How to overcome anxiety

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
#LetsTalkAboutIt: How to Overcome Anxiety
Video: #LetsTalkAboutIt: How to Overcome Anxiety


People are often worried about important presentations, business meetings, or dates. In some cases, anxiety can prevail and get in the way, but anyone can learn how to overcome anxiety. Learn about simple steps to help you cope with anxiety in your daily life and before important events.


Method 1 of 3: How to handle stressful situations

  1. 1 Practice doing things that cause excitement. If you're afraid of performing in public, flirting on dates, or doing work assignments, practice can help you build confidence and relax. The more experience, the more relaxed you will be about the situation.
    • If you're worried about dating, ask a friend to go on a practice date with you. Go to the place you are going to visit to practice your conversation options and feel confident in that environment.
    • If you are afraid to speak in front of an audience, look for opportunities to speak in front of people more often. Volunteer to answer in class whenever possible. Come to different group meetings and express your point of view. Become a member of an organization where you can often speak to people. The more often you train, the lower the excitement will be.
  2. 2 Prepare in advance. Preparing for a specific task that triggers anxiety will allow you to believe in yourself.
    • For large meetings, you should prepare an action plan and the necessary information so that it is always at hand.
    • Before the interview, research your company and job description to understand the topic. Think about the possible questions in order to compose the answers ahead of time.
    • Before your date, think about questions you can ask the person to get to know them better. In the event of an awkward pause, you can always ask an interesting question and not be silent.
  3. 3 Strive to think positively. Imagine how you are coping with the task and do not worry. Replay the frightening event in your own head and visualize your calm and successful actions.
    • Before your date, pretend that everything is going well, that you are relaxed and having a good time.
    • Before an important speech, pretend that you are speaking to an audience. Think about your successful and relaxed delivery of your speech. Those present are delighted.
  4. 4 Relax. Try to relax ahead of time to calm your anxiety. A few minutes before the situation, try to deal with the anxiety and relax.
    • You can sit in a dark and quiet room to put your thoughts in order.
    • Do progressive relaxation. Tighten and relax each muscle in turn from the upper body and move to the toes. Tighten and relax the muscles in your shoulders, arms, torso, and so on all the way to your legs.
    • Go for a walk to release energizing energies and organize your thoughts.
  5. 5 Concentrate on your breathing. Think about breathing and take slow, deep breaths.
    • Thinking about slow breathing not only gives us physical calm, but also distracts us from anxiety.
    • Take ten deep breaths and think of the air moving through your nose, filling your lungs, and exiting through your mouth. This will make it easier for you to focus and calm down.
  6. 6 Try to sweat less when you're worried. Here are some simple steps to help you get rid of excessive sweating when you are anxious:
    • wear lighter clothing;
    • use an effective antiperspirant;
    • do not wear a hat.
  7. 7 Reduce the amount of nerve movement. In moments of excitement, try not to make sudden, restless movements.
    • stand upright so as not to shift from foot to foot;
    • freely lower your arms along the body so as not to make chaotic sweeps;
    • Pick up a pencil if it helps you avoid fidgeting.
  8. 8 Assess the situation soberly. Often thoughts about an upcoming event turn out to be much darker than the event itself. Think about why you are worried and how well-founded your fears are. What could go wrong? The worst possible outcome may not be as dire as you thought it would be.
    • Think about the worst possible outcome to change your thoughts. Imagine this outcome and consider how prepared you are to survive such an outcome.
  9. 9 Nobody knows about your excitement. Others have no idea how worried you are, so don't think about it. People are often more nervous than they really think.

Method 2 of 3: Dealing with everyday worries

  1. 1 Exercise more often. Regular aerobic exercise is an easy and effective way to deal with anxiety.Exercise reduces muscle tension, releasing relaxing neurotransmitters and burning stress hormones. Just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise will help you burn off excess cortisol and reduce stress levels.
    • Take up meditation or yoga. These sessions combine relaxation techniques with gymnastics.
    • Start playing a team sport.
    • Sign up for a gym.
    • Walk and bike.
  2. 2 Keep a diary. Record and analyze worried thoughts to better deal with your anxiety. Think about what makes you anxious and write it down in a journal so you can better understand when and why anxiety comes.
    • The diary will also help you to work through anxious thoughts on paper in advance so that you worry less in reality.
    • Recording will help you evaluate such thoughts from all angles. Evaluate past reasons for worrying and think that it all ended well.
  3. 3 Practice mindfulness. The easier it is for you to focus on the present moment, the less often your brain will analyze hypothetical situations. Practice mindfulness in everyday situations: focus on the world around you and don't think about extraneous things.
  4. 4 Eat less caffeine. Caffeine is a common cause of anxiety and irritation. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks before big events or late at night.
    • Instead of coffee or tea that contains caffeine, drink a soothing herbal tea.
    • Avoid caffeinated sodas.
    • Energy drinks are high in caffeine.
  5. 5 Try to sleep more. Lack of sleep is often the cause of anxiety, so it is important to ensure that you get adequate rest.

Method 3 of 3: How to Get Help

  1. 1 Seek help when anxiety or excitement is severe. If anxiety often interferes with your daily activities, then it is better to see a therapist or psychologist.
  2. 2 Try to speak out. Talk to a friend, parent, or mentor about your worries. This conversation can help ease your anxiety. Perhaps a friend will tell you about a similar problem or advise an effective solution.
  3. 3 Talk to a specialist. A therapist or psychologist can help you deal with intense anxiety with therapy or medication. Discuss these treatment options:
    • medications that reduce stress or anxiety;
    • methods that allow you to understand a stressful situation or anxiety;
    • breathing exercises that reduce anxiety;
    • relaxation techniques that ease the physical symptoms of anxiety;
    • a way of thinking that can help you distract yourself or deal with anxiety;
    • the ability to control anxiety through exposure therapy;
    • behavioral strategies to cope with anxiety;
    • methods that teach you how to deal with failure correctly.