How to make a BLT sandwich

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: THE BEST BLT SANDWICH I’VE EVER MADE - Quick and Easy Recipe


Basically, making a BLT sandwich is very simple - the recipe is hidden in its name. BLT (Bacon - bacon, Lettuce - salad, and Tomato - tomato). It can be prepared for breakfast, for lunch as a second course, for an afternoon snack, for dinner, and is easy to take on the road. And how many variations you can think of! Hundreds! If you're ready to make a mouth-watering BLT sandwich, let's get started now!


Classic BLT sandwich (Classic BLT)

  • 2 slices (or more) bread (toast if desired)
  • 3-4 slices of bacon
  • Lettuce leaves
  • 2-3 tomato slices (thickly sliced)
  • Mayonnaise (optional)
  • Mustard (optional)

California BLT sandwich (California BLT)

  • Ingredients for a classic BLT sandwich
  • 1 avocado
  • Lemon juice (optional)

BLT sandwich Breakfast Special BLT

  • Ingredients for a classic BLT sandwich
  • 1 egg
  • 2 slices of cheese (cheddar, Monterey Jack or Swiss are recommended)

Royal BLT sandwich (Royal BLT)

  • Burrata cheese (or soft mozzarella)
  • 3-4 thick slices of pancetta (pork belly, cured in salt, spices and herbs)
  • 1 brioche bun or just a bun
  • 1 Heirloom tomato (regular)
  • Arugula
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar


Method 1 of 4: Making the Classic BLT Sandwich

  1. 1 Cook bacon. It is the bacon that is critical to the BLT sandwich. Turn on the stove and place the skillet over medium heat. When the pan is hot (if you drip water on it and the water fizzes, the pan is ready), put the bacon strips in there and fry it. Turn the bacon over from time to time to avoid burning it. When the bacon is a pleasant brownish color, transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels. The whole process shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes.
    • While the bacon is cooking, proceed with the following steps, keeping an eye on the stove to prevent the bacon from burning.
    • Instead of frying the bacon, you can put it in a skillet and place it in the oven, preheated to 190 C for 15-20 minutes.
    • There is an ongoing debate among bacon aficionados about how crispy bacon should be. Someone likes it to be soft, someone fries it until it crunches. Do as you like. The sooner you remove the bacon from the pan, the softer it will be.
  2. 2 Spread on slices of bread. Take two slices of bread and place them on a clean work surface. Spread mayonnaise (or any other sauce or salad dressing) on ​​one slice of bread. Spread mustard over mayonnaise. Add any sauces or additives you like. For example, a drop of Tabasco sauce will add spice to your sandwich.
    • Toast the bread, if desired, for a crispy crust.
    • If you don't like either mayonnaise or mustard, don't add them to your sandwich. Find at least one sauce that will glue the sandwich halves together. Although, even this is not necessary.
  3. 3 Add a few slices of tomato. Take a tomato, lay it on its side and cut some vertical slices. Place the tomatoes flat on the bread. The thickness of the tomato slices depends on your preference. Someone likes a lot of tomatoes, someone just a couple of thin slices.
    • Any variety of tomatoes will work for a BLT sandwich. Traditionally, the beefheart variety is used for the BLT sandwich, but you can use whichever variety you like.
  4. 4 Add lettuce leaves. If you haven't done so before, wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly in cold water, removing dirt and cooling the leaves. Place a few leaves on top of the tomatoes. The number of leaves again depends on you. 1-2 sheets will be enough.
    • As with tomatoes, there are many varieties of lettuce. Choose the one that you like. Romaine (Roman salad), iceberg, batavia, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, there is plenty to choose from. You can even use spinach, but strictly speaking, it won't be a real BLT sandwich anymore.
  5. 5 Add bacon. If it's not ready yet, wait for it to cook. When you remove it from the pan, place it on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess grease. Then put it on a sandwich. The amount of bacon - whatever you like. Some people like more bacon, others a thin slice just for taste.
  6. 6 Place the second slice of bread on top. Congratulations! The sandwich is ready. You can stop and eat your sandwich, or you can keep cooking and make it double by adding ingredients.
    • If you put in too much filling and your sandwich falls apart when you eat it, use a toothpick to hold it together.
  7. 7 To make a double sandwich, add more topping and another slice of bread. If you're really hungry, make a triple sandwich. Add more fillings, the same or a different one of your choice, and cover this structure with another piece of bread.
    • For example, if you want to make a double sandwich with the same filling, spread mayonnaise and mustard over the resulting sandwich, add tomato slices, bacon lettuce, and finally another slice of bread.

Method 2 of 4: Making a California BLT Sandwich

  1. 1 Make a classic BLT sandwich, excluding the last slice of bread. Spread mayonnaise and mustard on the resulting sandwich, put tomato slices, lettuce, bacon. Then add some more interesting ingredients to make the sandwich truly unique.
    • For example, in California, they use a special sour local bread. Use your favorite bread for your sandwich.
  2. 2 Add a few slices of avocado. Peel and cut a ripe avocado into slices about the size of french fries. Put them on top of the bacon. Avocado adds a creamy flavor and creamy texture, which pairs well with crispy toast. The classic BLT sandwich doesn't have that feeling.
    • Ripe avocados are the best. Different varieties of avocados can be of different colors, so it is difficult to navigate by the peel. With light pressure, a ripe avocado should be rinsed, but not damaged. If it is hard, it is not ripe, if it is too soft, it is overripe. Check the color under the stem, yellow-green indicates ripeness, and brown indicates overripe.
  3. 3 Drizzle with lemon juice if desired. After placing the avocado on your sandwich, sprinkle it with a few drops of fresh lemon juice. It only takes just a little juice for the hint of lemon, not for the sandwich to make you wrinkle.
  4. 4 Place the top piece of bread. Congratulations, California BLT Sandwich is ready! You can of course make a double sandwich by adding the ingredients you need.

