Ways to Release anger

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Releasing Anger Anxiety and Depression 6 weeks to a Happier Healthier You
Video: Releasing Anger Anxiety and Depression 6 weeks to a Happier Healthier You


Anger is a natural human emotion, and it's not always negative. Anger can help you know when you are hurt or a situation that needs change is happening. It is important that you know how to process and react to your anger.

Frequent anger can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, weakness and trouble sleeping. The risk is especially high if you get angry easily or have to last long… Fortunately, you can now understand, process and release your anger in the following healthy ways.


Method 1 of 3: Release anger effectively

  1. Practice. When you feel angry, some light exercise can help. A study from the University of Georgia found that moderate exercise (like jogging or cycling) during or right after anger can help you manage it. During exercise, the body releases endorphins, neurotransmitters in the brain that help create positive emotions and improve mood. If you can't run or ride a bike, consider walking, stretching, or some other form of exercise.
    • Exercise also has a preventive effect. Yale research shows that a jog before an anger occurs can reduce the negative level of a response.
    • Even if you don't have time for a full workout while you're angry, a few minutes will do. If possible, leave that intense conversation and shake hands and feet for a while. Just a few physical distractions will help you feel better.

  2. Practice controlling your breath. Breathing deeply through your diaphragm (the large muscle below your lungs that aids breathing) can help ease your feelings of anger. Control and deep breathing can slow your heart rate, regulate blood pressure, and relax your body. Combining breathing exercises with an Indian mantra, keyword phrase or any other reassuring slogans will increase the effect.
    • Find a quiet place to relax. Make yourself comfortable. Lie down if you like and take off any tight or uncomfortable clothing.
    • Put your hands on your stomach.
    • Inhale slowly through your nose. Focus on making your abdomen air-larger. Let your stomach relax as you inhale; At the same time you will also feel your stomach rising. Hold for a few seconds.
    • Exhale through your mouth. Releases the abdominal muscles by pushing air out through the lungs.
    • Repeat this process at least ten times.
    • If you are still having trouble breathing deeply, buy a bottle of blowing bubbles from a baby toy store. Hold the blower in front of you and breathe slowly through the frame. Focus on exhaling from your lower abdomen, forcing your breaths up and out. If it is stable then you can even blow the bubbles. If soap bubbles are broken or do not appear, change your breath until bubbles are blown.

  3. Practice stretching your tendons. This exercise requires you to focus on tensing and stretching a specific group of muscles in your body, distracting you from feelings of anger. Additionally, relaxation of the tendons can help alleviate feelings of anxiety and pressure, thereby reducing feelings of short-temperedness. This exercise will make it easier for you to fall asleep once your thoughts have started to go out of control.
    • Go to a quiet, comfortable place if possible and find a seat.
    • Focus on a specific muscle group, such as the hand. While taking a slow, deep inhale, stretch the muscle group as much as you can and stay in this state for 5 seconds. You can clench your fist like a fist when stretching your arm muscles. Focus on that group of muscles and try not to accidentally strain the surrounding muscles.
    • Exhale and quickly bring the muscle group back to the starting state. Focus on the experience of leaving it on the muscles that you just stretched. Relax for 15 seconds and move on to another muscle group.
    • Muscle groups to try stretching are the feet, lower calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, shoulders - neck, mouth, eyes, and forehead.
    • You can start with your feet and work your way up, tensing each muscle group in your body. Every time you stretch a muscle group, the anger seems to dissipate and make room for relaxation.

  4. Perform an anger release ritual. Activities that need focus can help divert anger energy into expressive production so you can quickly overcome anger. Research shows that anger can temporarily increase brain activity and creative thinking. Use your imagination and mindfulness to release anger in a creative and controlled way.
    • For example, find a private place, shaking your body while imagining that irritation is flying out of your body like a dog shakes itself after a bath.
    • Or you can write down the things that bother you and then slowly tear the paper to pieces as if you were destroying your anger.
    • If you're an artist, sketch or draw something that expresses your feelings. Focus on bringing out your feeling and bringing it into art.
  5. Use a stress relief rubber toy. Toys, like a rubber ball, can be effective at relieving frustration. To use it you have to contract and stretch a muscle group, so this ball is just as effective as muscle tension therapy. However it is only a temporary solution, you need to incorporate other techniques to get the best long-term results.
    • Kneading a rubber toy is a much better way to relieve stress than punching, kicking or throwing something. Such actions can be damaging and destructive, and sometimes they even make you angry more than they help relieve it.
  6. Find something funny or funny. Silly humor can ease anger.An important source of anger is feeling our own ideas about a situation or experience are always right and that everything should go in the direction we expected. Using humor to approach and structure ideas can help you manage and manage your anger.
    • The American Psychological Association recommends that if you call someone by a vulgar name, you will have it very real in your mind. For example, you are very angry with your boss and call him "bastard," then imagine what if he was a rogue with a black suit and briefcase of the same color. This kind of humor can help relieve the pressure.
    • Watching cute and funny videos online can help relieve your mood. Humans are biological programs programmed to react happily to adorable things like a big-eyed puppy or a plump little baby.
    • Avoid satirical comedies or horror movies, they will only make you feel worse or even hurt the people around you.
  7. Listen to soothing music. This is a great distraction technique that can help calm your anger. However, it is important that you listen to the genre of music soft. When you're feeling angry, music with strong melodies and agitated lyrics can make your negative feelings worse.
    • Find soothing music or meditation music to ease your anger. Part of the reason you want to "get hotter" when you are angry is because your body has been put into an euphoric state of "fight or escape". The British Academy of Acoustic Therapy has created a playlist of "relaxing" songs through scientific research, including songs by Marconi Union ("Weightless"), Airstream ("Electra") and Enya ( "Watermark").
  8. Repeat the reassuring spell. Find a sentence that makes sense to you, and try to focus your attention on it by repeating it. You can even recite a few sentences to yourself. Here are some examples:
    • "This is only temporary."
    • "I can get through it."
    • "I don't like it, but this can't defeat me."
    • "I will still hold my head up."
    • "It's not worth getting angry."

