How to get a kiss from a girl you like

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easy Ways to Get a Girl Kiss You
Video: Easy Ways to Get a Girl Kiss You


How to get a kiss from a girl you like? Make sure you get to know each other well enough for her to feel comfortable around you. When the time is right, find a private moment, probe with gentle physical contact and proactively move forward by leaning forward for a gentle kiss on your lips. The challenge of getting the first kiss from "that person" can be both exciting and nervous, but you will succeed if you get inspired.


Part 1 of 3: Planning your action

  1. Come up with something exciting for the two of you to do together. The increased adrenaline in your body when doing something new or challenging will cause your heart to beat faster, just like when you're burning with someone.The best part is that she will also share the same excitement as you and that can help arouse a great romance.
    • Taking part in exciting activities together not only helps couples to be happier in the long run, but their excitement also increases their desire in the moment.
    • Go somewhere together before the two of you are alone together. Go hiking, rollerblading, dancing or going to a concert - anything that gets the adrenalin flowing through both of you.

  2. Choose a time and space that can inspire. Evenings are often best because the dark and dim lights often increase sexiness, communication and connection, physical contact and libido. Furthermore, a different or new scene will definitely make the kiss even more memorable.
    • The right location could be under a starry night, in a restaurant with flickering candles or a dim gym during lunchtime, but you need to make sure you have a private space. She probably won't want an audience!

  3. Pay attention to your appearance. You will definitely choose to wear clean clothes, brush your hair neatly and look good when you arrive at your appointment, but don't forget to clean your teeth as well. Remember to brush your teeth, and then don't eat anything strong (like garlic) before and during a date. You can also bring mints or gum just in case.
    • You need soft lips, so bring lip balm too.
    • Wear a red outfit. Red makes a man appear more attractive and has more sex appeal.

Part 2 of 3: Get to know her

  1. Chat with her. Your goal is to get along with her, so you need to find interesting things so that you two can laugh at each other and discover what they have in common. Read a few jokes or come up with your own jokes and tell her. Laughter has the magical effect of breaking through embarrassment and suspense on a first date.
    • Start with trivial stories like the weather or about a teacher teaching in class. Compliment her on her hair, clothes, or her smile.
    • Find out what she likes with comments about movie scenes or songs to get an idea of ​​her favorite taste and how she feels about romantic dates.
    • Giving up a little while talking; This posture will help you look more masculine and attractive.
  2. Connect with her on a deeper level. You want her to feel more comfortable and intimate with you than her normal friends. Sharing love stories and personal information can create strong and lasting connections. Women often use kissing to bond and strengthen that bond.
    • Some topics or ideas for bonding are: Talk about a great day. The luckiest thing in life. The greatest achievements in life. The most precious memory in my life. Worst experience. If the house is on fire and you can only save one item, what is it? (assuming family members and pets are safe).
    • Show that you like her by smiling and making eye contact with her.
    • Reveal your feelings. She might not know that you don't just want to be friends, so the best way to not get stuck in the “friends zone” is to show that you want to go beyond friendship.
  3. Learn to read body language. Pay special attention to how she reacts to decide whether or not to kiss, or when to do so. Positive body language will tell you that she likes the things you are doing, while negative body language will indicate that she doesn't like them. Noticing both positive and negative behaviors can reveal how she feels.
    • Positive body language is shown by the way she approaches you, feet pointing towards you, legs not crossed, arms open and palms up, playing with jewelry, stroking her hair, smiling or looking into your eyes.
    • Negative body language is manifested in moving away from you, feet out, legs crossed and arms crossed over chest, hands clasped, fidgeting, frowning or looking away.
    • If you get a lot of negative verbal cues, you might want to change your approach or try again at a more appropriate time when she is in a better mood.
    • If she makes a lot of physical contact with you, like touching your hand, rubbing your knees, nudging you, patting your shoulder or holding your hand, she probably falls for you too.
  4. Body contact. To get into a kiss, you have to step into her private space and see how she feels. Confidence and anticipation will allow you to get closer; And if she agrees, you'll know this is a good chance to have a kiss. Furthermore, the touch will show that you love her and want to have physical contact with her.
    • Be a gentleman. Pull the chair to invite her to sit and fix it up after she sits down. This will give you a chance to touch her shoulder, arm, or upper back.
    • Hold her hand. If she doesn't pull her hand away, you'll know she likes your gesture.
    • Touching her hair. Touching her hair is an intimate, but not too personal, gesture like a kiss and lets you know how she feels. If she hesitates or looks away, she is probably not ready or willing to kiss. If she seems to like it, then you can move on to the next step for your first kiss.
    • Try putting a kiss on the cheek first. Lean over and ‘scent 'on her cheeks to see if she reacts positively or negatively. You can then decide the moment for a real kiss on the lips.

Part 3 of 3: Performing the kiss

  1. Right time. You need to create the situation and find the right moment to break the tension with a kiss. However, don't wait too long; if not, she might think you don't feel. When you are both together, touching each other, looking at each other, showing positive body language and not being distracted, take the opportunity.
    • The right time for you both might be late on your first date or second, but it's better to do this before late at night so you don't get awkward sitting in the car or standing in the driveway. .
    • Improvisation. An unforgettable kiss happens at the right point of fall. You don't need to calculate a specific time when you are together. A kiss can come when you are about to enter a restaurant early in the evening, when you pass the dining table, in the theater, or when the two of you begin a walk on the moonlit street.
    • Try not to ask first. Asking for permission shows a lack of confidence and can ruin your great moment. Her body language will tell you she's ready; But if not really sure, you can ask.
  2. Actively. When you kiss, assertiveness is charismatic, so go ahead and go. Look at her lips, wet her lips, tilt her head slightly to the right and lean forward to kiss her lips. Wait a second for her to approach your lips.
    • Use touch to make the kiss more interesting, such as placing a hand on her cheek or head, getting his hand in her hair, touching her neck or stroking her.
    • While you can look her in the eye until she returns the kiss, it's best to close your eyes when your lips touch hers.
  3. Sexy. Not too strong or steamy. Your first kiss should be just off the lips without getting too wet, and keep your tongue in your mouth. Kiss for a few seconds and pull back when she does. However, you can maintain physical touch and eye contact.
    • Now is the time to follow her lead, harmonize with her movements and passion. Listen to her breathing to see if she likes the kiss and see if your kiss is making it hard for her to breathe.
  4. Learn how to deal with rejection. Maybe the girl you want to kiss isn't feeling, and you will have to get through.Understand that it may not be your fault - maybe she has a lot to worry about, or is already in a relationship with someone else, or that she just ate garlic at lunch.
    • Don't make any generalizations about the girl's rejection of the kiss. Understand that being rejected by someone in a particular situation doesn't mean it will happen again to someone else, or that something is wrong with you. It is important that you understand that what happened does not represent anything of your worth or who you are.
    • Give yourself time to "get over '' your feelings for her and try again with someone you like.


  • If she seems too hesitant about your initiative, invite her out with an invitation like, "What would you think if I invited me out" or "What if we went out? ''. Many girls won't kiss if you haven't invited her out.
  • If she steps back or doesn't return the kiss, then maybe it's not the right time. It might not be that she doesn't like it, but maybe she just ate garlic or didn't have time to brush her teeth and felt less confident to kiss you at that moment. If you get another chance with her, try another time.
  • Don't be too pushy, girls don't like it.