How to ask a girl's parents for permission to date her

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 17 September 2024
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While this may sound old-fashioned, some girls' parents sometimes have strict dating rules, which may include asking permission to meet with their daughter. It is likely that they will want to get to know you better first to make sure that you are a reliable person. Do your best to make a good first impression, and then politely ask them for permission, graciously accepting their position even if they say no.


Method 1 of 3: Meet the Girl's Parents

  1. 1 Become a familiar, positive young person for them. If possible, it is best to connect with the girl's parents before asking them for permission to visit their daughter. Invite the girl to gather with friends at her home, or invite you (and a few other friends) to informal family gatherings. This will give you the opportunity to lay the foundation and become a friendly and familiar person to her family. That way, when you apply for permission, her parents will already know that you are a reliable person who has a beneficial effect on their daughter.
    • One way to show that you are a beneficial influence is to visit her home to do homework. Focus on your studies to prove that you are mature and responsible.
  2. 2 Talk to her parents in person. Show them respect by paying a special visit to their home. Discuss this with the girl and find out if her parents would agree to invite you to dinner. Having them approved in advance will help relieve some of the stress.
    • The girl may say: “Mom, Dad, can Anton come to visit us for dinner on Wednesday night? He would very much like to get to know you better and ask your permission to invite me on a date. " This will give her parents some time to think, and you won't be caught off guard. If you've already visited her and established yourself as a respected and reliable person, her parents are likely to be more open to your proposal.
    • Understand - if you go to a girl's home without first meeting her parents, it will be difficult for you to achieve what you want, no matter how polite you are or how well you know how to choose clothes - you will still be a stranger to them.
  3. 3 You look good. Dress Conservatively: Think about what you would wear to dinner with your grandmother or to a religious service, and choose this outfit.Make a good first impression.
    • Be sure to take a shower beforehand or at least tidy yourself up. You need to look as presentable as possible.
  4. 4 Introduce yourself. State your name, smile sincerely, and shake hands with your parents. Call them by name and patronymic, for example, Alexandra Sergeevna or Petr Vitalievich, unless they ask you to contact them differently.
    • If you have met them before, say something like: “Hello, Alexandra Sergeevna and Petr Vitalievich. Nice to see you again. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. "
    • If this is your first meeting, you can say: “Hello, Alexandra Sergeevna and Petr Vitalievich. My name is Anton. Nice to meet you".
    • Use a firm, confident handshake and make eye contact when greeting. Stand straight with your shoulders squared.
  5. 5 Let them lead the conversation. Most likely, her parents will have many questions for you. Try not to go out of your way to tell them about all your accomplishments. Let the conversation flow naturally. If they are concerned or interested in something, be sure they will ask you about it.
    • Most likely, they will inquire about your family and friends, goals and interests.
    • Mention anything that proves that you are a reliable and responsible person. Volunteering, religiosity, work, and extracurricular activities can tell a lot about your character.
    • You could say something like, “Now I work as a lifeguard on weekends and go swimming on weekdays. I'm going to give swimming lessons next month in the park area. "
  6. 6 Be polite but sincere. Don't treat this like a formal interview. Answer all questions in a friendly and pleasant voice. Be sure to show interest in their lives by asking a few questions too. By showing a genuine interest in other people, we leave a positive impression of ourselves when we first meet.
    • You can ask her parents, "How long have you been living here?" - or: "Did you grow up in this area?" You can also look for something in common. For example: "Petr Vitalievich, did you play football with my father a few years ago?"
    • Remember that talking is a two-way road. Neither side should dominate the conversation or ask all the questions.
    • Don't be distracted by your phone while talking. If you look at the phone while the interlocutor speaks, it will be regarded as an extremely rude gesture. Put your phone in silent mode and keep it in your pocket when you chat with the girl's parents.
  7. 7 Speak the truth. If you think you have a negative reputation in the eyes of the girl's parents, talk to them about it. Be honest even if you have to confess to something you don't want to talk about. They will respect you much more for telling the truth than for lying to them. Lying will make them mistrust you.
    • For example, if they ask you about a bad thing in the past, be sure to tell them what lesson you learned from it and how you have changed since then. For example, you might say, “Yes, I was one of the kids who got punished last year for a joke in the cafeteria. I feel very embarrassed about this now because I know how much extra work we have created for the cleaning ladies. We apologized to them. "

