How to properly wash your hair

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Wash Your Hair Properly
Video: How to Wash Your Hair Properly


1 Choose a moisturizing shampoo for coarse or unmanageable hair. If you have coarse or unmanageable hair, you need a shampoo that will moisturize your hair. Shampoos with glycerin, panthenol or shea butter are great for this type of hair because they provide extra moisture.
  • 2 Try a volumizing shampoo if you have fine or sparse hair. If you have fine or sparse hair, look for a shampoo that adds volume without weighing it down. You should also stick to "clear" shampoos: if you can't see anything through the bottle, don't buy it.
    • Avoid shampoos with ingredients such as sodium chloride or polyethylene glycol. These chemicals are used as thickeners, but they can cause hair to become dry and brittle.
  • 3 Choose a silicone shampoo if you have curly or wavy hair. If you have curly or wavy hair, you need a moisturizing shampoo that contains silicone.It will saturate your curls with the moisture it needs to stay bouncy, but it also prevents your hair from absorbing too much moisture, preventing frizz.
  • 4 Experiment with mild shampoos if you have normal hair. If you have “normal” hair, also known as combination hair, then you can use just about any type of shampoo you like. Most importantly, choose products that do not dry your hair. White tea shampoo is a good option.
    • Avoid shampoos with ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, and sodium lauryl sulfate. All are harsh cleansers and will strip your hair of its natural moisture by drying it out.
  • 5 Use a volume control shampoo if you have very thick hair. If you have thick hair, chances are you want volume at the roots but not at the ends, and also want to keep your hair hydrated.
    • Shampoos with avocado oil or macadamia nut oil will give hair volume where it is needed, while moisturizing it at the same time.
  • 6 Choose a keratin shampoo for dry or damaged hair. If your hair is dry or damaged in any way (such as over-staining, frequent use of hot styling appliances, or constant application of hair products), look for a keratin shampoo. Keratin acts as a kind of super moisturizer to help restore hair.
    • You should also avoid using shampoos that contain certain alcohols, as these dry out your hair even more. Avoid cetearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, and stearyl alcohol if you have dry or damaged hair.
  • 7 Use a vitamin-rich shampoo for colored hair. To keep color-treated hair bright, look for a shampoo that contains vitamins E and A. Typically, shampoos for colored hair are formulated with a special formula and are softer than regular shampoos.
  • 8 Try tea tree oil shampoo for oily hair or if you want to cleanse your hair. In fact, greasy hair is the result of the body compensating for a dry scalp by producing more fat. Tea tree oil helps to combat dry scalp, and the body, in turn, stops producing so much fat. Plus, tea tree oil can deeply cleanse hair, making it an excellent cleansing shampoo.
  • 9 Pick a scent. The easiest part when choosing a shampoo is finding the scent you like. However, try to take into account your work or school environment as well. Some people are sensitive to certain odors, and if you or people you work closely with have that sensitivity, you should look for an odorless option.
    • Strong fragrances such as peppermint or tea tree oil can last longer on hair.
  • Method 2 of 3: Wash your hair

    1. 1 Get your hair wet. Be sure to completely wet your hair before using the shampoo. Do this in hot water to open the cuticles and soften the oils already on the hair.
      • Hair should be rinsed for at least a minute. During this time, the water will begin to wash away the dirt from the hair and make it more receptive to the nutrients from the shampoo.
      • Although you should soak your hair in hot water, you should lower the temperature slightly when you are ready to shampoo. Washing your hair under hot water can damage your hair.
      • It is safe to apply hot water to the ends of your hair, but you should not use it on the roots. You can burn your scalp.
    2. 2 Use the correct amount of shampoo. If the amount of shampoo you are using is more than the size of a five-ruble coin, then you have poured too much. An amount the size of a five-ruble coin will be sufficient, unless you have very thick or very long hair.If this is the case, you can double the amount of shampoo you use, but don't put a handful of it all over your head, no matter how long or thick your hair is.
    3. 3 Lather your head. When you wash your hair, it is enough to wash only the area at the roots and the back of the head, and then distribute the shampoo to the ends. In other words, do not apply a large amount of shampoo to the ends of your hair and do not distribute it from the bottom up.
      • If your hair is longer than your shoulders, apply conditioner first. This will keep the ends of the hair healthy.
    4. 4 Don't rub your hair. Lather your hair gently and gently. Try to avoid circular motions, although it seems natural when washing your hair. Better to move your fingertips up and down.
    5. 5 Rinse off the shampoo with cold water. At the beginning of shampooing, you use hot water to open the cuticles and prepare your hair for shampooing, and at the end you should rinse your head with cold water. This will close the cuticles and trap moisture inside. Plus, cold water will help your hair look healthy and shiny.
    6. 6 Spread the conditioner from the middle of your hair to the ends. If you use conditioner after shampooing your hair, do not apply it all over your scalp. This will make your hair look droopy and greasy, especially at the roots. Better to distribute the conditioner from about the middle of the hair to the ends.
      • Rinse off the conditioner with cold water, which will cover the cuticles.
      • Generally, you should apply conditioner every time you use your shampoo. If your hair is damaged from hot styling appliances or over-coloring, you can deep hydrate once a week as a supplement to your regular conditioner.
    7. 7 Dry your hair with a towel. Once you've washed your hair, towel dry to remove most of the moisture. Then let your hair dry naturally. This is the best way to prevent hair damage.

    Method 3 of 3: Take care of your hair between washes

    1. 1 Apply protective products if using hot styling appliances. If you need to use hot dryers, to create a particular style, or simply because you are in a hurry, apply protective products first. This way, the heat from a hair dryer or iron will not damage your hair.
      • Good protective products include thermal fixing spray, heat protectant spray, or gels designed to control heat and humidity.
    2. 2 Let your hair rest. Each person chooses how often to wash their hair, guided by the type of their hair and the discomfort they experience when their hair starts to become oily. As a rule, you should wash your hair every other day.
      • If you don't want to use shampoo but want to freshen up your hair, wash it with water. This will also remove dirt and grease, but it won't dry out your hair from over-washing.
      • If you have curly or wavy hair, you can use conditioner instead of shampoo. It does not dry out the hair while keeping it fresh and clean. This is a good way to maintain natural looking curls and prevent frizz.
    3. 3 Use dry shampoo. If your hair looks a little greasy, but you want to postpone washing your hair for the next day, try applying dry shampoo. It will absorb dirt and grease from your hair and keep it looking fresher for longer.
      • Start by applying the spray along the hairline around your face (be careful not to get into your eyes).
      • Then use your index finger to part the hair into 2-4 sections to create sections in the back and front of the ear.
      • In each section, divide the hair again into strands of 2.5 to 5 cm, parallel to the front and back of the ear. Spray the roots of each strand.
      • Use your fingertips to massage the spray into your hair to distribute it from roots to ends. If you do not, it will appear that you have gray / white roots. Then comb your hair thoroughly.


    • To lose less hair in the shower, replace your comb with a wide-toothed comb and brush gently before thatas you go to the shower.
    • Leave the conditioner on your hair for 30 seconds - 1 minute and then rinse. This will add extra softness to your hair.
    • Massage on the shampoo and leave for 5 minutes, then rub again and rinse. This allows the shampoo to dissolve dirt and grease, so you can use less or even avoid reapplication.


    • Never comb wet hair. As a last resort, use a wide-toothed comb. Wet hair stretches and breaks easily. Never do not comb wet hair.
    • If you are allergic to shampoo, try a simpler product with fewer ingredients and see if the allergic reaction diminishes. If the problem persists, see a dermatologist.