How to increase fertility

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertility 101: How to increase your chances of pregnancy
Video: Fertility 101: How to increase your chances of pregnancy


After trying unsuccessfully to conceive, many couples find it harder than they thought. Unfortunately, there are many factors that lead to infertility and sometimes it is not so easy to determine the cause. Some couples who are experiencing infertility need to undergo full treatment, while others only need to make a few lifestyle changes that can help increase the likelihood of conception. There are many simple and effective ways to help couples get pregnant. These common practices can be healing for all couples trying to have a baby, regardless of the severity of infertility, and should be heeded by any couple trying to conceive.


Method 1 of 5: Change Your Diet and Exercise for the Better

Pay attention to what you eat and try to exercise daily. This is a great start for increasing your chances of conceiving. Important for both women and men.

  1. 1 Begin an exercise program to achieve and / or maintain a healthy weight. When you are trying to get pregnant, being overweight can be a problem.
    • In overweight women, menstrual periods can become irregular and lead to decreased ovulation. When your ovulation rate decreases, your chances of fertilization decrease. On the other hand, you shouldn't be too thin. A woman's body with not enough subcutaneous fat may not produce the hormones that are needed for ovulation every month. On top of that, women who are too thin may be malnourished and not healthy enough to carry a full term in the event of pregnancy.
    • Research shows that, in general, men who exercise regularly have higher sperm counts and better sperm quality than their sedentary peers. While these effects are minor, couples need any help they can get when it comes to infertility. Even if exercise only slightly increases the chances of successful conception due to better sperm quality, it is one of the simplest steps a man can take to improve his fertility.
  2. 2 Eat a balanced diet. Be sure to include plenty of protein and vitamins in your diet. Consuming a multivitamin complex daily will help you get all the vitamins you need to keep your body healthy and hormone balanced. Including proteins, vegetables and fruits in your daily diet will help you stay healthy and strengthen your immune system. Drinking water is also important when trying to get pregnant. Drinking plenty of water every day helps flush toxins from the body, strengthening your overall health and thus increasing your chances of conceiving.

Method 2 of 5: Break Bad Habits

Unhealthy habits can harm your body. Making sure your body is in the best shape possible is more important than ever in trying to get pregnant. Breaking these nasty habits can be tricky, but for people hoping to get pregnant, it can mean the difference between a successful conception and months, or even years, of infertility.

  1. 1 Quit smoking as soon as possible. Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit with a lot of damaging consequences for health. Smoking is especially harmful for women trying to get pregnant. Smoking can cause premature aging of the ovaries. Cigarettes are full of dangerous toxins that are extremely harmful to a woman's ovaries. The sooner you quit smoking, the sooner you begin to repair the damage done to your reproductive system, increasing your chances of conceiving.
  2. 2 Pay attention to what you drink.
    • Drinking a glass of wine or a glass or two from time to time will not prevent you from getting pregnant, however, if you are in the process of trying to conceive, it will be better to refrain from drinking alcohol. In some women, alcohol can alter tarragon levels, which can lead to problems with ovarian function. Men who drink more than average may experience low sperm count problems and poor ejaculation.
  3. 3 Caffeine can also be a problem when trying to conceive. Limit caffeine to one cup a day in the morning. Consuming more than this limit can not only hinder pregnancy, but also increase your chances of failure.

Method 3 of 5: Limit Your Stress Level

Stress affects everyone in different ways. Some people are better at managing stress than others.For most, however, high stress levels can be harmful to physical health, thus negatively impacting their ability to get pregnant.

  1. 1 Use some stress-relieving techniques. Many times couples facing infertility have added stress to other problems as a result of their inability to conceive. This only postponed a positive outcome.
    • If you are experiencing a lot of stressful situations or feeling depressed, this can have a profound effect on your ability to conceive. Try some relaxing exercises like yoga to release some stress.
    • If the stress you are experiencing is insurmountable and more of a problem than yoga can solve, seeking advice from an infertility support group or a licensed counselor or physician to help relieve stress may be a good idea.
  2. 2 Get closer with your partner. It may sound silly, but sometimes the constant thoughts of pregnancy can cause you to neglect your bed time. Regular sex can be a great way to relieve stress and also helps keep your ovulation cycles regular.

Method 4 of 5: Get to Know Your Menstrual Cycle and Contraceptives

Getting to know your body is an important step in the right direction to increase your fertility potential.

  1. 1 Pay attention to your menstrual calendar. Note how many days pass between your periods and find out when you are most ready to conceive. Paying close attention to ovulation each month can help you choose the right time for intercourse, thereby increasing your chances of conceiving.
    • A great way to get to know the phase when your body is most ready to conceive is by using an ovulation kit, available over the counter at your local pharmacy. Ovulation kits detect hormones in the urine that are produced by the body before ovulation. When the hormone is detected, you will get a positive result, which signals the best time to have intercourse each month.
    • Another effective way to track your ovulation phase is your menstrual chart. He draws attention to such physical changes that occur in a woman's body throughout the month, such as basal body temperature, secretion of cervical mucus and position of the cervix. As ovulation approaches, subtle changes in these indicators occur, and with proper scheduling, they will inform the woman about the onset of the best phase for conception.
  2. 2 Regulate your menstrual cycle with hormonal birth control. Women suffering from irregular cycles often have hormonal imbalances that can prevent pregnancy. Hormonal birth control helps regulate menstrual cycles and balance out hormones. Many women have the misconception that contraception is a bad thing when trying to get pregnant, when in fact they can improve fertility by regulating the cycle. Hormonal birth control can also stop the aging of your ovaries and slow down some reproductive problems like endometriosis.

Method 5 of 5: Find Out What's Happening to His Health

When faced with infertility problems, many people immediately assume that the woman is responsible for not being able to get pregnant. But women's health isn't the only piece of the puzzle. A man's health can affect the fertilization process in the same way as a woman's.

  1. 1 Make sure the man takes care of his body as well as the woman trying to get pregnant. Make sure he stays healthy and improves his fertility. Men know they must have the right sperm count in order to have a successful conception.However, there are many other factors that can affect a man's fertility. There are many problems that can be detrimental to male fertility: poor testosterone levels, physical abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, ejaculation problems, and others. For couples who have problems conceiving, it is important to schedule a medical examination for both the man and the woman.


  • Discussing any long-term problems with conceiving with your doctor is a great idea. If you try all of these options to improve your fertility, and at the same time have unprotected sex during ovulation for several months and do not get pregnant, you should see your therapist. A complete examination of the reproductive system may be necessary to determine some underlying cause preventing you from successfully getting pregnant.