How to make a cheese omelet

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cheese Omelet
Video: Cheese Omelet


1 Collect all ingredients. It's pretty straightforward.
  • 2 In a bowl, combine eggs, milk, and, if desired, a pinch of pepper or salt.
  • 3 Heat oil in a skillet.
  • 4 Pour the egg mixture into the skillet.
  • 5 Once the omelet is lightly browned, lift the edges with a spatula so that the still moist mixture flows downward.
  • 6 If you want, you can add some cheese to the mixture to make the omelet even more cheesy.
  • 7 Wait until the omelet is done and the surface is still glossy.
  • 8 Remove from heat.
  • 9 Pour as much cheese as you like in the middle of the omelet.
  • 10 Fold the omelet in half and place on a plate.
  • Tips

    • Don't be afraid to experiment! Mix toppings to make this simple omelette more interesting.


    • Never eat raw meat and eggs, as this can lead to serious illness.