How to make mint tea

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Homemade Mint Tea
Video: How to Make Homemade Mint Tea


Making mint tea is easy and simple, this drink will come in handy if someone from your family suddenly has an upset stomach. Mint tea can be made from two ingredients - mint and hot water, or you can enrich its taste as desired. Mint tea can be served hot as a soothing and warming agent on long winter evenings, cold mint tea will invigorate and refresh in summer.

  • Preparation time (hot tea): 5 minutes
  • Tea brewing time: 5-10 minutes
  • Total time: 10-15 minutes


Mint tea

  • 5-10 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • Sugar or sweeteners to taste (optional)
  • Lemon (optional)

Iced Tea Ingredients

  • 10 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 8-10 glasses of water (2-2.5 liters)
  • ½ - 1 cup sugar to taste (110-220 grams)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Cucumber slices (optional)

Moroccan tea

  • 1 tablespoon of loose green tea (15 grams)
  • 5 glasses of water (1.2 liters)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar to taste (40-50 grams)
  • 5-10 sprigs of fresh mint


Method 1 of 4: Making Hot Mint Tea

  1. 1 Boil water. You can boil water in a kettle or in a saucepan on the stove, in the microwave, or in any other way you are familiar with. To save water, energy, time and money, boil just as much water as you need to make tea.
  2. 2 Wash and tear off the mint leaves. Rinse the leaves to remove any dirt, soil, or insects that may be on the mint. Then, tear off the leaves to highlight their aroma and give the tea a stronger flavor.
    • There are many varieties of mint, including types such as chocolate mint, spearmint, and peppermint.
  3. 3 Prepare the leaves. You can put the mint leaves in the teapot section for making loose tea, in the coffee filter, in the French press, or directly in the mug.
  4. 4 Pour boiling water over the leaves. Different types of tea must be brewed at a certain temperature so as not to burn the tea leaves, mint is resistant to hot temperatures, so feel free to pour boiling water over the mint leaves.
  5. 5 Let the tea brew. Mint tea should be brewed for 5 to 10 minutes, but if you want to make a stronger tea, brew the mint for longer. When the tea reaches the desired strength (you can either taste the drink, or determine the readiness by smell), remove the leaves. You can leave the mint leaves in the tea to keep brewing and get even stronger. Strain the tea through a strainer if your teapot does not have a dedicated brewing compartment or if you are using a non-teapot with a built-in strainer.
    • If you are using a French press, lower the handle to the very bottom as soon as the tea reaches the desired strength.
  6. 6 Add additional ingredients. After the tea is brewed, you can add honey, another sweetener, or lemon if you like. The tea is now ready to drink.

Method 2 of 4: Making Iced Mint Tea

  1. 1 Make mint tea. In proportion, prepare a large serving of hot mint tea. Simply place the mint leaves in a fireproof bowl and pour boiling water over them. Let the tea brew.
    • To prepare one serving of tea, use as much mint and water as if you were preparing a mug of hot mint tea.
  2. 2 Add sweeteners and lemon, stir. When the tea is ready, squeeze the juice of one lemon directly into the tea. If you like sweet tea, add sweeteners to it. Stir the drink thoroughly to completely dissolve the sugar granules.
    • Agave nectar can be used as a liquid sweetener and honey substitute.
  3. 3 Let the tea cool at room temperature. When the tea has cooled, strain the drink into a pitcher, remove the mint leaves. Chill the drink in the refrigerator until cold.
  4. 4 Serve iced cucumber tea. When the tea has cooled enough and it's time to serve, fill the glasses with ice. Cut the cucumber into thin slices and add a few slices to each glass. Pour the tea into glasses. Bon Appetit!

Method 3 of 4: Making Moroccan Mint Tea

  1. 1 Rinse the mint leaves. Place green tea leaves in a teapot and cover with one glass of boiling water. Spin the kettle to rinse the mint leaves with water and warm the kettle. Pour out the water, leaving the mint leaves in the teapot.
  2. 2 Brew tea. Add 4 cups of boiling water to the kettle and let the tea brew for 2 minutes.
  3. 3 Add sugar and mint. Brew for another 4 minutes or more if you want a stronger taste. Serve tea.

Method 4 of 4: Keeping Mint Fresh

  1. 1 Freeze the mint leaves in an ice cube container. If you still have mint leaves that you bought from the store or planted in the garden, save them for later use. To freeze mint, place 2 clean mint leaves in each compartment of the ice cube tray. Fill the container with water. Freeze in the freezer and use when needed.
    • When the crumpled ice cubes have solidified, remove them and transfer them to a plastic bag suitable for storage in the freezer. This will allow you to use the ice bin again.
    • When you need the mint leaves, remove the ice cubes and leaves from the freezer and place them in a bowl to thaw. The number of cubes depends on how many mint leaves you need. When the ice has melted, drain the water and blot the mint leaves to dry them slightly.
  2. 2 Dry the mint. Dried mint can be used to make tea too, or you can even put it in a coffee maker filter. Take sprigs of fresh mint, arrange them in bunches, tie the bunches with an elastic band and hang them with the leaves down in a warm and dry place. Wait until the leaves are dry and brittle.
    • Mint contains more moisture than other herbs, so it will take a few days to a couple of weeks to dry, depending on the climate. The warmer and drier the room in which you dry the mint, the faster it will dry.
    • When the mint leaves are dry, place them in a bag or between sheets of wax paper, crush them. Store dried mint in a spice jar.


  • If you add honey and lemon to peppermint tea, it can relieve a sore throat.

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