How to be like an angel

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Like an Angel
Video: How to Be Like an Angel


Do you want others to think that you are a creature from heaven? You can be an angel in looks and personality. Since there is already an article on how to be like him, here are some tips to help you learn how to act like an angel.


  1. 1 Be kind. Don't be rude, physically or emotionally.
  2. 2 Learn to be a good listener. This is the main thing. Always listen to others and they will think that you really understand them. Don't interrupt, and stare at people as they speak. Also give advice. Thus, people will come to you and feel your aura.
  3. 3 Be cute and / or adorable. Skills will be required, so read How to be charming and How to be nice. They will help, trust me.
  4. 4 Don't be always crazy. Have fun, but don't go on the attack. This can annoy people, and you won't seem humble or mysterious like an angel.
  5. 5 Be talkative if you want, but don't interrupt others or be noisy. Listening comes first, keep that in mind.
  6. 6 Be empathetic. This means that you should always support others and say that you understand them.
  7. 7 Feel what others are feeling. Just always try to understand their feelings.
  8. 8 Be polite. Don't talk with your mouth full, give random gifts, say please and thank you, and don't slouch.
  9. 9 Be mature. Not boring, just mature. Don't fuss or get angry with others.
  10. 10 Don't fuss. Be calm. Just walk through life as if you have been doing this for years. Plus, people will feel like you don't have any problems, and that's like angels.
  11. 11 Tell people you understand them. Do this always, but not too often.
  12. 12 Be quiet sometimes. Not shy, but silent. Be humble and secretive, not ostentatious.
  13. 13 Be light-hearted. Act as if someone could easily break your heart. Don't tell others about your sadness, and don't overreact ..
  14. 14 NEVER BE ANGRY. It will ruin everything, trust me.
  15. 15 Walk with a slow and calm gait. Don't slouch when you sit, just fold your hands in your lap. You probably know the rest.
  16. 16 Do not doubt. Be confident, but don't brag.
  17. 17 Make life easier. You can do this with jokes, fun, or a nice smile.
  18. 18 Express your emotions vividly. Not when you are angry or embarrassed, but simply when you are happy, sad or thoughtful, etc.
  19. 19 Be polite to others. Very sweet and courteous. Pick up things people drop, ask or need help, etc.
  20. 20 ALWAYS support others. It's exhausting, but worth it and will make you and others happy.
  21. 21 Just because you have your own personality doesn't mean you have to be ONLY an angel. Have your personality. Be funny, outgoing, whatever, just make sure it doesn't ruin your image.
  22. 22 Act as if you are a guardian angel for everyone. It means charming people and never getting tired of their complaints.Just act as if it is your secret job to help.
  23. 23 Always be able to discern what is right and what is wrong.
  24. 24 What comes to mind when you think of the word "angel"? You must be beautiful, inhumanly empathetic, very charming, a good listener, cheerful, gentle with others, sympathetic and always support others (be a guardian angel).
  25. 25 Act as if you have a secret.
  26. 26 Make your life a little mysterious.
  27. 27 Don't talk too much about yourself. Act like you don't feel like it.
  28. 28 Act as if you are trying to be “normal,” but you cannot hide this inhuman beauty.
  29. 29 Be calm. Go with the flow sometimes.
  30. 30 Show people that you have feelings too. This way you can empathize with other people.
  31. 31 Never swear. NEVER.
  32. 32 Since you need to be light-hearted, don't be too happy or energetic. Do not be sad and also do not be angry.
  33. 33 Never say "I'm bored" or "I don't care." Stay away from this attitude.
  34. 34 Act as if you cannot do anything and easily reveal the image of an angel.
  35. 35 Don't use a lot of slang words. This spoils the design.
  36. 36 Arm yourself with the sweetest smile. Smile with your eyes.
  37. 37 When it's sunny outside and everyone is squinting, try to keep your eyes open as you would normally.
  38. 38 Help others, no matter what you get in return. If someone offers you something in return for helping, say, "No thanks, I just want to help you."


  • Try not to appear insecure and shy, you should be confident but not brag. It can be difficult, but after a while you will get used to it.


  • Don't tell people that you are an angel.
  • Don't act like an angel to deceive someone.
  • Always be yourself, no matter what happens!