How to say hello in Pakistan

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Say Hello in Pakistan
Video: Say Hello in Pakistan


All over the world, people greet each other in order to announce their presence and start communication in this way. It also shows good manners in most cultures. Pakistan is an Islamic republic. 98% of the Pakistani population identify themselves as Muslims. The most common greeting is the Arabic phrase: As-Salamu Alayku (as salamu alaykum). "Assalamu Alaykum" means "peace to you". Other greetings are "Hello" and "Hi".


  1. 1 The phrase As-Salam-U-Alaikum sounds like "al-salam-u-alaikum. The emphasis will vary by region. Assalamu Alaikum is also pronounced "Salamu Alaikum" omitting "As", the first two letters. There are a few things you need to know about this phrase. So, "Assalam" means "peace", "alay" means "for" (targeting someone) and "kum" means "you, you". Thus:
    As-Salāmu `alayk (a) - Peace be with you (man)
    As-Salāmu `alayk (i) - Peace be with you (woman)
    As-Salāmu `alayk (umā)
    - Peace to you (two people of any gender) '
    ’As-Salāmu` alayk (unna)
    - Peace be with you (plural - for three or more women) '
    ’As-Salāmu` alayk (umu)
    - Peace be with you (for a group of three or more people, where at least one is a man - this greeting is also used when addressing a representative of the state (to a minister, president, king)).
  2. 2 Greet depending on the level of your relationship. If you are good acquaintances, just say a greeting. If you are friends, shake hands. If you are good friends, then you can hug and shake hands. If you are relatives and do not know how to greet each other, you can hug and kiss each other three times on the cheeks.
  3. 3 Be aware of the difference in greeting between a man and a woman. Due to the grammar rules of the Arabic language, this becomes a little difficult. There are different pronunciations of greetings: for one woman, for one man, for a group of men, two women, two men, etc.
  4. 4 Keep in mind that gender differences are taken very seriously in Pakistan. Usually greet people of the same gender; however, when people of the middle class communicate with each other, exceptions can sometimes be made. Men shake hands with each other. If they have been in contact for a long time, they can hug. Women tend to hug each other or kiss each other on the cheek.
  5. 5 Don't be rushed. During the greeting, Pakistanis may ask how you are doing, your health, family, or job success.
  6. 6 In everyday life or with a large number of people, greet your elders first - this will be a manifestation of your good manners.


  • At a funeral, when people are grieving, it is not customary to say a word of greeting. Remember this!
  • In Pakistan, you cannot greet your fiancé in public.


  • Greet the elders first, then the younger ones. Your behavior during the greeting can tell the Pakistani people a lot about you.
  • Show respect by greeting your elders.