How to be a beautiful woman with curves

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Curves Spectrum Of Women
Video: The Curves Spectrum Of Women


There are no weight recommendations for being a (big) beautiful woman with curves. Nature has blessed you with gorgeous curves; this is an hourglass figure !!


  1. 1 Accentuate your waist.
    • If you have a waist, use it: your figure looks balanced like an hourglass, which makes all shapeless women envy you!
    • If you don't have a waist, go for a large jacket with a belt that will give it the illusion of being very attractive.
  2. 2 Try on high-heeled shoes.
    • “For every centimeter of heel, you lose a kilo of weight,” agrees Marina Rinaldi. Heels make you seem taller, longer, and slimmer, but they can tire you out quickly, so opt for boots during the day and save your stiletto heels for the evening if you suffer from leg pain. Good tip: High-heeled shoes and a suit with a jacket and belt can instantly make someone look slimmer.
  3. 3 Highlight your best features.
    • Follow your curves. Jennifer Lopez has a classic figure with curves and knows how to show it, but remember: no girls with curves are the same.
    • If you have a peach butt like Jen, choose a dress that hugs the right places to accentuate them.
    • If you have real curves, like in the 1950s, accentuate your waist to show them.
    • If you are tall, show your legs in shorts. The golden rule is to never hide your curves, but delicately accentuate them.
  4. 4 Be proud of them.
    • All reed girls within a radius of 3 kilometers will envy your forms, and men will look at you. So get the most out of your benefits, but don't be weird - naturally, don't make everyone else feel wrong ... Opt for neckline dresses, open blouses, trench coats and jackets to accentuate your breasts. ...


  • The average UK size is 16, not 6! 40% of French women and 45% of German women also have a 16+ size.However, times are changing for the better, thanks in part to celebrities showing that you don't have to starve to be sexy ... quite the opposite.
  • Accept your body and shape, accept the fact that you will never have a size 0 and accept that you don't want it! It is also important to accept that you can gorge yourself from time to time, and that if you are smart and exercise regularly, you will be happy and healthy, which is better than anything that can be said about skinny people - when was the last time someone saw how Victoria Beckham was smiling ?!
  • Ask any man who the woman of his fantasies is - this is a mixture of Scarlett Johansson and Salma Hayek, not skinny babes like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston or Nicole Kdeman. Scarlett has been voted the most beautiful woman and sexiest woman in the world several times.
  • Curvy girls have never been so popular: just look at the classic English rose Kate Winslet, the lovely Liv Tyler, the Latin cutie Shakira and the gorgeous Beyoncé.
  • Just because you're not thin doesn't mean you can't wear shorts, which is good news, as there are great pairs for both smart and casual. Balance your lice look and you can look luxurious in shorts - just wear them confidently! If you don't have match legs and skinny knees, then you have even more reason to show off your sexy legs. Choose models that cover the top of your thighs and pair them with a low-cut, waist-length top for a delicate, sensual look.
  • If you need words of comfort, men see a woman's full complement: looks, figure, style and personality, all rolled into one. They do not look for flaws and weaknesses, as women do: they will not notice what you think of a flabby belly or powerful reeds, so there is no point even worrying that he will not notice! What's more, self-confidence is a big factor in sex appeal, so if you are confident in your body, men will find it even sexier.
  • She is one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood, yet she has won women's hearts all over the world by showing off her cellulite in Lost in Translation and still being incredibly sexy. The truth is, only women dream of the Victoria Beckham figure, while men love having a little meat on our bones. Love your body.
  • We're so used to seeing skinny models on the runway and in magazines that it's no surprise that we have a slightly skewed idea of ​​what the average size is.


  • Respect women with curves. Respect thin women. Respect thin women with curves. Respect non-curvature women of all sizes (thin, medium, large). Respect big women. Respect overweight women. Respect possibly (extremely) thin / (extremely) overweight women. There is nothing that makes any TYPE OF FIGURE more "real" than others. A body modified by extreme exercise / diet / hunger / surgery is different from its natural shape. Don't assume that a person is overweight because they are lazy or overeat. Don't assume that the thin girl you see on the street is anorexic or bulimic. Remember the width of the skeleton (thin bones, medium bones, wide bones).
  • Accept ALL kinds of figure. Beauty in EVERYONE (and in everything!)
  • Only 8% of women are naturally hourglass ... and they come in all sizes.
  • Beauty is all around us, everywhere. Working to expand your personal definition is one of the easiest and best steps to make bigger changes!