Method 2 of 3: Control and prevent anger

  1. Develop an "anger plan.”It is difficult to somehow reduce your anger in the moment of anger so come up with a plan that can help you calm down when you are in a bad situation. Having it in mind will help you manage your anger more effectively.
    • For example, if your plan is to “go away” if you start to feel the anger getting stronger, you can calmly tell the other person that I am upset and need to go out and breathe.
    • If you are in a tense conversation - like a hot political or religious issue - try to calm the situation by shifting the conversation to a more neutral and pleasant topic.
  2. Organize your thoughts. Cognitive organizing can make your anger experience less frequent. Anger often leads to exaggeration of your response to events and makes it easier for you to lose control. Changing the way you think about events and outcomes can help you avoid feelings of anger in the first place and manage anger as you go through it.
    • Avoid using a combination of words like "never" or "always." Anger tends to remind us of memories of other bad events, and then a sense of disappointment intensifies. These words also hurt others and made people feel more defensive than cooperative. Instead of saying "I'm always like an idiot" or "You never remember what's important," focus on what's going on. You may find it helpful to make a realistic statement to yourself like “I left my phone at home” or “You forgot our dinner plans,” that will help you stay safe. everything is inside.
    • Keep your mind. It's easier said than done, of course, but remind yourself that the negative experience that makes you angry isn't the only thing that happens during the day. Remember, no matter how great a frustration is, it is only temporary and this thought will help you overcome your anger quickly.
  3. Solve situations with flexibility. Admittedly, our responses to situations and events are always the same, and it is hard to give up thinking that there is only one objective truth for all situations. However, being flexible with how you handle situations and events will help you react with the least anger.
    • For example, if someone is interrupting while you are waiting in line at the counter, you might assume that they are not interested in your needs and are very impolite, and that thought will lead to an explosion of anger. While that may seem correct, it is ineffective. Be flexible by thinking that they may just not see you because they are preoccupied with a few problems of their own, which will release unnecessary anger.
  4. Learn to be assertive. Developing an assertive communication style can help you manage anger and discomfort in your life. Assertive communication and behavior doesn't mean being arrogant and selfish; it is clarity and composure in expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs to others in an open and honest way. If you are not being honest with others about your needs, they may not be able to respond and that can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, or worthlessness.
    • Use the phrase "I" - like "I'm confused about what you said" or "I hope you are on time when we go to the movies together."
    • Avoid calling your name in an indecent way, threatening or attacking others.
    • Use statements that show cooperation and invite others to express their point of view.
    • Be as direct and clear as possible about your wants and needs, the better. For example, if you're invited to a party you don't want to go to, don't just say something like, "Oh, let's see, I think I'll come if I can." Instead, respond clearly but politely that you don't want to go: "I don't want to go to that party."
  5. Try meditation. Meditation not only stabilizes your emotions and reduces stress, it can also help you stay calm even when you're experiencing anger. A recent Harvard study showed that meditation has a positive effect on brain function, especially the emotional production area. The study experimented with two forms of meditation: "mindfulness" meditation and "compassion" meditation. Both forms reduced feelings of anger and anxiety for the volunteers, but compassion meditation was even more effective than mindfulness meditation.
    • Mindfulness meditation focuses completely on the present moment, accepting your body's experiences. This type of meditation is similar to what you would do in a yoga class.
    • Lovingkindness Meditation, also known as loving-kindness meditation, is based on practices about calm mind, Rooted in Tibetan Buddhism, focuses on nurturing your feelings of compassion and compassion between people. This type of meditation requires careful understanding before you want to practice it effectively on your own.
  6. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can cause harm to the body including physical stress as well as emotional disturbances, depression or anxiety. Lack of sleep or getting too little sleep can lead to irritability, mood swings, and irritability.
    • Experts recommend that the adult body needs an average of seven to eight hours of sleep per night, although you may want to sleep more or less depending on your body's needs.
  7. Share your feelings with the person who made you angry. Once you've let your anger pass, it can be helpful to share your thoughts and feelings with the person who made us angry. If someone ignores you at a party and that makes you sad, calmly talk to that person and explain why you were hurt so that they understand how your behavior affects the other person.This also gives you more control over the situation.
    • It is ok to wait until you handle your anger to talk to the other person extremely important. If you approach them while still angry, things will get worse and at the same time you will upset the person. Always use non-violent communication when interacting with others.
  8. Meet an expert. A therapist can help you through the underlying emotions and motivations behind anger. This is especially helpful if you are constantly angry for no apparent reason. Cognitive therapy, in which a specialist will help you learn to think about different things for effective anger management. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Understand your anger

