How to meet a guy

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Where To Meet the Best Men...From Matthew Hussey, GetTheGuy
Video: Where To Meet the Best Men...From Matthew Hussey, GetTheGuy


It may seem that meeting a guy is not so difficult, because there are 3.5 billion of them on the planet! But this is not the case. And even if you get to know someone, what do you say and how do you do it? There is no magic potion that would make him come up to you and speak first, but you don't need it. Why? Because you are an interesting and confident girl who can do it herself.


Method 1 of 3: Find the Right Guy

  1. 1 Think about the kind of people you enjoy spending time with. You don't have to look for a guy who will fully meet your requirements, but there should be qualities that you value. What is important to him? What does he like to do? What does he do in his spare time? If you know the right guy, that's great! But if not, you will need to find it.
    • When will you understand which the guy you need, think about where you can find him. Maybe he's the type to meet at a party? Or on the sports field? At the concert?
  2. 2 Sign up for courses that interest you. You may be advised to take courses where the guys you like can take, but this is not the best way. You need an activity that you enjoy to you: so you will enjoy the process, and the guy who will study there will share your hobbies. What are these courses? Acting? Sport section? Would you like to volunteer at an animal shelter? Even if you don't meet a guy there, you can make new friends, do something all the time and learn something new.
    • The only place where you are can't to meet anyone - this is at your home, if you prefer to sit in front of the TV with a cat. Do something outside the home, and sooner or later you necessarily meet someone. After all, there are 3.5 billion guys on earth.
  3. 3 Go where you feel comfortable. This could be a bookstore if you like reading, or a coffee shop if you are a coffee lover. It could even be where you go with your friends. Lively places like an ice rink or bowling alley are also good - that is, places where people of your age often spend their free time.
    • You can go there alone or in a company, but it is important that you are alone for a while, because guys do not feel very comfortable surrounded by crowds of people (or rather, most guys). You will be more likely to be approached if you are alone.
  4. 4 Do what you like. If you are always striving to learn something new, go to different places, meet people, play sports or art and follow your dreams, you will surely meet your person. All will be. Absolutely right. Plus, you will feel happy and confident as you will know that you are in your place. Who can resist you?
    • They say that everything happens exactly when you don't expect it. And there is an explanation for this. If you live your life and meet someone who also lives their own life, you can be a great couple. A guy should not interfere with your life, and it doesn't matter if you have him or you are just looking for him.
  5. 5 Be careful with virtual dating. You can find the right person in chat rooms, on social networks or on the forum, but you need to be careful when doing this. There are many scammers on the Internet who should not be trusted. If you meet someone this way, try to get to know people who know him as well to make sure he is a real person.
    • Do not share personal information with anyone. You can tell your name and phone number, but you shouldn't tell the person where you live and what your passport data is.And why does the guy need this information?
  6. 6 If you are in school, take your time. Do not look for unremarkable people - this will lead to inharmonious relationships that will not end well. If you feel that you really need a partner, stop. Keep an eye on interesting people with similar hobbies. It is important that you think similarly, otherwise the relationship will not work out, and someone will suffer.
    • Don't settle for a relationship with an ordinary guy who doesn't evoke strong emotions in the hope of changing him. This will hurt you and make it impossible for you to build romantic or friendships. If there is no spark, do not try to generate one. You will find a person who will light you up and who will feel the same in your address, and at the same time change to anyone it won't be necessary.
  7. 7 Be picky. You've been searching for a while, and now you feel like you've found the right guy. Do you think he will be ready to spend time with you, not counting on something more? Do you want to be with him for a long time? Can he take care of himself? Does he respect others? Do you like being around him? If so, then you are on the right track! It's time to act.
    • When dealing with men, it is important to remember the following: if you think that he knows what you like, he is not; if you're sure he knows what you like, that might be true. If you told him that you like him, he may still doubt that you do. In the following sections, we will teach you to take your time, but at the same time say and do whatever you need to do at the right time. Ready?

Method 2 of 3: Become a confident person

  1. 1 Be open with the people around you. If you don't hang out with anyone, it will be difficult for you to get close to a guy. Start meeting and making friends with others. This is useful for a number of reasons:
    • He will see that you are communicating with others. You will seem like a friendly, interesting, and outgoing girl. This will make it easier for him to approach you.
    • He can be friends with the people with whom you communicate. This will simplify the task.
    • When speaking to a group of people, you will be able to speak to him as well. Everything will look as if you have no secret intentions and as if you are not trying to disguise any feelings.
  2. 2 Practice communicating. The more often you go out and talk to people, the easier it will be for you to do this. If you can only connect two words, you will feel awkward and embarrassed. And that's okay, because sociability is an acquired skill, not an innate one.
    • We are all social. We quickly learn to communicate, and this applies to you too! It will be difficult at first, but each time it will become easier and easier. Therefore, you need to train in people to whom you have No romantic feelings to hone your skills and abilities.
  3. 3 Be open. If you smile and seem outgoing, you will definitely meet someone. If you are withdrawn and do not participate in conversations (for example, look at your phone all the time), people will bypass you, thinking that you do not want to talk. Do not withdraw into yourself, look around and participate in everything that happens. If you and your boyfriend are in the same place, everything that happens will concern both of you, and you will have something to talk about.
    • Imagine this situation: you are standing in the cafeteria and having a snack. A mutual friend jokes and you all laugh. Later, you and a guy go out into the street, and you remember this joke. You laugh together again, and the awkwardness is gone - that's all!
  4. 4 Watch yourself. Comb and style your hair, wear clean clothes, use perfume. You wouldn't like this guy if he looked like he was pumped out in the trash, would you? He treats it the same way. You have to look your best to be approached. Wear clothes that you feel confident in, wear your favorite lip gloss, and smile.
    • Immediately, you will grab the guy's attention physically. This is fine. Watch your appearance, and it is quite possible that he will pay attention to you. But don't overdo it - it can turn him off. If you try to seem like someone else, he will notice it, so do what your inner feeling tells you.
  5. 5 Treat all people with respect. Don't be dismissive of yourself or other people. All people are valuable, including you. If you believe this, everyone will immediately understand that you are friendly and interested in everyone, and some guy will probably want to get to know you better. If you know how to throw interested glances and smile at the right moments, he will want to chat with you. A positive attitude will attract good into your life, while a negative attitude will get in the way.
    • Even if he doesn't like you, don't be discouraged. What if he refuses? This will be a rather painful lesson that many of us have learned over the years. If he refuses, rejoice in it. You could spend a lot of time thinking what could have happened, and he saved you from it. Now you have the opportunity to tackle another guy you like. Hooray!
  6. 6 Remember that he may be even more nervous than you. Many guys find it difficult to talk to a girl, so don't forget about it. He needs stimulus, so catch a glimpse at him or smile, and when he speaks to you, he will understand that this is not scary at all.
    • This will help you calm down. When you realize that he is, just like you, worried that you might not like you, it will be easier for you to offer him your company.

