How to build a lighthouse in Minecraft

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
► How To Build A Working Lighthouse In Minecraft | Survival Build
Video: ► How To Build A Working Lighthouse In Minecraft | Survival Build


This article will show you how to create a survival beacon in Minecraft. It's not so easy to build a lighthouse, but thanks to it, your base can be seen from almost anywhere on the map; moreover, the beacon gives the player additional effects. You can create a beacon in computer, mobile and console versions.


Part 1 of 3: How to Create a Beacon

  1. 1 Remember what the lighthouse looks like. The lighthouse consists of a pedestal at least 3x3 blocks in size and 1 block high. The plinth is made of iron blocks (although gold, diamond and / or emerald blocks will work as well), and a lighthouse block is mounted on the plinth. To increase the power and range of the beacon, build a 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 and 9x9 pyramid (the higher the pyramid, the more powerful the beacon).
    • Building a lighthouse can be tedious as you will need at least 81 iron ingots to do this.
  2. 2 Gather the required materials. To create a lighthouse, you will need the following items:
    • At least 81 iron ore blocks - Use a stone pickaxe (or better) to get a large amount of iron ore, which is a gray mineral with orange splashes. You can also use emeralds, gold or diamonds, but these minerals are much less common than iron and do not affect the lighthouse in any way.
    • Three obsidians - obsidian is formed when water is poured onto lava. Obsidian can be found deep in the cave and obtained with a diamond pickaxe.
    • Five blocks of sand - it will be needed to make glass.
    • Nether Star - kill the wither; this star will fall out of it. It will be difficult for low level players to spawn and kill a Wither, so develop your character first.
    • Fuel - planks or coal are suitable, which must be added to the furnace for smelting glass and iron ingots.
  3. 3 Smelt iron ore. Open the furnace, add 81 iron ore blocks to the top slot, and put fuel in the bottom slot. When 81 iron ingots have been created, drag them to your inventory.
    • In Minecraft PE, tap the top slot, tap the iron ore icon, tap the bottom slot, and then tap fuel.
    • On the console, select iron ore, press "Y" or the triangle button, select fuel, and press "Y" or the triangle button again.
  4. 4 Make glass. Add sand and fuel to the furnace, and then drag the five glass blocks to inventory.
  5. 5 Open the workbench. Right click on it (computer), tap on it (mobile), or turn towards it and press the left trigger (console).
  6. 6 Create iron blocks. Add nine iron ingots to all slots of the workbench, then drag nine iron blocks to your inventory.
    • In Minecraft PE, click on an iron ingot to select it and then press "1" nine times on the right side of the screen.
    • On the console, scroll to the far right tab, select the magma block, scroll down until you find the iron block, and press A (Xbox) or X (PlayStation) nine times.
  7. 7 Create a lighthouse block. Open the workbench, add one obsidian to the bottom three slots, add the Nether star to the center slot, and add glass to the remaining slots. Drag the resulting lighthouse block into your inventory. The lighthouse can now be built.
    • In Minecraft PE, just click on the beacon icon and then press "1".
    • On the console, find the beacon tab, select the beacon and press "A" or "X".

Part 2 of 3: How to Build a Lighthouse

  1. 1 Find a place to build a lighthouse. You will need a flat area; ideally, the lighthouse should be near your home.
  2. 2 Place the iron blocks on the ground. Place 9 iron blocks so that they form 3 by 3 rows.
  3. 3 Install the beacon unit. Place it on the central iron block. The lighthouse will light up almost immediately.
  4. 4 Build a pyramid for the lighthouse (if you like). To increase the power of the beacon, under the 3x3 block (9 blocks) slab, build a 5x5 block (25 blocks) slab.
    • Also, under a 5x5 block slab, you can build a 7x7 block slab (49 blocks), and below it a 9x9 block slab (81 blocks).
    • The base of the pyramid cannot be larger than a 9x9 slab.

Part 3 of 3: How to Change the Beacon Effect

  1. 1 Find an effect mineral. To change the effect of the beacon, you will need at least one of the following items:
    • iron ingot
    • gold bar
    • Emerald
    • Diamond
  2. 2 Select a lighthouse. Right click on the beacon (or tap it, or press the left trigger) to open it.
  3. 3 Choose an effect. Choose the effect you want to get from the beacon. You can choose from two effects:
    • Speed - select the claw icon on the left side of the window. This effect will allow you to run faster.
    • Rush - select the pickaxe icon on the left side of the window. This effect will allow you to dig faster.
    • The more plates in the lighthouse pyramid, the more effects you can use.
  4. 4 Add an effect mineral. Drag the mineral to the empty slot at the bottom of the lighthouse window.
    • In Minecraft PE, click on the mineral at the top left of the screen.
    • On the console, simply select a mineral and press "Y" or the triangle button.
  5. 5 Select the checkmark icon. It is located at the bottom of the lighthouse window. The selected effect will take effect.


  • If you don't want to waste time looking for the materials you need, collect them in creative mode. The lighthouse block is already ready, so just drag it and the iron blocks into your inventory to build the largest lighthouse later.
  • Do not spawn a wither near the house, because this mob shoots skulls that explode and cause huge damage.
  • To change the color of the lighthouse, place any colored glass over the lighthouse block.


  • If you fall from a height of more than 23 blocks, you will die, so do not build the lighthouse too high if you do not know how to get down.