How to overcome nervousness on your first day of school

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The first day of school is often distressing and anxious. However, there are many ways to prepare in advance for this day and make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. Remember to smile, breathe deeply, and maintain a positive attitude. After a few weeks, you will forget about the worries of your first day of school and will feel confident and calm.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare for Day One

  1. 1 Find out where the classrooms you will be studying are. If your school has a classroom map, you can use it to determine where classes will take place. This tip is especially true if you are in a large school. Print out the map and mark the offices you need on it. Such a simple action will save you from having to search for the office you need for a long time.
    • Don't worry about being late for class or not finding the office you want. Teachers understand that this is the first day of school and you don't know your timetable yet. Therefore, they probably will not comment on you if you are late. If you have any difficulty finding an office or identifying the next lesson, contact one of the teachers.
    • Often, a school map can be found on the institution's website.
    • Take your card to school in case you get lost. Others will be able to point you in direction if needed.
  2. 2 Check your school's website for lesson information. Many schools have websites where teachers post information for students. Check your school website the day before the first day of school to see if there is any information you need to read.
    • For example, teachers can post on a school website information relevant to students about the subjects they are studying. This information may include textbook titles, assignments, and teacher requirements.
  3. 3 Prepare some answers to questions that are usually asked when meeting each other. On the first day of school, there are usually interesting games and activities that help break the ice between students and get to know each other. This is a great way to get to know your classmates. However, you can get a little worried, especially if you are naturally shy.Practice pronouncing your name and the name of the area you live in, and think about two facts about yourself.
    • Repeat the answers in front of the mirror or in front of your parents several times. This will make you feel more confident in front of your classmates.
  4. 4 Find out if there will be acquaintances and friends in your class. If you know someone from the school, ask which grade he or she is in. Even if your friend or friend is in a different class, you can make an appointment before class or during lunch break. You will feel more comfortable in a new environment if you have a familiar person nearby.
    • Send your friends a photo of the lesson timetable so they can compare it with theirs.
  5. 5 Go to bed early on the eve of your first day of school. This will help you worry less the next day. If you sleep well, you will feel cheerful and happy to welcome the start of the day. Spend the evening in a relaxed atmosphere and go to bed early so you can get a good night's sleep.
    • However, you shouldn't go to bed much earlier than you usually do. Otherwise, you will lie in bed for a long time, experiencing anxiety and anxiety.

Method 2 of 3: Spend a Quiet Morning

  1. 1 Get up early to get ready for school. In order to take your time in the morning and calmly get ready for school, set the alarm so that you can get up a little earlier. This way, you can start the day calmly without stress.
    • Set an alarm in the evening so you can sleep peacefully knowing that you will wake up at the right time.
  2. 2 Leave the house early to be on time. If you arrive on time, you will be able to find the office you need and will not feel awkward. Get off 10 minutes early if you are traveling to school by vehicle. Leaving earlier, you will not be late, even if there are traffic jams on the roads. Take a deep breath in and out before entering class.
    • If your parents are going to give you a ride to school, tell them you would like to arrive a few minutes early.
    • If you are running late, try to stay calm. As a rule, being late on the first day is not a major problem.
    • If you are taking the bus to school, arrive at the bus stop on time so you don't miss it.
  3. 3 Choose garments that make you feel confident. Wearing comfortable clothes will make you feel more relaxed and confident. Choose one of your favorite shirts or a comfortable pair of shoes. If your school's uniform is a must, make sure your clothing meets the school's requirements.
    • Check the school website to find out if wearing a school uniform is a requirement. If students are required to wear uniforms in your school, it will be easier for you to make a decision about which clothes to wear.
  4. 4 Pack all your school supplies in your backpack. Anxiety will make it difficult for you to find a place for yourself. Use your energy to prepare for the first day of school. Knowing that you are ready for your upcoming studies can help you feel peace of mind. This way you don't have to worry about forgetting something. Get out your backpack and make a list of the essentials. This is a good way to get rid of the fear of forgetting the right thing.
    • Fold up the following supplies: notebook, folders, diary, pens, notebook or tablet, sheets of paper, notebooks, water bottle, lunch, snack food, and jacket.
    • Fold your backpack so that you have easy access to things you use often (like pens).

Method 3 of 3: Stay Calm

  1. 1 Listen to soothing music on your way to school. Classical and jazz music can help reduce anxiety and heart rate. Play soothing music. You can also listen to music that improves your mood and makes you feel energized.Focus on music to take your mind off your worries and relax.
    • Make a playlist that will help you feel energized. This is a good way to improve your mood.
  2. 2 Smile even if you are embarrassed. Smiling can help you feel more confident and maintain a positive attitude. Plus, others will see that you are a friendly and approachable person. When meeting new classmates, greet them with a smile.
  3. 3 Take a few deep breaths in and out when you feel anxious. Deep breathing can slow your heart rate and relax your muscles. This is a good way to deal with anxiety. Take a deep breath and push your belly forward. Hold your breath for three seconds before exhaling.
    • Continue taking deep breaths in and out until you feel relaxed.
    • Try not to focus on your excitement. Instead, focus on your breathing.
  4. 4 Develop positive thinking. Positive and encouraging words are a great way to calm down. If you are feeling overly anxious, tell yourself something to help you calm down.
    • Say to yourself, "I'm a nice person and can make friends with ease," or, "I'll do it!"
  5. 5 Remember that all students are nervous on the first day. You may be thinking that only you are experiencing the excitement on your first day of school. However, most people feel anxious and uneasy about something new. Remember that everyone goes through similar feelings, so you can expect others to treat you with understanding and compassion.
    • Even teachers once had their first day of school. Don't be afraid to ask them for help or advice.


  • Try not to worry too much. Very quickly new people, environment and schedule will become familiar to you.
  • Be nice to everyone (including teachers).
  • Try to think only of pleasant things.