  1. Acknowledge your anger has a problem. Most people experience mild tantrums several times per week. In some cases it is okay to be angry if you are offended or hurt. However, you need to learn to recognize the signs that your anger has fallen into the "problem" category.
    • Do you often yell, yell, or curse when you are angry? Do you scold others?
    • Does anger often lead to violent behavior? How serious is it? The usual rate of anger that leads to aggressive behavior is less than 10%, so if you do it, you need to reconsider the issue.
    • Do you feel you need to take your own medicine when you are angry, such as food, alcohol or drugs?
    • Do you feel your anger has a negative impact on your health or personal relationships such as relationships or work? Do the people around you show concern about you?
  2. Learn to read your body. The physical causes of anger vary, especially among women, because they are subject to social and cultural pressure to avoid expressing their anger too clearly. Feeling of physical stress, muscle aches, shortness of breath, restlessness, and headache are all associated with anger. Instead of trying to suppress your feelings of anger, understanding when your body is in that state will help you handle it better.
    • Anxiety, depression and insomnia can also lead to anger.
  3. Find out what kind of anger in your family is. The way in which your parents and other family members express anger has a significant impact on you and how you handle your anger. How do your family members handle and express their anger as you grow up? Did your parents express their anger out or did they suppress it?
  4. Keep an angry diary. The way to become familiar with your emotions and why you become angry is to write them down in detail. Reflect not only on what happened but also how you reacted and what thoughts you practiced. Try not to judge the emotions you write. Only show them through that you can be aware of what you experience. Awareness is the first and important step in dealing with and overcoming anger. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • What provoked your feelings of anger or stress? Were you stressed out before the incident happened?
    • What did you think when it happened?
    • On a 0-10 scale, what is your anger?
    • Do you yell at others or subjective your anger?
    • Does your body experience physical symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat or headache?
    • What response would you like to get? Do you want to yell, attack someone, or smash things? What responses did you actually get?
    • How did you feel after this incident or experience happened?
  5. Find out your leverage. For many people anger is easily triggered by specific thoughts or incidents. You can use your anger journal to identify the most common causes of your anger. This thought lever typically falls into two main categories: feeling threatened and when you've actually been hurt in some way.
    • A common thought lever is someone who has done or not done something you expect. For example, if you were planning to have dinner with someone they didn't show up, you might feel angry that they didn't do what you wanted.
    • Another was the feeling of intimidation, even a very common sense. For example, when you are interrupted while waiting in line, computer has problems or frequently miss calls on the phone, these problems are small but bring a real and negative consequence, which creates a feeling. Threatened feeling. That anxiety can trigger anger.
    • Feeling like you have failed to fulfill your personal goal or need can also lead to anger, in which case anger directed at yourself.
    • Feeling like you are taking a risk or that someone doesn't care or help you are also angry levers, especially at work and emotionally.


  • Using anger strategies is a good place to start when you are in the pinnacle, but make sure you do emotional exercises to see and handle your anger at the same time. This will make it easier for you.
  • If possible, avoid situations that you know can become anger levers for you. For example, if you have a strong political opinion or a strong religious belief, don't engage in conversations that might irritate and upset you.
  • It's still a good idea to see a therapist, even if you don't normally get angry enough to punch your hand against the wall. Many people think your problem must be serious to need medical help, in fact an expert always has a way to help you prevent and take better care!
  • Check with your local college or community health center for anger management programs. These programs, used in combination with specialist techniques, can help you feel less angry and respond to events calmly.
  • Punch the pillow.
  • Each person has different ways to reduce anger. Try different methods until you see what works. Sandbagging, singing, a sauna or massage are available.
  • Jogging or doing push-ups right after the incident can help keep your mind comfortable and healthy.
  • Talk to someone else who you are angry with.
  • Play a sport or activity that you really enjoy to distract your mind. If you have a very serious problem, doing physical exercises will help you relax safely.
  • If anger comes suddenly, sit down. Drinking water can help you take better control of the situation.


  • If you find yourself constantly yelling at others or when you are angry or looking for sedative products like alcohol and drugs when you are angry, you should seek professional psychological health help. . This is very important because otherwise you will continue to harm yourself and those around you.
  • Do not expose actions such as punching, kicking or smashing to reduce anger. These actions look as they work, but actually they just excite you more.