How to cook vegetable oil with garlic

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chef’s Guide: How to Make Garlic Infused Olive Oil
Video: Chef’s Guide: How to Make Garlic Infused Olive Oil


1 Squeeze 4 garlic cloves into a saucepan and cover with olive oil. Take a small saucepan and press a few cloves into it with a garlic press. Then pour ½ cup (120 ml) olive oil into a saucepan and stir to distribute the garlic evenly over the bottom.
  • It is not necessary to peel the garlic before crushing as the rind will remain in the press.
  • You can use another vegetable oil instead of olive oil, depending on your preference.

How to choose vegetable oil

If you are using cooking oil, choose one that is neutral in taste and withstands high temperatures well, such as sunflower, rapeseed or grapeseed oil.

To get a heart-healthy seasoning, take extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil - they are rich in monounsaturated fats.

If you want an original scent, try using sesame oil. It is one of the most fragrant vegetable oils with a pleasant nutty scent.

  • 2 Heat the mixture over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. When heated, the oil will be saturated with the aroma of garlic. Stir the oil from time to time and keep it on fire until the garlic is light brown and lightly browned.
    • Do not bring the oil to a boil. If the vegetable oil gets too hot, it will lose some of its aroma and become patchy. It is enough for it to gurgle slightly.
    • Make sure the garlic is not overcooked.If the garlic darkens a lot, it means you've cooked it too long and the oil will be rancid.
  • 3 Remove the pot from heat and transfer the contents to another container. Wait for the oil to cool completely and then close the container tightly with the lid. As a result, moisture will not seep into it, and the oil will last longer.
    • If you don't want small pieces of garlic to remain in the oil, you can strain it through a colander or sieve when you pour the mixture into the container.
    • Leave the garlic chunks in the oil to make the oil more flavorful. Over time, the oil will become even more saturated with the smell of garlic.
  • 4 Store the oil in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days. From time to time, you can shake the jar of oil to make it smoother and better saturated with the aroma of garlic. If you do not use up all the oil after 5 days, throw away the residues, otherwise harmful bacteria may grow in it.
    • Never store garlic oil at room temperature. This can lead to food poisoning and even botulism, a severe and sometimes deadly form of food poisoning associated with eating tainted canned food.
    • If you want to keep the garlic oil longer, freeze it in the freezer. Frozen butter can be stored for up to one year.
  • Method 2 of 2: Making Garlic Oil Without Boiling

    1. 1 Press down 8 cloves of garlic with the side of the knife. Place the garlic cloves on a plastic, ceramic, or glass cutting board. Crush each clove with the flat surface of a knife blade (press it into the flesh of the garlic with your palm). Crush the garlic cloves well and peel them off.
      • Crush the garlic with the rind, otherwise the cloves will be too slippery and you may cut yourself with a knife.
      • Do not crush the garlic on a wooden cutting board, as it will absorb some of the flavor.
    2. 2 Separate and discard the rind. Once you crush the garlic cloves, you can easily peel them off. Throw it in the trash can or put it in a compost bin.
      • If the skin does not peel off well, it may be worth crushing the garlic harder.
    3. 3 Transfer the crushed garlic to a glass jar and cover with 2 cups (500 ml) olive oil. Any glass jar with a sealed lid will work. After closing the jar, shake it a few times to mix the oil and garlic.
      • Instead of olive oil, you can use another vegetable oil, such as avocado oil or grape seed oil. It all depends on what flavor you want or what kind of oil you have in your kitchen cabinet.
      • To add flavor, you can add spices or herbs to the oil.

      Possible flavoring additives

      Dried herbs (lavender, thyme, parsley, basil, etc.)


      Hot peppers


      Citrus zest

      Pepper grains

      Dried edible flowers

    4. 4 Store the jar in the refrigerator for 2-5 days. During this time, the oil is completely saturated with the aroma of garlic. Remember to close the jar tightly to keep the oil fresh.
      • If you do not let the oil steep for 2 days, it will not be as fragrant.
      • Throw away the oil after 5 days to avoid the risk of contracting botulism, a severe and sometimes deadly form of food poisoning associated with eating tainted canned food.
      • You can also freeze the garlic oil and store it in the freezer for up to 1 year.


    • Use the garlic oil as a salad dressing, sauce, and marinade for meat. This oil can also be poured over vegetables. Search the internet or cookbooks for suitable recipes.


    • Do not leave hot oil unattended, otherwise it may splash and cause burns, or spill over a fire and cause a fire.
    • Never store garlic oil at room temperature or refrigerate for more than 5-7 days.This can lead to botulism, a deadly food poisoning caused by bacteria found in spoiled canned foods.

    What do you need

    Cooking vegetable oil with garlic on the stove

    • Small saucepan
    • Garlic press
    • A spoon
    • Sealed container

    Cooking vegetable oil with garlic without cooking

    • Large knife with a wide blade
    • Ceramic, plastic or glass cutting board
    • Glass jar with lid