How to overcome self-doubt in studies

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Eliminate Self Doubt Forever & The Power of Your Unconscious Mind | Peter Sage | TEDxPatras
Video: How To Eliminate Self Doubt Forever & The Power of Your Unconscious Mind | Peter Sage | TEDxPatras


Self-confidence in studies is something that can quickly disappear with the appearance of just one bad grade and resume again only with the appearance of good or satisfactory grades, but over a longer period of time. In any case, it is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your grades are a reflection of your learning ability. As a consequence, self-confidence can be lost. Here are some steps to help renew that confidence.


Method 1 of 3: Look Previous Frustrations in the Eyes

  1. 1 Face reality. Before you begin to resume anything, you will have to take a hard look at the charred ruins of your school life in the past. This will give you the best chance for future success. This process can be painful, as it entails disappointment and anger (either directly to oneself, or indirectly to the assessment system). Perhaps there was a different kind of external influence in your life that contributed to the problem. It is not difficult to determine why you have not demonstrated the results you were striving for in the past. But try to do it anyway, as you may see something new, something that you did not notice before.
  2. 2 Take a look at your past attempts in chronological order from the time you received the assignment / started working on the item. Take a look at your academic performance across a timeline. Review your progress towards the completion of the project and try to identify missed opportunities or barriers to using this information in the future.
  3. 3 Remember that regardless of the feelings you experience, whether it's anger or frustration, what's done is done. Your hurt emotions won't change anything, but you can use them to move forward.

Method 2 of 3: Start over

  1. 1 Start from scratch. Now that you have received all the information you need about your dubious past performance, mentally take out a huge rag and wipe the board of your mind clean. This will help you move forward. It's about erasing memories and feelings of your past successes. This is easier said than done, of course. But you need to forgive yourself for poor performance in the past and accept it. No, this does not determine your future. It is only you who define it.
  2. 2 Recovery. It's time to get back on track. This old paradigm of getting back into it as soon as possible is correct. It's about completing the next task or choosing a new subject. If learning uncertainty has undermined your motivation or interest and, as a result, you have not been involved in the learning process for a long time, be prepared to give your learning another chance.
    • Think about a subject that interests you, but that is not related to an area in which you were not successful. Perhaps you will choose a different university, or even a different type of educational institution. This can be a school, refresher courses, etc.
    • Depending on how long you have not been involved in the training process, it can be difficult for you to get started. So don't judge yourself too harshly. But don't overdo it!
  3. 3 Identify obstacles. It's time to use the information gained from analyzing your past defeats to improve yourself. Identifying obstacles should help you determine how to get around them. The information you have received from your past is as unique as your abilities. So only you can know how to overcome obstacles and move on.
    • If you haven’t studied as hard as you should because you were distracted by your children, you were absorbed in new relationships, you had depression or lost a family member during this period, you will know that all of this is in the past. In this way, some of your concerns about not being able to concentrate earlier can be allayed.
    • If you've been postponing your studies in the past, try to deal with this problem now. Do you always do everything at the last minute? It's time to take an active step, start early to get the best chance.
  4. 4 Seek support. Ask a family member or friend for help. Balance the workload to do the job better.
    • If you feel that past obstacles are so unchanging that they cannot be overcome, talk to students experiencing a similar problem or a teacher. Look for ways to help yourself. The important thing to remember is, whenever you are struggling to overcome something, do not do it alone. It's not obligatory.

Method 3 of 3: Balance the workload

  1. 1 Success breeds success. When doing new projects, set yourself mini-tasks for lectures, class work, assignment stages. As you achieve each goal, you will build positive associations, and this will increase positive feelings towards the task and the subject. If you failed to reach the mini-goal, move on and do not focus on it. It makes no sense to associate your failure with previous failures. They are not connected in any way, so do not artificially create this connection. Don't doom yourself.
  2. 2 Review everything. It is important to learn from your mistakes and poor performance. Fortunately, constructive criticism in the form of comments, exam scores, and fellow students' grades does just that. Ask yourself:
    • How did you handle the assignment given the changed approach, or how did your grades change?
    • Is your academic performance worse than before, or is it still better?
    • If you think your academic performance has dropped, don't give up.Everyone is capable of learning, but you need to work harder to identify what will help you learn better. You may need to take more thorough notes, watch video presentations, test concepts in real life, etc. Probably, one hard work is not enough here!
    • Explore deeper. If you weren't successful this time, take up the different learning styles or talk to more successful students about their learning systems. Gather as much information as possible about teaching, research, time management. This study can provide insight into the way forward.
  3. 3 Appreciate the effort. Achieving something important and wonderful in your life will not be easy. And this has a deep meaning. Otherwise, we would have gotten everything on a platter! These amazing complex moments are just so amazing because they require hard work and dedication from us. They assume the strength to stand up and try again, laughing in the face of disappointment.
  4. 4 Keep trying. No attempt is futile. You can use every opportunity to learn something new. This is not only about educational material, but about yourself and the world. So go ahead. Training can also benefit from practice. Also, treat each new assignment / subject as a new opportunity and maintain that attitude towards anything new. After all, it is known that it takes 10,000 hours of repeated effort to be successful at anything!


  • First of all, remember that the mark does not define you as a person. You determine this yourself. If you get disappointing results, it’s not because you’re not smart enough to succeed. You just have to keep looking for ways to follow the right path. More constructive methods must be found. And they will let your studies work for you.


  • By dwelling on the past and drawing parallels where they do not exist, we are pushing ourselves towards conclusions like "Why bother?" Make a productive decision not to feed such thoughts and instead cultivate ideas of success. Support them with positive affirmations and mini-goals.