How to enter a desired higher school

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
College Admissions 101: What Do Colleges Look For? | The Princeton Review
Video: College Admissions 101: What Do Colleges Look For? | The Princeton Review


You are in eighth grade, and this is the time when everyone is trying to get into a good high school. However, there is a lot of competition for admission to all the schools you want. How to get there? In this article, we will tell you what the chairmen of the selection committee pay attention to, and how you can use this for admission.


  1. 1 You must apply to at least two schools; and it is better at once at three. The more options you have in stock, the more likely you will be accepted. However, it is not a good idea to apply to four schools or more, as there is a fee and you will have to be interviewed at all schools where you applied.
  2. 2 Start early! You need to start from the fifth, not from the eighth grade! You need to get high grades and, if possible, take part in many extracurricular activities. If you start doing something in eighth grade, it will seem like you are doing it in order to impress the admissions committee!
  3. 3 Evaluations, evaluations and again evaluations! High school will look at your seventh grade and first trimester eighth grade report cards. High marks won't hurt you! Try to get at least 20% or more. If you have other abilities, show them to the school committee.
  4. 4 Testing! Your ITBS (Iowa Skills and Skills Test) scores will be sent to the high schools you applied to, so be sure to try to write it well. Also in many high schools you will have to take an entrance exam. In Catholic high schools, the HSPT (High School Admission Distribution Test) is commonly used. Other private high schools use ISEE (Private School Entrance Examination). Boarding schools use the SSAT (Post-High School Transfer Test). You will be required to take the SHSAT (Specialized High School Admission Transfer Test) for admission to New York City Specialized High Schools. You must sign up for a test at your preferred school to show that it is first on your list. However, if this is not possible, you can take it elsewhere and send the earned points to the commission. You need to pass these tests successfully, and for that you need practice. If possible, go to the training center about three months in advance. This will give you time to study the vocabulary you may encounter and learn tricks for completing the math and reading comprehension items. You can hire a private tutor to tailor your lessons to your needs, or go to a training center like Renaissance Kids. If you don’t want to work with a tutor, buy a preparation manual that teaches you the tricks and has a screening test at the end of the book. Solve at least one test that was conducted in the same way as the real test before you actually take the real test.
  5. 5 Summary! Try to participate in whatever extracurricular activities you enjoy. Sports, choir, help with church services, martial arts, piano / other instruments, decathlon, chess, dance, and the student council will all delight the admissions committee. However, you should definitely enjoy this activity, and you do not need to do it just to get into high school. Do not overdo it, otherwise it will affect your grades.
  6. 6 Teacher recommendations! Your destiny is in the hands of your teachers. If you are one of the talkers who never do your homework, the teacher will not lie! And again, we remind you that we also need to start working on this much earlier. Beginning in the sixth grade, do all your homework, do not chat in class, and if you have problems, go to the teacher after class. Try to befriend your teachers - if a teacher likes you, he will give you a great recommendation!
  7. 7 Interview! The interview is an extremely important part of the process of going through the admissions office. If you have a detailed resume, excellent grades, good academic proficiency test scores, and positive references, the high school committee has the right to look at you and find out if you are truly eligible for admission to that school. While shaking your hand, do not look away. When they ask questions, try to talk about your extracurricular activities. But that shouldn't sound like bragging. Remember to always be yourself.If you pretend, they'll notice! If you are asked if this school is your first choice, LIE! You are unlikely to be accepted into school after learning that it is just a fallback! YOU SHOULD TELL THE COMMISSION THIS SCHOOL IS FIRST ON YOUR LIST IF YOU WANT TO BE ENROLLED! Try to show how unique you are and how you could contribute to the school community. Be extremely polite, don’t wear daily clothes and don’t get too nervous. Remember that even though the interview is important, it is only 1/5 of the criteria by which you will be judged!
  8. 8 Attend school events! Come to the open day, find out the dates of educational events - if they are accompanied by music, you can visit them. This will help you not only form an opinion about the school, but also show the school commission your interest and how much you want to study there.
  9. 9 Make sure you have all your statements and recommendations in your hands beforehand. In some schools, these concerns are on the shoulders of the teachers, but in others you will have to adjust them. Most high schools require a recommendation from English and math teachers. However, you can also ask other teachers to write you recommendations.
  10. 10 Typically, applications and recommendations are submitted in December. The Academic Skills Test must be taken by the end of January; the deadline is the first days of February. However, you will not know if you were accepted or not until the first days of March. Don't waste time and energy worrying! Get good grades and use your energy in extracurricular activities. Your grades shouldn't get worse in the second trimester; Some schools have waiting lists that will only enroll you if you have high grades.
  11. 11 If you are not accepted to the school on your list, do not be discouraged. This may not be what you want. Some schools continue to enroll through the end of March, so don't be in a rush to enroll at the bottom of your list. If you didn't enroll, you may be one of the first on the waiting list, so wait until the end of March before making your final decision.
  12. 12 If you are accepted to the school of your choice, congratulations! Submit your affirmative answer immediately so the school knows you are coming. Also send "No thanks!" As soon as possible. all their fallbacks so that the people on the waiting list can enroll without having to wait.
  13. 13 Do not stop working tirelessly with yourself even after admission. If you started learning, then keep up the good work! It may be difficult for you to study in these schools, but it is not in vain that high school gives you such an education - it may be useful to you in the future!


  • Be yourself. If you are an athletic and not a scientist, do not try to hide it. You might think you don't like the commission as you, but do you really want to spend the next four years of your life in a school where you have to pretend to be a different person?


  • This article is mainly intended for those who are going to private schools. If you are applying to a public school, these tips may not work for you.