How to comprehend the secret of your life

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jordan Peterson’s Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)
Video: Jordan Peterson’s Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)


Once you've decided to deal with your life, the process can be both excruciating and exhausting at the same time.He will make you ponder and decide what happiness and fulfilling life means to you. However, this process will allow you to grow and become the best version of yourself. Realize that there is not one single version of happiness, but there are many ways to achieve satisfaction.


Method 1 of 3: Formulate Your Path to Happiness

  1. 1 Keep a diary. Document your path to happiness. The diary allows you to track your thoughts, assess fears, indulge in dreams. Writing regularly in your diary or daily blog will help you track your path to happiness. Describing your day and your emotions will help you become more aware of yourself. Write down what made you happy, what made you angry, what upset you. Write down how interacting with other people helped you achieve what you wanted. Going forward, come back periodically, review your diary to assess how far you have come.
  2. 2 Start keeping a video diary. You can keep a video diary and record your path to happiness in it, rather than in writing. Using a phone, computer or video camera, you can record your thoughts, desires and achievements. Unlike a simple diary, a video diary will give you the opportunity to express your thoughts out loud, and it will force you to go beyond your usual circle of thoughts. Plus, you won't have the added stress of seeing a blank slate! Regular videotaping will help you gauge your height. Review these short videos to see more clearly what changes have occurred - whether your goals have significantly shifted; have you become more aware of what makes you unhappy; or have you realized what can make you happy? Let these discoveries help you understand where happiness and satisfaction are for you.
  3. 3 Take a photo. Documenting your life with photos is a great opportunity to preserve memories. Take pictures of people, places, things that make you happy. Take a picture of your 90-year-old grandmother, a brightly colored autumn tree, a successful project. Capture scenes from life that propel you to action: take a picture of the mess, the policeman at the checkpoint, the lost dog. After collecting these images, analyze how they mean to you. How do you feel about them and why? Does it reveal any secret sides of your life? Or maybe your collection is missing some pictures? Use everything you learn about yourself to find your path to happiness.

Method 2 of 3: Focus on Your Dream

  1. 1 Ask yourself what you really want. There can be no wrong answer to this question. Although the answer may be silence, or perhaps you shrug your shoulders or say “I don’t know”. Your answer may be vague and vague, or it may be a veiled expression of what you really desire. Sit down and ponder this answer, reflect on it for a while. Ask yourself why you don't know the answer. If your answer is vague, try to catch a glimpse of an honest answer. Capture the essence of your veiled statement.
    • If you are silent, shrug, or say “I don’t know,” overcome the fear that you will never find your happiness or that you are not worthy of the satisfaction of life. Look at this question from a new angle and give an answer!
    • Drive away any guilt feelings and realize that your hopes and dreams have changed. What made you happy in the past no longer satisfies you. And this is completely normal! Your happiness should not be determined by how your friends, family, or coworkers portray it.

    Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

    Career Coach Adrian Clafaack is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a career and personal coaching company based in the San Francisco Bay Area.Accredited as a professional coach (CPCC). She uses her knowledge from the Institute for Coaching Education, Hakomi Somatic Psychology and Family Systems Theory (IFS) therapy to help thousands of people build successful careers and lead more meaningful lives.

    Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC
    Career coach

    Focus on what you want, not what others want for you. Adrian Klafaak, founder of A Path That Fits, says: “We all absorb expectations and pressures about what we 'should' do with our lives. They come from parents, partners, friends, colleagues and our culture. Recognize this influence, but then try to give up what you think is wrong... Being yourself and doing what comes naturally to you is what will bring you real success. "

  2. 2 Concretize. Raise the level of your response by increasing the glimmer of sincerity in your vague wording or by bringing out the essence of your veiled statement. For example, if, in response to your question, you said, “I would like to have more joy in my career,” you should take it to the next level and identify the people, places, and anything else that will make you feel happier. Keep working on your answer until it is specific enough to be implemented. If animals make you happy, consider a career as a veterinarian or volunteer at an animal shelter in your spare time. If you enjoy working with children, consider becoming an elementary school teacher. If you feel satisfied with helping other people, consider working in a service industry.
    • This process will take some time. Be patient, allow yourself to feel frustrated, but never let the thought that it’s impossible to find an answer.
  3. 3 Please accept your answer. Let this answer lead you to happiness. Don't worry about when, where, or why this will happen. You cannot control these factors. You can only control how you will go towards your happiness. Make an effort, try to get closer to your happiness every day. You will have to step out of your comfort zone. But this risk will make you grow and become fearless, determined and happy.

Method 3 of 3: Find Your Calling

  1. 1 Determine what you are gifted with. Your giftedness is your strengths, it is what you are good at. Make a list of what you do best. This can include practical skills such as filing a tax return; social skills such as listening skills; as well as interpersonal skills, such as the ability to assess the situation or a high level of self-awareness. In addition to this list, take an inventory of the skills and abilities. The results can reveal your new talents or validate your assessment of your strengths.
  2. 2 Think about your hobbies. Hobbies indicate what matters to you, what excites you. You may be interested in the environment, animals, social justice, education, children. Hobbies encourage action. What can make you protest? Do you make regular donations to an organization? If you find it difficult to identify your passions, take the time to research different areas of activity. Gather information about global warming, delve into the details of immigration reform, devote yourself to social justice. Over time, you will discover what you want to plunge headlong into.
  3. 3 Explore your values. Values ​​are the set of principles that you live by every day. Very often values ​​originate in religion, family, society. Values ​​guide your decisions and actions. If you value honesty and sincerity, you yourself are probably only telling the truth and value the openness of other people.You can value equality, freedom or family, generosity or selflessness. If you work or live in an environment where your values ​​are not respected, then value conflicts and tensions will naturally arise. Define your core values. A series of exercises will help you with this. Think about the characteristics of the people you respect, how your parents, teachers, and mentors live. Evaluate what inspires you to take action, and why do these questions fascinate you so much? Assess your surroundings and highlight 1 point that you would like to change. Review your answers and look for duplicate topics. The themes and principles that emerge in this way will reflect your values ​​and beliefs.
  4. 4 Find your calling. The key to finding your calling is to combine your talents, passions, and values. If you manage to achieve the perfect balance of these three components, you will experience a sense of satisfaction - you will comprehend the secret of your life!
    • It takes time to find the perfect balance between your talents, passions and values. You won't get a perfect formula on the first try!

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