Method 2 of 3: Apply for permission

  1. 1 Make sure they know their daughter wants to date you. Let them know that their daughter wants to get to know you better, but that you both want to talk to them first and see if they mind.
    • You can say: “Alina told me how important it is for you to first meet the person who wants to be her boyfriend. So I would like to show respect for her and her family by coming here and ask your permission to ask her out. ”
    • Note that this decision also belongs to their daughter.You might say, “I wanted your approval for a date with your daughter, but I also understand that this decision depends on her. If she is no longer interested in this, I will understand. "
  2. 2 Tell us why you want to date their daughter. Talk about what you like about her personality and why you want to get to know her better. Point out your common interests. Reassure your parents of the value of your relationship.
    • You could say, “Last semester, Alina and I were laboratory partners and became friends. It's fun to talk to her. I think we got close because of our love for sci-fi movies. "
    • Don't mention anything about her physical qualities. Only talk about her personality. If you tell a girl's parents that you think she is "hot," they will probably quickly kick you out the door!
  3. 3 Ask if they give permission. After you introduce yourself and explain why you want to date their daughter, it is time to ask the main question. Remain calm, polite and friendly, and ask if you can take their daughter on a date. Tell us what kind of date you would like to go on.
    • You might say, “I really would like to get to know your daughter better, and I think my feelings are mutual. Will you let us go on a date? "
    • You might say, “I was thinking about going with Alina to the school play next week and then eating dessert. We will try to be home by 21:30. Do you mind? "
    • If they don't seem to want to let you go to a one-on-one meeting, ask if you can go on a date with their daughter in the company of friends. Make sure they know the other guys in the company. You might say, “Several of the kids in my extracurricular class are going to have dinner next week. I think you know Timur and Olya? We would all like Alina to join us. "
  4. 4 Agree to their terms. Accept their answer politely and kindly, and try to understand their decision. If they refuse, discuss it with them and try to figure out the reason.
    • Perhaps they will tell her that it's too early for their daughter to go out on dates. In this case, you can ask: "Will you agree if we go for a walk with friends?"
    • Perhaps they will let you go for a walk, provided that you come back not too late. Agree and say, “No problem. I need to be home by 22:00. Will this time be right, or does she need to come back earlier? "
    • If this is their first time meeting you, they may say they would like to get to know you better. You could say, “Next week we have an algebra quiz. May I come over for a visit on Sunday afternoon so we can study here? "
    • If they reject all proposals, you can ask, "Do you think we could return to this conversation in a few months?" Accept that you may have to wait a little before you can go out with this girl, but you will most likely have other ways to see her, such as in school, in extracurricular activities, or in a social setting.

Method 3 of 3: Prove You Are a Responsible Person

  1. 1 Keep your word. Show that you are a reliable person. If her parents initially set strict limits on how you can spend time with their daughter, keep your word and be reliable, and perhaps over time they will give you more freedom and responsibility.
    • Stay where you promised to be. If you told her parents you were going to watch a movie, go to the theater and watch the movie you talked about at that particular time. Don't go to another movie or cinema. If her parents find out that you are lying about your whereabouts, it will most likely end your relationship.
    • Come on time. Bring the girl home at the appointed time. If you can't make it back on time (for example, you got into an unexpected traffic jam), inform her parents as soon as possible.In the future, try to avoid circumstances that might cause you to be late again, such as going to places near your home instead of going somewhere.
    • Provide safe and reliable transportation. Let the girl's parents know how you will get to and from your destination. For example, if they are uncomfortable with the thought that you will be driving, suggest an alternative and do not argue with them.
  2. 2 Provide them with your contacts. Leave them your phone number. Answer their calls or messages quickly. You can also give them your address and your parents' phone numbers as additional channels of communication. Parents love when it's easy to get in touch with their child.
    • You can ask your parents to talk to her parents. Be brave and ask your parents if the girl's parents can call them and ask questions about you.
    • If your home environment is not very good and you are not sure if your parents can say good things about you, you can ask another trusted adult to talk to the girl's parents if necessary.
  3. 3 Don't do anything surreptitiously. Respect the restrictions set by her parents, even if you disagree with them. If her parents catch you lying, it will be very difficult for you to restore their trust and develop a relationship with their daughter.
    • If the girl you like wants to see each other in secret, don't settle for it. Ask her to be honest with her parents and try to talk to them. You might say, “Look, I like you very much, but I want to respect your parents' wishes. Do you think you could try talking to them again? "
  4. 4 Study hard. Parents are more likely to trust guys with good grades. Make sure you and your lady love keep up with the school curriculum. Her parents are more likely to put restrictions on your relationship if their daughter does not do well.
    • Offer to come visit her and prepare for the exams together. Study in a room where her parents can look after you.