How to put your dog on a diet

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to put your pet on a diet! The Ultimate Weight Loss Program
Video: How to put your pet on a diet! The Ultimate Weight Loss Program


If you notice that your dog is getting fat, you shouldn't be too surprised. Many domestic dogs gain weight gradually over an extended period of time. It may seem like a purely aesthetic problem, but obesity or weight gain means health problems for your pet, including additional stress on the joints, heart, lungs, and a decrease in life expectancy. To help your dog lose weight, you need to reduce the calories in his food and increase the amount and intensity of exercise.


Part 1 of 2: How to Reduce the Calories in Your Dog's Food?

  1. 1 Check with your veterinarian. Before you establish a diet for your dog, you must be examined by a doctor. Some clinics develop special action plans for losing weight for dogs: first, the animal is weighed, and then the doctor gives detailed instructions on how you should feed the dog. Regular weight control, a clear goal and moral support will help you successfully put your dog on an effective diet. Your doctor may recommend one of the following diets:
    • A diet low in fat and high in fiber. This food contains fiber, which swells in the dog's stomach, making you feel full. The instructions on the food packaging should clearly state how much food you need to feed your dog to reach the target weight.
    • Metabolic diet. This diet is based on more advanced technologies: the dog consumes foods that improve metabolism in its body. By speeding up the metabolism, the animal's body will burn more calories, which will cause it to lose weight.
  2. 2 Track how much food your dog is consuming each day. Pay attention to how many times a day you are currently feeding your pet. If your dog is eating twice a day, weigh the daily dose to see how much he is eating. If your dog has constant access to food, then it will be more difficult for you to determine how much food he is consuming per day. It is even more difficult to determine how much such a daily portion should be cut. In this case, check the instructions on the food packaging for how much you need to give your dog to lose the required amount of pounds.
    • You will find the weight range for most dogs in the food instructions. For example, if manufacturers advise giving a dog 300-350 grams of food per day, choose the smallest number in this range, that is, 300 grams.
  3. 3 Cut back on the portion of food you give your dog. Once you've determined how much food your dog is eating per day, trim that amount by 5-10%. For example, if you give your pet 300 grams of dry food per day, then 10% of this amount is 30 grams, so he should be given 270 grams of food per day. Feed the dog a reduced amount of food for one or two weeks, then weigh it. Under favorable circumstances, by this time your dog will already lose weight, if not, cut this daily portion by another 5-10%. Weigh the animal again after one to two weeks.
    • Don't be discouraged or anxious if the portion size seems too small or your dog begs for more food from you. When a dog is put on a diet, this kind of anxiety is quite natural. If you are overly concerned, you should visit your veterinarian and follow the diet that he prescribes for your pet.
  4. 4 Occasionally give your dog treats that won't hurt him. As you cut back on your daily food intake and increase your dog's physical activity, you need to reassure your dog from time to time. You can offer your dog not only praise, but sometimes a treat. Just be sure to treat your dog to healthy food that will satisfy and delight him. Here are some good options:
    • Bran or chopped vegetables mixed with feed
    • Raw green beans or red beans
    • Apples (in moderation)
    • Bananas (in moderation)
  5. 5 Let the dog “earn” food. Think of a way for the dog to “earn” food, rather than just putting a bowl full in front of it. Buy a puzzle toy or other toy that can be filled with food. In order for a treat to fall out of such a toy, the dog will need to pull out certain elements from it. This will help your dog move more and puzzle over how to achieve what he wants. Try not to let the dog get bored during the diet: if she is always busy with something, she will not have time to think about food.
    • Another good way to get your dog moving and not letting him get bored is to keep him busy with training. The quality of the training will depend a lot on the reward, so either take a small amount of food from the dog's lunch portion and give a little as a reward, or praise him well for the effort.
  6. 6 Monitor your dog's weight loss. Weigh your dog every one to two weeks to be aware of any weight loss. This will help you understand if diet and exercise are working. If the weight does not go away, you should think again about your actions. Make sure you set the right goals and adhere strictly to your dog's diet. Don't expect your dog to suddenly become lean, but instead try to achieve a slow but steady weight loss, which is more reliable. Small dogs ideally can lose no more than 110-115 grams per week, while large dogs can lose up to 450 grams per week.
    • If your dog is too big or you cannot weigh it, use a measuring tape (meter). Measure your dog's waist or chest. Mark yourself exactly where the tape runs over the dog's body so that you can measure the same spot every time.

Part 2 of 2: How to Train Your Dog?

  1. 1 Set a training regimen. It seems like you just need to get started with your dog, but you should definitely consider an individual approach to training. Overweight dogs should receive exercise gradually if they have not been particularly active before. If you start long daily walks right away, your dog may experience joint pain or injury instead of losing weight. Talk to your veterinarian about what level of exercise you should start with.
    • If your dog does not move much, start training as follows: put small portions of his food on opposite sides of the room, and he will have to walk back and forth to eat the treat. You can also play simple games, such as rolling a ball on the floor and asking your dog to fetch it.When your dog throws a ball at you, treat him to a few bites from his lunch ration.
  2. 2 Start with moderate walks. Light walks are a great way to start training an out of shape dog. Take your dog for a walk on a leash while he is comfortable walking. Remember or write down how much you covered this distance. Then you can gradually increase this distance, adding an additional 5 minutes to the walk times every week.
    • For example, if your dog can only walk for 5 minutes in the first week, start walking for 10 minutes in the second week, 15 minutes in the third, and so on. If the distance you have traveled is very short, walk the dog 2-3 times a day to increase your dog's stamina and fitness.
    • Make sure your dog walks rather than sniffing while walking.
  3. 3 Increase your dog's exercise level. By increasing the duration, frequency, and intensity of walks, you help your dog lose as much excess weight and improve its health. You may want to add other types of exercise to your walks to keep your dog entertained. Once your pet gets used to walking, try one of the following exercises:
    • Run. When your dog's fitness level is high enough, teach him to run next to your bike. This training will be fun enough for both of you, but make sure that your dog does not become an obstacle for other people and drivers, and does not accidentally harm you.
    • Swimming. Let your dog swim for a while, then gradually lengthen the bath time. Swimming is a great exercise for overweight dogs as it is not weight bearing or overloading the joints. Just be sure to wear a life jacket on your dog, because if he overdoes it, he can drown.
    • Games with toys. Find some activity toys. Any toys that you need to bring to the owner will suit you: these are balls, frisbees, or stuffed animals. Pick a favorite dog toy and toss it to your pet until he gets tired. If you have back problems, come up with a way to lift toys off the ground effortlessly.
  4. 4 Maintain a positive attitude. Be sure to praise your dog with words or affection before, during, and after any exercise. You can say "Good dog!" and pet or scratch behind the ear. With positive reinforcement, the exercise will be even more fun for the dog. It is necessary for the animal to associate training with a reward, then the dog will receive the necessary motivation and it will be easier for her to perform the exercises.
    • Exercise patience with any exercise regimen. It may take a dog several months to lose the desired amount of pounds, but if everything is thought out and organized correctly, the goals are quite achievable.