How to prevent a hangover

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Avoid the Hangover | This Morning
Video: How to Avoid the Hangover | This Morning


Attention:this article is intended for people over 18 years of age.

A hangover is a headache caused by drinking alcohol that can ruin the experience of a great party and make you deeply regret the next morning. The only 100% guaranteed hangover avoidance is not to drink, but thankfully, there are ways to quickly get rid of the nuisance, or even prevent it.


Method 1 of 3: Before Drinking Alcohol

  1. 1 Eat. If you plan on drinking alcohol in moderation or large amounts, eat before that to significantly reduce your hangover the next day. In fact, the more you eat, the longer it will take for alcohol to work on you. This is due to the fact that food reduces the formation of acetaldehyde in the stomach, and it is this substance that is the main cause of hangovers.
    • Fatty, carbohydrate-rich foods such as pizza or pasta (pasta) are best for hangover prevention because fat slows down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.
    • If you are an advocate of a healthy diet, eat fish that contain healthy fatty acids, such as salmon, trout, or mackerel.
  2. 2 Take vitamins. During the processing of alcohol, the body consumes a lot of vitamins and nutrients, moreover, alcohol itself destroys the B vitamins. As a result of a lack of vitamins, your body gives up all the juices to get in shape, which results in a severe hangover. You can alleviate the plight of your unfortunate liver by taking a vitamin supplement before the big binge. It is best if it is vitamin B6, B12 or a complex of B vitamins.
    • B vitamins can be found at any pharmacy, but you can also focus on natural sources of these vitamins - liver, meat and other animal products such as milk and cheese.
  3. 3 Drink a spoonful of olive oil. It may not sound very appetizing, but this hangover prevention technique is used by many people in the Mediterranean. In general, the principle here is the same as when eating fatty foods - the fats in olive oil limit the absorption of alcohol by the body. So if you can, drink a tablespoon of olive oil before heading out to the party.
    • Or you can use olive oil by dipping croutons or oil on a salad.
  4. 4 Drink some milk. Milk is often cited as a hangover prevention agent because it creates a protective film on the stomach lining, which again reduces the amount of alcohol absorbed into the bloodstream. Although there is no scientifically proven effect of milk on hangover reduction, many people swear that this technique works. In any case, milk is rich in calcium and B vitamins, so if you drink it, it definitely won't get any worse.

Method 2 of 3: Drink wisely

  1. 1 Drink one type of alcohol. Mixing different spirits is your worst enemy. Since different alcoholic beverages use different additives, flavors and other ingredients, the body's attempt to process all this magnificence can result in a grandiose "bodun". Drink beer or vodka, or wine, or rum, but in any case do not consume them all in one evening. Pick one drink and only drink it.
    • Cocktails are a particularly killer thing, as they usually contain two or more spirits. If you really can't resist the temptation of bright colors and small umbrellas, try to limit yourself to a maximum of two Cosmpoliten!
  2. 2 Choose transparent spirits. Strong alcoholic drinks of dark color - brandy, whiskey, cognac, some types of tequila - have a higher content of toxic impurities that are formed during the fermentation and distillation of alcohol. These impurities can worsen hangovers, so if you choose to drink hard liquor, opt for clear drinks such as vodka or gin to reduce your intake of toxins.
  3. 3 Alternate alcohol with water. Alcohol is a diuretic, that is, it leads to frequent trips to the toilet for little need and, as a result, to dehydration. Dehydration is one of the main causes of hangover symptoms such as thirst, dizziness and headache. Accordingly, the more water you drink to keep your body hydrated, the faster your hangover will go away the next day.

    • Drink a large glass of water before drinking, and try to drink a glass of water after each drink during the party. Your body will thank you for this in the morning.
    • Also, drinking water in between drinks will slow down the rate at which alcohol is consumed, thus preventing you from drinking too quickly.
  4. 4 Avoid cocktails with "diet" drinks. Mixing cocktails with low-calorie lemonade or cola is not a great idea. This is due to the fact that diet versions of drinks do not contain sugar and calories, without which alcohol enters the bloodstream. By opting for regular soda, you will provide a couple of calories in the body, which will play into your hands the next morning.
    • While regular versions of drinks are better than dietary ones, fruit juice is the best option. The juice is not carbonated - which is good, since carbonated drinks accelerate the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream - and also contains vitamins, which will also be useful.
  5. 5 Careful with champagne and sparkling wine. Champagne and sparkling wine literally hit the head. Studies have shown that bubbles in alcoholic beverages accelerate the transport of alcohol through the bloodstream and lead to rapid intoxication.
    • If you are at a holiday, such as a wedding or New Year's Eve party, and you can't help but have a little fizzy, try drinking one glass of champagne during your toast, and then switch to another alcohol.
  6. 6 Know your dose. Know your dose and stay within this limit. The harsh reality is that if you get drunk, then some form of hangover is inevitable. A hangover is a natural way to cleanse the body of alcohol intoxication, therefore, the more you drink, the more severe the hangover will be. The volume of alcohol, at which intoxication turns into intoxication, is individual for each person, so it is very important to know your dose. It is recommended to drink no more than three drinks (that is, glasses or glasses) in 1-2 hours and no more than five for the whole evening.
    • Pay attention to how different types of alcohol affect you. It is not so important what the research results say - the ability of each organism to absorb alcohol is different, and you should know from your own experience how wine, beer or stronger drinks affect you: a little drunk or just knocked down. Listen to your body and behave accordingly.
    • Remember, no matter what precautions you take, the only sure way to avoid a hangover is to not drink at all. If bingeing is unavoidable, keep track of how much you drink - the less booze you drink, the more likely you are to prevent a hangover. Everything is as easy as shelling pears.

