How to prevent a robbery

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In the harsh environment of today's economy, home invasions are becoming really dangerous. People are deprived of their things, and many will never be able to see them again. If you don't want your home to be burgled, this guide will give you some simple tips to help prevent burglaries.


  1. 1 A working alarm is always a good solution. It is quite easy and inexpensive to get one. These alarms can be a good deterrent for burglars. Make sure it is professionally installed.
  2. 2 Another good tip is blocking windows and doors. Unlocked windows and doors are an invitation for someone to rob you. If the blockage does not work, you need to fix it immediately.
  3. 3 Destroy the boxes. It may sound strange, but people may want to rob you for throwing boxes on the road. If you have a window through which you can see a plasma TV or something very expensive, it is better to remove it from the general view.
  4. 4 Leave the light on when you leave. If your home looks empty and unprepared, it could be the victim of a burglary. Leave a light for the safety of your home.
  5. 5 Trust your neighbors. If you are planning to leave for a while, neighbors can look after your house.
  6. 6 Close your garage. Leaving it open, even for a day, leaves your car unprotected and also endangers the entire contents of the garage. Be especially careful at night. If you see your neighbors have left their garage open overnight, dial them to report. They should appreciate your concern and are likely to repay you in kind if you are not careful.
  7. 7 Keep your belongings out of sight, if possible, outsiders will not be able to see valuables through your windows. This tip will also work for your vehicle.
  8. 8 If you have glass next to the outside door, use a bolt so that no one can reach through the broken glass and unlock the door. Always keep a spare key inside the house, near the exit, so that you can always run out of the house in the event of a fire.
  9. 9 Grow thorny bushes near windows that can be vulnerable to deter thieves.
  10. 10 Remove tall bushes near doors and windows that will allow thieves to hide from vigilant neighbors if someone tries to break into your home.
  11. 11 Be vigilant to keep your garage window openings secure. For sliding windows, channel locks are used, which are clamped or latched to keep the window open. Once thieves have dug in your garage, they will have more tools to break into your home. Unfortunately, once the door to your garage is unlocked, there will be access to your home. You need to close it with a bolt and keep it closed when you leave or go to bed.
  12. 12 Secure overhead windows and especially upper floor verandah doors or balconies. They can be easily reached by athletic youth or experienced thieves looking for easy access to a home.
  13. 13 Add outdoor lighting to your home to keep visitors in front of your neighbors. Leave the lights on when you leave, or leave the motion and / or light sensors on when someone approaches your home.
  14. 14 If you can park your car on the street, park it in a well-lit area and keep it covered. You can purchase car alarms in addition.
  15. 15 Don't keep the keys to your home hidden outside. The most sophisticated thieves will find the hidden key in a matter of seconds, especially if they have time to search. If you have no choice and need to hide the key, hide it near the neighbor's house. It is even possible that the neighbors do not know about this if you are very worried about safety.
  16. 16 If you have a code garage door, install it outside of your home while thinking through your code. Don't use prime numbers that a thief can pick up. Avoid birthdays, addresses, phone numbers, or conveniently repeating numbers. Better to use combined numbers. For example, the first two digits of your phone number, then the month of your birth. Or you can use two digits of your mom's date of birth plus two digits of your dad's date of birth. Do not share these numbers with anyone other than your relatives.
  17. 17 Be wary of workers, contractors working in your home or your neighbors' home. If you have valuable equipment or tools, keep them out of sight. For some, it may be tempting to take your belongings or tell a friend where there are such interesting items to save them for a while.


  • Take away your valuables, jewelry, and make sure you keep all paperwork and receipts. If you get robbed and you want money from the insurance company, you will need it to get your money back.
  • Don't hide valuables in your bedroom, this is where burglars will spend the most time. These are some of the worst places when houses are robbed, hide your belongings in some other less obvious place, or spend more time to create more alarm for the robbers and force them to leave your home.
  • Check your security systems and locks more often to make sure they are working.


  • If your home is invaded and you are inside, call the police! Thieves can be armed and losing a new X box is better than losing your life !!