How to watch a movie at home with your girlfriend (for teens)

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: 11-Year-Old Girl ’Allergic’ to Sunlight | ABC News


The girl you like has agreed to spend an evening watching a movie with you this weekend! Now what? If you want the evening to be a success, you need to plan everything so that the date goes smoothly. Choosing a movie that you both like, buying delicious snacks and setting the right mood with good lighting are what you need to make this evening special. Keep reading for instructions on how to watch a movie with your girlfriend without any disturbance.


  1. 1 Invite her. Obviously, the first step is to invite you to watch a movie with you. But choose the evening when she can come. You can do this on a daily basis - write a message or email, or add a little romance and send her an old-fashioned paper message. Or you can just ask her. Usually, the best option is whichever is most convenient for you.
  2. 2 Buy some snacks. Go out and get light meals that you both enjoy. Popcorn (see warnings though), chips, and / or candy are good options. If she's on a diet or just prefers healthier foods, it's best to go for crackers, dried fruits, and / or vegetables that you both enjoy. And also, if you know about a certain delicacy that she loves, it doesn't hurt to stock up on them. She will appreciate what you thought of her. Don't forget about drinks. You can stock up on lemonade or juice, but if she is a fan of a healthy lifestyle, then regular water will do. Again, if she likes a certain drink, make sure you have it.
  3. 3 Pick a movie that you both like and try not to quarrel when choosing. Try to figure out which films she likes. Some girls enjoy melodramas or romantic comedies, while others are into horror films. Think about who your girlfriend is and what she will like best. If you can't seem to make a decision, just ask her which movie she wants to watch. Better to ask than to make her suffer for an hour and a half to two hours before a movie she hates. You should also like this film as much as your girlfriend, otherwise she may feel your reluctance to watch and will feel guilty for the fact that she likes a date and you don't. And this attitude can ruin everything. When you've finally solved your problem with choosing a movie, rent it or buy it (if you don't already have one).
  4. 4 Prepare a space for watching a movie. Before she arrives, clean up where you intend to watch the movie and prepare a suitable environment. It should be a comfortable place for both of you to sit (recliner, sofa, etc.).Also, the place where you and the girl will sit should be such that you can snuggle up to her and be side by side. Keep a blanket handy in case one of you gets cold, as this will give you a great opportunity to get cozy. There should be a table nearby (coffee table or nightstand) to put snacks and drinks there. Finally, get your parents and siblings out of the room - they can ruin your entire evening!
  5. 5 Wait for her to come and then start watching the movie! Show the girl where she can get snacks and drinks and make sure she has everything she needs before watching the movie. If possible, dim or turn off the lights to make the movie more interesting to watch, and to have a relaxed romantic atmosphere around.
  6. 6 Make your move. This is your girlfriend, so make a romantic move somewhere during the movie. Hug her, hold hands, kiss, or just snuggle! She'll love it and she's probably expecting something like this. However, do not disagree too much, because several rooms from you are members of your family, and your girlfriend may not be ready for more.


  • If you've chosen snacks that can easily get stuck in your teeth (like popcorn, for example), eat gently to avoid this nuisance. And if something is still stuck in your teeth, try to pull out the food, preferably with your tongue (if you can). Better yet, avoid 'gas-forming' foods like peas. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend!
  • Have more than one movie ready in case your first choice isn't as good as you thought or the disc gets scratched.
  • Don't do or watch what you would be afraid to show your parents. They may come unexpectedly.
  • Turn off your cell phone. Better yet, take it out of the room (if your brother or sister won't take it). Sometimes the temptation to write a message is too great, and a phone call can ruin the whole date.
  • If you want to make a romantic move, watch her body language and make sure you like her. Otherwise, you can ruin everything when you try to kiss her, and she is not ready to kiss yet.
  • Don't worry too much about your date. Relax and enjoy!


  • Don't be stupid or you will have problems with your parents or girlfriend.
  • Be prepared for anything to happen, so don't wait until the last minute to start preparing.
  • Think about talking points before she comes.
  • Her parents can pick her up, so don't bring too long a movie to pick her up on time.

What do you need

  • Young woman
  • Good movie
  • Television
  • Snacks (sweets, popcorn, any crunchy goodies)
  • The drinks
  • Comfy blanket
  • Sofa, recliner and so on
  • Romantic side