How to ask a girl out on a high school date

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Ask A Girl Out At School
Video: How To Ask A Girl Out At School


Nobody says asking a girl out is easy and simple, especially if you are still in high school - after all, teenage girls at this age are unpredictable and no one knows what is on their mind. But nothing is impossible! If you have a plan, you know how to conquer her, and you remain calm, you can achieve your goal and she will very soon become your girlfriend. If you want to know how to ask the girl you are in school with on a date, this article is definitely for you.


Part 1 of 3: Preparation

  1. 1 First, make friends with her. If you want to ask a girl out on a date, then first you should get to know her better so that you can get to know each other. This does not mean that you should definitely become best friends - on the contrary, it is not even very desirable, because otherwise you risk being stuck in the notorious "friend zone" for a long time. However, it will help you if you have known each other for some time, will constantly be in her field of vision and earn a reputation as a good guy in her eyes. If she has no idea who you are, and can only know you through some gossip and rumors, the likelihood of getting your invitation rejected increases significantly.
    • Behave in a friendly and friendly manner. Say hello to her by name, thus showing that you think of her.
    • Sit down next to her and start a conversation. Ask how your day went, or give an unobtrusive compliment.
    • Show more attention to her person. Give her a nod as she walks past you in the lobby or sits down at a nearby desk.
    • Remember that you don't have to put in a lot of effort to get the girl's attention. On the contrary, sometimes the lack of attention generates interest: "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us."
  2. 2 Start flirting with her on the sly. If you want to ask a girl out on a date, you need to create sympathy between us first. You need to have a light flirtation with her in order to establish a bond, learn to laugh together and make fun of each other. You can compliment her on her new outfit, tease her slightly, unless, of course, she is too vulnerable, or just joke or tell a joke in front of her that will let her know that you like her.
    • If you happen to be with her in the company, pay attention to her, but do not take over her time completely. Make her flirt with you in return instead of waiting for you to take action all the time.
  3. 3 Find out if she likes you or not. While there is no way to find out for sure before you ask a girl out on a date, you can look for some clear signs that you are interested in her. Knowing this will make you feel more confident when you invite her. Here are some possible signs that she cares about you:
    • She may completely ignore you or, on the contrary, show excessive attention.
    • She may smile or blush when you meet her eyes.
    • Her friends may whisper or chuckle as they pass you.
    • When you communicate, you feel a positive, playful attitude.
    • Other guys start teasing you because of your mutual sympathy.
    • She may constantly come up with reasons to talk to you.
    • She may touch you often and make ridiculous excuses. However, if she touched you once or twice, this in itself does not mean that she likes you.
  4. 4 Choose a convenient time and place to ask her out on a date. If you want her to agree, there is no need for the place and time to be perfect, but choosing the right one can still increase your chances of success in this difficult endeavor. If she is not averse to going for a walk with you, she will in most cases say yes. But you can increase your chances of getting the answer you want by asking the girl a question in private, where she will not feel awkward, and choosing a time when she is in a good mood, not too tired or busy with something else.
    • You don't have to wait too long for an opportunity to talk. Girls in high school are like high math problems - just as incomprehensible, so if you think that this is a good opportunity, do not hesitate to invite her on a date, and do not wait for the weather by the sea.
  5. 5 Consider spending time together. Before asking a girl out on a date, think about what you will do on that date. As obvious as this advice may seem, you may be so worried about whether you will get a positive answer or not that you will not even think about what to do after asking your main question. In high school, going out on a date sometimes just means “be my girlfriend,” but it's still a good idea to think about where you might go together. Then, if the girl agrees, you can say: “Great! How about going ... ”instead of just saying,“ Great! Well, I think we'll cross over soon. " Here are some ideas for what you can do:
    • go to a school disco together;
    • go to the premiere of a new film;
    • invite her to a concert;
    • go to the mall;
    • just take a walk together after class;
    • attend a mutual friend's birthday party.

Part 2 of 3: Getting a date

  1. 1 Find a quiet place. Talk to the girl in private so that her friends don't giggle and tease you, but you don't need to call her to such a secluded place so that she gets worried or frightened. Choose a time and place in the schoolyard, next to the dressing room, after a school holiday, or at a friend's party. You don't need to start talking about dating before class, as she will be focused on the upcoming class and may not be listening too closely. Moreover, you should not do this before the test or exam.
    • Pick a time when she isn't sad, tired, or annoyed. Make sure she is in good spirits.
  2. 2 Exude confidence. Confidence is half the battle, but don't overdo it: if she sees that you are a little worried, she will understand what you really like. All the confidence in the world will not help if the girl is not interested in you, but she will help you decide and invite her. Keep your head up, smile, remember to breathe and relax. Even if you are damp with excitement or your stomach has cramped, behave absolutely calmly. Then you will soon notice that you managed to force yourself to feel confident in yourself and your strengths.
    • Don't be arrogant or arrogant. Behave like an ordinary guy, then the girl will gladly agree to meet you. Do not pretend to be someone you are not - girls love sincerity and naturalness.
  3. 3 Talk to her a little before getting down to business. You don't want to run into her with the question: "Hi, will you go on a date with me?" It will be too much for even the most straightforward girl. You don't need to pour from empty to empty for a long time, but chat for a minute or two to make you both feel comfortable, and then gather your strength and ask her out on a date. Say hello, ask how she's doing, exchange a few more phrases before moving on to the most important thing.
    • If it has already become obvious that you are going to ask her out on a date, and you still continue to stare at the floor or blow off invisible specks of dust, then it's time to act.
  4. 4 Ask her out on a date. You don't need to bother too much with the wording. Say, “I enjoy spending time with you. Maybe we can go together somewhere? "- or:" You will not agree to become my girlfriend? " Do not beat around the bush for a long time. Do this, and then watch her expression to see how she felt about it. There is no need to list 20 reasons why you like her or convince you that you will be the best boyfriend in the world. Just invite her in a sentence or two. After that, you just have to wait for an answer.
    • When asking a girl out on a date, look at her, rather than study the patterns on the floor. Your confidence will impress.
  5. 5 Respond correctly to her answer. After you've asked a girl out on a date, she doesn't have many options: agree or refuse. If she says yes, put your arms around her, smile and let her know that you are very happy about this, but you do not need to start dancing for joy. Show that you are looking forward to seeing her and that you think she is a great girl. Offer her to go where you think of - and then it will be seen.
    • If she said no, don't despair. Thank her for the conversation and leave with dignity. You don't have to be rude, slam doors in annoyance, or look weak. Remember that you would like her to respect you even if she doesn't want to be your girlfriend. And do not forget that there are many other girls in the world - especially since you are still in school!