Method 3 of 3: Talk to him and get to know him better

  1. 1 Take a look around before starting a conversation. Let's say you're walking down the school hallway and you see a guy you like. He is examining a poster. Walk up to him and ask about something related to the poster. Introduce yourself, be open and talkative. That's it, you did it! Perhaps, from this point on, events will develop more slowly, but the most difficult is already over.
    • You can ask what he is doing or what he is looking at. If there is something in there that you like, say so. If you don't know anything about this, ask him questions to get to know him better. If he's looking at a poster for a band you've never heard of before, ask what kind of music it is, and say the name sounds familiar to you. Any phrase will do to help start a conversation. Then you can talk about groups and find something in common.
  2. 2 Find out what he is interested in and ask a question or comment on something. You started talking, but now what? Have a difficult conversation about your outlook on life? Hmm, not so fast. First, you need to find out what he likes (for example, whether he plays sports) so that you have topics of conversation. At any suitable moment, you can comment on something related to his hobby, and this will be a great topic of conversation.
    • This will also let him know that you paid attention to him, and he will like it. Perhaps he, too, will ask you about your hobbies. If this happens, you will be able to calmly communicate and spend time together.
  3. 3 Come up with a short and witty line to use in conversation. The hardest thing is to start a conversation, and then it gets easier. Here are some conversation ideas:
    • Please comment on something that is happening around you. If you're at a sports game, comment on the action on the pitch. Then tell a funny story that happened on the last game you were on. Perhaps he also has a story of his own.
    • If you are not in the most interesting place, look around and try to use the surrounding objects. Did you have the same mirror as a child? Tell him about it in a way that makes him interesting.
    • The first conversation doesn't have to be very deep.Everything can be very simple: "I had the same chair as a child! Eh, it reminds me of the time spent in my parents' house." Mention something funny or incredible. Ask if he has any such stories.
  4. 4 Be confident, nice, calm. Act like this is the most ordinary conversation, because that's exactly how it is... Take your time - this is just the first conversation. If you feel that the conversation is not going well, let it end. You will have the opportunity to talk again another time. If you both like the conversation, let it go on! If he asks for your phone number or asks for your Facebook name - great! And if not, don't be upset.
    • If you feel strong enough, ask for his phone number yourself. Some people like being straightforward. Don't do it all of a sudden, smoothly lead the conversation to it. For example, "Are you having fun?" or "What a beautiful shirt you have, it suits you very much!" Be sociable and open. Laugh at the right moments. Self-confidence is most important. Your main goal will be to get either his phone number or the address of the page on the social network.
  5. 5 Start making friends with him. The only way to get close to him and understand if there is something between you, is to start making friends. Spend time together in large groups, chat about little things, chat at parties and learn to understand each other. If it starts to evolve into something more, don't hinder it. Take action when you feel the time is right.
    • Be discreet. He will be scared if you say something like this: "You are the most wonderful person I know. You don't know me at all, but I would like to fix it." Many men immediately pay attention to this, but it does not help to keep them. It is much better to start with friendship and take your time.
  6. 6 Once you get to know each other better, invite him to spend more time together. Of course, you see him at school, but that's not enough. Try to take the initiative and invite him to go out with you and your friends.
    • Once you get used to the closer communication, you can move on to communication in private. It is important to act slowly and carefully.
  7. 7 Let him know that you like him. You have done so much, and now what? And now you can tell him that you are interested in him, and he may hint to you that he likes you. Either way, it will be a step in the right direction. Ask your friends how they rate your chances, and don't be surprised if he does the same.
    • It is best to talk about feelings in private, when everything will contribute to this. If you spent the day together and he is in a good mood, this is the right moment! You may have to blur it out before you get nervous, but hopefully you end up with something like, "You know, I really like you. I think we'd be a good couple. Would you like to try?" " If he agrees, great! If not, don't be discouraged. Say, "I understand, I just wanted to be honest." It is possible that the way you react will pleasantly surprise him, and he will change his mind.


  • The place of acquaintance matters. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, your chances of meeting someone will increase if you go backpacking instead of shopping all weekend. If you are religious and love singing, join a church choir. Take courses that interest you. The guy who will sit next to him will also be passionate about this subject.


  • What matters is how you proceed. Your views may be misinterpreted. Perhaps you look at a guy just to say hello, and he decides that you really like it. Be careful and avoid guys who react inappropriately to you.