, can be prosecuted and punished for using this program.

Part 4 of 4: Feeding and the level of intimacy

  1. 1 Don't forget to feed your homunculus. Like pets, homunculi need food. Each feeding increases your level of intimacy with him.
    • The intimacy increases until it reaches the maximum level required for your homunculus to evolve into the next stage.
    • Know that starving your homunculus will decrease your level of intimacy with him.
    • When the intimacy level drops below zero, your homunculus will leave you.
  2. 2 Watch the homunculus. During pumping or a long game, owners very often forget to feed their pet, leaving him to starve until he leaves you. To avoid this, watch your homunculus and pay attention to the emotions that it shows.
    • Hunger levels below 11% will cause your homunculus to show an emote / sob every 20 seconds.
    • A player who feeds a homunculus inappropriate food will force him to do / swt.
    • A player who feeds a homunculus at 1% -75% will receive the emote / ho.
    • The player who feeds the homunculus at 75% -90% will receive the emote / swt2.
    • At 91% -100% you get / wah.
    • If the homunculus cannot use the skill, it will show / ..., and if it cannot evolve - / hmm
  3. 3 Increase the level of intimacy of the homunculus. Proximity is very important for development, as it gives the homunculus the best stats and the chance to get the last skill. Unfortunately, the exact number of proximity is not displayed in the homunculus window, but its status is displayed.
    • 1-3 affinity represent "Hate with Passion"
    • 4-10 proximity displays "Hate"
    • 11-100 proximity displays "Awkward"
    • Intimacy 101-250 displays "Shy"
    • Proximity 251-750 display "Neutral"
    • 751-910 proximity displays "Cordial"
    • 911-1000 proximity displays "Loyal"
    • When the proximity of your homunculus reaches the Loyal level, you can evolve it to the next level. To increase intimacy, remember to feed your homunculus on time.
    • If your homunculus is very active during the battle, the hunger level will grow faster. The faster hunger builds up, the more often you should feed the homunculus. The more often you feed him, the faster the intimacy increases.