Part 3 of 3: Alternative Ways to Ask for a Date

  1. 1 Ask her out on a date while dancing. The school disco is a great place for such an invitation. Wait for a slow dance and invite her, and at the end of the composition ask if she wants to become your girlfriend. You will read the answer in her eyes as you dance together. You can use dance as an excuse to invite her in before you start dating. Yes, it takes some courage and excitement, but it's a great way to ask a girl out on a date.
    • The atmosphere during the dance will be more romantic than during lunch in the school cafeteria, so if you invite her during the dance, the chance of developing a romantic relationship is increased. But there is one thing: sometimes it is almost impossible to tear a girl away from her friends.
  2. 2 Write her a note. If you think that writing is your strong point, write a short note that will let the girl know that you like her and want to date her.This is a very pleasant way to surprise her and at least partially avoid the tension that would await you in a personal conversation. The main thing is to make sure that the note reaches the girl, regardless of whether you give it to her in class, put it in her textbook or put it in the locker.
    • Ask her to respond with a note as well. No matter how it turns out, don't be nervous, because she won't even see your reaction to her answer!
  3. 3 Ask your friends to talk to her. This, however, is already quite an extreme measure. If you're really embarrassed, but still want to invite her, ask a more determined and charismatic friend to connect with the object of your sympathy (of course, without trying to charm her). Let him come up to her and ask if she would agree to meet with you. Make sure your friend knows what to say and doesn't make you look weak or mislead her.
    • If you really want to ask a friend to ask a girl out on a date with you, ask him what exactly he will tell her. Yes, it may sound strange, but you may be glad that you rehearsed such an important step for you with a friend.
  4. 4 Call her. If you feel more confident on the phone, you can invite her over the phone. Call the girl (we hope you already have her number) and offer to go somewhere. In this case, it is especially important to have a plan in advance where you will call her, so as not to hesitate and not try to turn off the conversation if she agrees. You can find out the girl's number from her friend, if, of course, she gives it to you - then the girl will roughly know what to expect when you call her.
  5. 5 Give her a small but meaningful gift. If you are already friends, or at least know quite well and know what she might like, you can give her a nice inexpensive piece of jewelry, a CD with music, a book, a beautiful notebook, or another nice, but non-binding and non-embarrassing gift. ... You can ask her out on a date when you hand over the gift, or write a note and give her along with the gift.
  6. 6 Write your invitation in chalk. This technique is not for the faint of heart. If you really like her, write on the pavement: "(Name), will you go on a date with me?" - and then, as if by chance, walk with her around this place so that she notices and reads the inscription. Yes, you might be embarrassed if she refuses, but imagine how great it would be if she agreed to your message with chalk on the pavement!
  7. 7 Ask her out with food. Buy her favorite cake or dessert and have someone write on it with icing or powdered sugar, "Will you go on a date with me?" It can be difficult, but if you can do it, you will impress her with your creativity and resourcefulness and she will not be able to resist you. Write your message with a firm hand and then just go with the flow.


  • Not annoy the girl! This is annoying and can alienate her from you.
  • No matter how difficult it is not stare at her figure. Otherwise, in the eyes of the girl, you will look like a worried jerk.
  • Not behave like an idiot if you hear a refusal.
  • You don't need to brag and talk a lot about yourself and your life, otherwise she will think that you are a narcissistic peacock.
  • Behave yourself and do not use foul language. Show maturity, this is a very good and desirable quality.
  • Not invite a sixth grader if you are in eighth grade yourself, otherwise everyone will start looking askance at you.
  • Not put the invitation on the back burner. There is nothing worse than the unknown - does she like you or not? Even getting rejected is not so painful.
  • Don't ask her out on a date via the internet or text message. Such a relationship, most likely, will not be stable and long-term.
  • Make sure she knows you and don't tell anyone, not even herself, about your affection until you ask out on a date.If you want to share this with a friend, make sure they can be trusted (or at least blackmailed so they won't tell anyone).
  • Do not share your sympathy for the girl with chatty friends.
  • If she's dating another guy, wait. High school relationships are usually short-lived. When she is free, take the opportunity!


  • Do not belittle yourself in her eyes, otherwise she may feel embarrassed and refuse you. Speak confidently with your girlfriend.
  • Don't text your girlfriend out on a date. This can actually undermine all of your chances of success. Talk to her in person so that she can see what you like and you are not joking.
  • If she agrees, don't try to kiss her or make physical contact right away. It might scare her away.
  • Try not to scream or cry if she says no. Just say something like, “Sorry, but worth the try. If you change your mind, tell me. "
  • If she refuses you, remember that the light did not converge on her, and that during your school years you will still meet many other girls.
  • If you constantly hang around her, she will decide that you are stalking her and will refuse you. Spend time with friends, not just her