How to have fun at the mall

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
20 fun things to do at the Mall
Video: 20 fun things to do at the Mall


If you love visiting shopping centers, then you probably know that in such places you can not only go shopping. In shopping centers you can spend time with friends, eat, watch interesting people and watch movies. This is a very popular place to find a lot of entertainment, even if you don't want to spend a lot.


Method 1 of 3: How to have fun in shopping malls

  1. 1 Measure your clothes. Of course, shopping is the main entertainment in the malls, but even if you don't intend to buy anything, trying on clothes is always fun. Find the most beautiful or unusual outfits that don't match your usual style, and try on business suits.
    • If you come to the mall with a friend, then secretly choose clothes for each other and try on such things. The wrong outfits can make you laugh, and some of the things may well suit you.
  2. 2 Play with animals in pet shops. If permitted, you can pet rabbits, puppies or kittens. Watch the rodents in the cages.
    • Pick your favorite babies and give them weird names. Watch how they behave.
  3. 3 Flip through magazines in bookstores. The bookstore is a great place to spend some time and do some reading.
    • Find a chair and start browsing your favorite magazines and books.
    • Read without having to buy.
  4. 4 Go to different stores. A shopping center is not only about clothes and shoes. Check out other shops and have fun there.
    • Smell candles and lotions at perfume and personal care stores.
    • Find weird gadgets or try out massage chairs.
    • Check out digital stores for a brand new iPad or MacBook. Record a funny video on your tablet for the next visitor.
    • Stop by gourmet shops for free sample food tastings.
  5. 5 Watch TV in hardware stores. In addition to shops, you can often find different advertising screens on the floors of a shopping center.
    • Find interesting movies and TV shows. If the store employee is not very busy, he may even change the channel for you.

Method 2 of 3: How to Play Shopping Mall Games

  1. 1 Watch people. You can meet a wide variety of people in shopping centers. Turn your observations into a game with your friends.
    • For example, play Observational Bingo. Come up with categories ahead of time. So, you can choose categories: a person with bright red hair, a child with a walker, a person with bags from five different stores. Whoever sees more people from different categories first wins.
    • Come up with an unusual prize. For example, the winner will receive a bar from a vending machine or some other edible product.
  2. 2 Visit the slot machine room. Many shopping centers have a slot machine room. Here you can have fun and have fun all day long. Play slot machines with your friends.
    • Take with you a predetermined amount of money on the machines so that you don't spend more than you originally intended.
  3. 3 Play hide and seek so that no one understands. Select a store or several stores and start the game. One of your friends should silently count to sixty while pretending to be looking at the merchandise.
    • You and the rest of your friends must hide in one or more of the agreed stores. You should also pretend that you are choosing products. Pretending to be a buyer while hiding is very funny and fun.
  4. 4 Dance behind people. A game like this can be an interesting challenge. Pick a stranger to dance behind.
    • Stand a couple of meters behind him and start dancing. It is important to be exactly behind the person and at the same time not to invade his personal space. Avoid vulgar movements. You can just fool around.
    • Stop immediately if the person decides to look around.
    • After a few minutes, walk away at ease.
    • Don't forget to ask a friend to videotape your dancing so you can laugh later.
  5. 5 Pretend you live in a home improvement store. This is an interesting game for huge furniture chain stores. Try beds and sofas.
    • You can pretend that you are choosing furniture for your home.
  6. 6 Find the most expensive item. If the mall has a lot of expensive shops, go there with your friends. Organize a competition to find the most expensive or overpriced item in the mall.
    • Select products and ask a third friend to determine which item is the most absurd.
  7. 7 Check out the rides. Even if you are not a kid anymore, why not take a ride on the rides again and laugh with your friends.
    • Usually the price of the rides should not be too high.
  8. 8 Listen to what babies say. Little kids can be found at a toy store or in children's clothing stores.
    • Smile at the child as you walk by.

Method 3 of 3: Refreshing at the Mall

  1. 1 Attend free tastings. Free samples at cafes and eateries in malls are a great way to grab a bite to eat. Try everything that the establishment has to offer.
    • Pop into the cafes and eateries area right after you arrive at the mall, and then a couple of hours later. Perhaps during this time new proposals will appear.
  2. 2 Collect a set meal. The food service departments in shopping malls are renowned for their diversity. Together with your friends, buy small portions of different dishes from different establishments of your choice.
    • Then lay out all your purchases and share with each other. This way everyone can taste a little bit of everything.
  3. 3 Buy a small treat. Even if you don't want to buy a full meal, you can find small snacks in places like this and starve the worm.
    • You can choose a cinnamon roll or milkshake at your favorite spot.
  4. 4 Pay for the other. Buy something insignificant like ice cream for a stranger as an act of generosity.


  • Try to think outside the box and you can easily have fun in the mall. Behaving a little strange is perfectly normal.
  • Stay close to your friends!


  • Beware of strangers.
  • Do not steal and follow the rules for visiting the mall.
  • No need to swear, tease, or prank store employees. If you are asked not to behave the way you are now, then be polite and stop immediately. Please apologize if you have caused any inconvenience.

What do you need

  • Some money in case you want to buy something.