Method 3 of 3: After Drinking Alcohol

  1. 1 Restore the body's water balance. As mentioned, dehydration is one of the main causes of a hangover. To prevent dehydration, drink a large glass of water before bed. Also remember to put a bottle of water by your bed - drink it whenever you feel thirsty at night. You will probably need to go to the bathroom around 4 a.m., but you will feel much better when you wake up.
    • In the morning, no matter how you feel, drink another large glass of water. The water should be at room temperature, as cold water is not well tolerated by the stomach.
    • You can restore water balance and waste electrolytes by drinking an energy drink (decaffeinated) or coconut water. Unflavored ginger ale will help relieve nausea, while orange juice will energize.
    • Avoid caffeine on a hangover morning as it will make dehydration worse. If you absolutely need to cheer up, limit yourself to one cup of coffee or something lighter, like a cup of tea.
  2. 2 Have a good breakfast. A moderately wholesome but plentiful breakfast after a night of alcoholic libations can work wonders.The food will calm your stomach and give you strength. Try toast with butter and jam, or better yet, a couple of eggs scrambled eggs. Bread will absorb the remnants of alcohol in the stomach, and eggs containing protein and B vitamins will restore the body's resources.
    • It would be nice to eat fruits, as they contain a lot of vitamins and water. Make a fruit smoothie if desired - it's great and delicious!
  3. 3 Sleep. Sleep is rarely good when you go to bed drunk, and as a result, you wake up in the morning rumpled and not quite sober. When you wake up, drink water, eat and take a nap if possible.
    • It takes your body several hours to process alcohol, so if you sleep for a couple of those hours, you will feel much better when you wake up!
  4. 4 Get distracted. Hangover symptoms can be felt much stronger if you just sit at home staring at the wall. It can be tricky, but force yourself to get up, get dressed and go outside for some fresh air. Perhaps a walk in the park or promenade will bring you to your senses. If this seems too difficult for you, then try watching a movie, reading or calling a friend and try to recreate the events of the previous evening ...
    • Some even advise exercise as a hangover cure, so if you're ready, go for a vigorous run and flush out the toxins in your sweat. Note that this puts a heavy strain on the heart!
  5. 5 Take a couple of pain reliever tablets. If you have a headache, take a couple of tablets of a pain reliever, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to relieve the pain. Take pills only in the morning, not at night, when you still have a significant amount of alcohol in your blood. Alcohol thins the blood, and pain relievers will only increase this effect, which can be unsafe.
    • Never do not take medicines containing paracetamol while you have alcohol in your blood - mixing the two can be extremely dangerous!
    • If you decide to get drunk, you may feel better for a while, but do not forget that in the end the body will have to process all the alcohol consumed, so if you continue to drink, you will only postpone the "reckoning".


  • Refrain from smoking. Smoking reduces the volume of your lungs and the amount of oxygen entering your body.
  • Cheese and nuts are a great snack option because, due to their high fat content, they slow down the absorption of alcohol. While at the bar, have a light snack.
  • If we proceed from the quantitative alcohol content, then 330 ml of beer = 150 ml of wine = 40 ml of strong drink. Therefore, do not assume that drinking a glass of white wine instead of whiskey and cola will result in less drinking.
  • If you have an upset stomach, take an over-the-counter antacid.
  • If you are a woman or have a family of Asian descent, it is probably worth drinking less, since your body is more susceptible to hangovers due to the peculiarities of metabolism. Women have a slower metabolism due to the increased body fat, while Asians have lower levels of the enzymes that break down alcohol - dehydrogenases.
  • For some people, taking a milk thistle capsule can help relieve hangover symptoms. There has been no research on this, but if it helps you - why not?


  • Remember: NEVER drive while drunk! The question is not even about the percentage of alcohol in the blood, the question is whether it is safe to drive after drinking alcohol. Research shows that attention loss on the road occurs long before blood alcohol levels reach a level where driving is prohibited.
  • NEVER use drugs containing paracetamol together with alcohol - this combination can lead to severe liver dysfunction! If you need pain reliever, take aspirin.
  • Taking precautions doesn't mean you won't get drunk. Always drink responsibly.
  • Always read the instructions for vitamins and other medications, in particular contraindications, to make sure there are no side effects when taking the drug with alcohol.
  • Be careful when combining alcohol and caffeine. Excess caffeine, along with a lot of alcohol, can lead to severe, possibly fatal, heart palpitations.