Method 3 of 4: Making a Breakfast Special BLT Sandwich

  1. 1 Cook the bacon and save the melted fat. This sandwich variation is good for early birds in a hurry to get to work. First, cook the bacon as usual, but at the end, save some of the fat that has been melted from the bacon for the scrambled eggs.
    • If you don't want to fry your eggs with bacon fat, pour it out and use butter or margarine.
  2. 2 Make a classic BLT sandwich, excluding the last slice of bread. You can probably do most of the work of picking up the sandwich while the bacon is cooking. Put on a slice of bread, spread with mayonnaise and mustard or whatever you like, add tomatoes and lettuce and bacon when ready. The result is a blank for any new BLT sandwich.
  3. 3 Fry an egg with bacon fat. Once you've removed the bacon from the pan, dried it on a towel, and placed it on your sandwich, break the egg into the pan. Fry the egg until you like it, most importantly, make sure that the eggs are not overcooked or burnt.
    • See how to cook eggs in different ways. The easiest way is to fry the egg in a skillet for a few minutes, until the protein grabs and turns white, then pour a tablespoon of water into the skillet next to the egg, cover and wait. The steam will cook the surface of the egg so you don't even need to turn it over. Just remove the finished egg from the pan.
  4. 4 Add the fried egg and cheese to the sandwich. When the egg is done, gently transfer it to the top of the sandwich. Then place a slice of cheese directly on top of the egg. Just about any kind of cheese will do. Traditionally used cheddar, Monterey Jack or Swiss cheese.
  5. 5 Place the top piece of bread. Congratulations! BLT Sandwich "Special for Breakfast" is ready. The cheese and egg make this sandwich very satisfying. It looks like a whole traditional American breakfast combined in one sandwich.
    • If you will be snacking along the way, be sure to bring a napkin, the egg yolk can be runny, depending on how you cook it.

Method 4 of 4: Making the Royal BLT Sandwich

  1. 1 Fry the pancetta. The base of any BLT sandwich is bread, sauce, tomato, lettuce, bacon, and again bread. The choice of which varieties of the listed ingredients will be used, we leave it to you. Bread - from wheat to rye, bacon - either from the nearest supermarket, or from an elite butcher's shop, and so on. Try frying pancetta.
    • Pancetta is an Italian variety of bacon, pork belly, dried in salt, spices and herbs, not smoked. Whereas American bacon is smoked in most cases. Pancetta is prepared in the same way as regular bacon, either in a pan or in the oven.
  2. 2 Spread Burrata cheese on a brioche bun. Instead of standard bread and mustard mayonnaise. Try these gourmet foods for a truly royal sandwich! Cut the brioche in half and gently spread the burrata cheese over half. Proceed with caution. Cheese does not spread as easily as mayonnaise. ...
    • Brioche is a French sweet bun made from butter dough on brewer's yeast with the addition of butter. Lush, tender, sweet, great for a sandwich.
    • Burrata is an Italian fresh cheese made from the cream and milk of a buffalo or cow; the closest relative of mozzarella. May be substituted for mild mozzarella in recipes.
  3. 3 Add arugula. Arugula can be placed on tomato slices. But since it consists of small leaves, it will be better if you put it on the cheese, before the tomatoes. This way the leaves will better "stick" to the cheese and will not fall out (almost will not fall out) from the sandwich.
    • Arugula is the nutritional champion of leafy lettuce. She has a slightly nutty, peppery taste. Ideal for sandwiches.
  4. 4 Add the Heirloom sliced ​​tomatoes. There are many varieties of tomatoes, but it is advisable to find Heirloom tomatoes for this sandwich. Heirloom tomatoes are heirloom tomatoes, or tomatoes that are not hybridized, but grown from seed for generations. They can be yellowish, red, green and even brown, sweet in taste.
    • Heirloom tomatoes don't last long, don't buy them in advance.
  5. 5 Add cooked pancetta. If the pancetta was fried while you were assembling the rest of the sandwich, then the bulk of the work has already been done. Remove the pancetta from the pan, place it on a dish of paper towels, remove excess fat and place on a sandwich.
    • You can put as many pieces as you like, usually 3-4 pieces are enough.
  6. 6 Sprinkle the top half of the bun with oil or vinegar. We're almost there. Soon the Royal BLT sandwich will be ready, there are final steps left. It remains to make a salad dressing with oil and vinegar. Combine three parts olive oil and one part balsamic vinegar in a small bowl. Make a small serving, no more than a few teaspoons of the finished dressing. Sprinkle one teaspoon of the resulting dressing over the top of the bun.
    • If you have some salad dressing left over, don't saturate the bun with it. If you use too much dressing, you will end up with a sticky mass. Instead, mix it with arugula for an impromptu salad!
  7. 7 Place the other half of the bun on top of the sandwich. Finally. You did it! Enjoy a truly royal gourmet sandwich!


  • Don't add too much mayonnaise. It will override the aromas and flavors of tomatoes, lettuce and bacon.
  • Optionally, you can brown the bread in the toaster before spreading mayonnaise on it.
  • Sprinkle some vinegar on the lettuce (if you like) for a delicious taste.


  • If you are preparing your sandwiches in advance, do not add too much mayonnaise or the bread will soften.