How to ask your best friend for forgiveness

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A perfect apology in three steps | Jahan Kalantar | TEDxSydney
Video: A perfect apology in three steps | Jahan Kalantar | TEDxSydney


Asking for forgiveness is difficult, because no one likes to admit that they are wrong, and apologizing to those you value very much, for example, your best friend or girlfriend, is doubly difficult. It takes courage to take responsibility for the hurtful act. Face your fears and express your sincere regrets for your misconduct.


Part 1 of 3: How to Prepare

  1. 1 Take responsibility for your actions. For a sincere and productive apology, you should forgive your best friend for his part in the argument. Deal with your hurt feelings and stop making excuses for your negative behavior.
    • Admit that you made a mistake and stooped to inappropriate behavior so that you can take responsibility for what you say and do.
  2. 2 Collect your thoughts. Fighting with your best friends is stressful, and you are likely to experience the full range of emotions, from anger to remorse. Try writing down your thoughts on paper to help deal with your emotions. List and re-read the entries. Highlight positive comments to share with your friend, and then cross out any evil, hostile thoughts.
  3. 3 Write the text and practice saying an apology. Finding the right words is extremely difficult. There is no need to hope for luck. Write your apology in writing. This can be a complete text or just a rough list. Practice saying this text several times to feel confident and not get confused.
    • Change phrases that seem awkward or sarcastic, then re-read the text again.
    • Sometimes you need to write, reread, revise, and edit an apology more than once to get it right.
    • You can seek advice from a person who knows the situation, but take his words with a grain of salt. Not all the tips are equally helpful.
  4. 4 Ask your best friend for a meeting. Whenever possible, it is best to apologize in person. In a face-to-face conversation, you will be able to see each other's facial expressions and body language, which will eliminate the possibility of misinterpretation. Contact a friend and tell him that you want to apologize to him, and then make an appointment.
    • You don't have to wait too long.
    • If a friend refuses to meet, then repeat the request in a few days. If he says no again, send an email or handwritten letter.
    • If a friend cannot meet in person, but wants to talk face to face, then you can make a video call.

Part 2 of 3: How to ask for forgiveness

  1. 1 Express remorse for your actions. A sincere apology is based on empathy. When you ask your best friend for forgiveness, every word you say should be sincere and honest.If you have insincere regrets, your friend may not accept your apology. Say that you deeply regret the pain or inconvenience caused.
    • “I'm so sorry that I offended you”;
    • "I am very sorry that I took advantage of your kindness."
  2. 2 Take responsibility for your actions. Let them know that you accept full responsibility for the act you did. Don't blame others, especially your best friend, or make excuses for your behavior.
    • “I understand that I treated you badly”;
    • “I admit that it was I who caused our quarrel”;
    • "I understand that this is only my fault."
  3. 3 Compensate for the damage caused. Let them know that you want to make amends. It all depends on the nature of your action. You can promise that this behavior will never happen again, or you can give your word to change for the better.
    • “I’m never _____ again”;
    • "I promise to make an appointment with a psychologist."
  4. 4 Ask for forgiveness. After a sincere apology, humbly ask your best friend to forgive you. Show how much you value your friendship. Promise to do whatever you can to avoid upsetting your friend in the future.
    • It is sometimes helpful to repeat the key points of the apology.
    • "Please forgive me";
    • “I really hope that you can forgive me for this act”;
    • “I really hope that we will continue to be friends”;
    • "Is there even the slightest chance that you will forgive me?"

Part 3 of 3: How to proceed

  1. 1 Listen to your friend's response. Ask forgiveness and let your best friend answer you. Do not stop him from giving vent to anger and frustration, resentment and awkwardness. Don't interrupt in your own defense or ask a friend to share the blame with you.
    • Maintain eye contact.
    • Lean forward to show your attention.
    • Repeat your friend's body language to show empathy and support.
  2. 2 Let go of the situation. Apologize, listen to your friend's response, and stop thinking about it. If you want to be forgiven, you first need to do your best and fix the situation. Take full responsibility for your actions and do not return to the topic of the conflict anymore.
  3. 3 Give your friend time to forgive you. Right after an apology, a friend may not yet be ready to forgive you and forget about the situation. Be patient. Don't try to rush your friend to forgive you.
    • If he wants to be alone, then wait until he contacts you. Be patient and wait a week, month or longer.
    • If you hurry up with a conversation when your friend is not yet ready, then he can only get angry even more and shut himself off from you. This will only complicate your task.
    • The more you quarreled, the longer it may take. A broken toy will probably be forgotten faster than an attempt to take a girl away from a friend.


  • Don't blame or judge your best friend.
  • Speak sincerely and from a pure heart.
  • After apologizing, offer a hug.
  • It is advisable to be at some distance, not to interfere with the person's thinking and not to bother with questions, so that he does not feel pressure.


  • It takes a person time to forgive you.
  • Try to avoid misunderstandings.