How to gain a few centimeters in your hips

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Add 2 Inches to Your Height in 1 Day
Video: Add 2 Inches to Your Height in 1 Day


In most cultures, people are obsessed with maintaining a slim figure and striving to lose weight. Therefore, for those looking to gain weight, it is often difficult to find information on how to do this. Gaining weight in certain areas, such as the hips, requires targeted training to strengthen the muscle groups around that area. If you are adding centimeters to your hip circumference, you should also be prepared for growth in your abdomen and buttocks. Get a couple of centimeters in your thighs with workouts that target this area and eating high-calorie foods to support the growth of the muscles around your thighs.


Part 1 of 3: Aerobic Exercise

  1. 1 Use a ladder trainer. A cardio staircase exercise can help you build muscle in your hips and glutes.This trainer will allow you to increase the volume of your hips.
    • Studies have shown that about 24% of the muscles in the buttocks and thighs are used when exercising on the ladder trainer.
    • Use the ladder trainer for at least 30 minutes 1-2 times a week.
    • To make the exercises more intense and properly load the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, when walking on the simulator, bend forward and do not hold on to the side rails. In this case, you will have to tighten the gluteal muscles more.
    • Take wide strides so that one stride matches the length of two regular strides. In this case, you will tighten the corresponding muscles more.
  2. 2 Exercise on an elliptical trainer. This is another aerobic trainer that helps to strengthen the muscles of the glutes and thighs and increase the volume of the thighs. Exercising on an elliptical trainer develops these muscles well.
    • Elliptical trainers use about 36% of the gluteal and hip muscles. This is slightly more than the corresponding figure for a ladder trainer.
    • Exercise on the elliptical trainer for at least 30 minutes. For greater efficiency, you can also work out 15 minutes on the staircase and 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
    • To engage your glutes and thighs more strongly, press your foot into the floor and step on your heel first. Also, tilt your pelvis back slightly so that your buttocks protrude more. This way, you better use the corresponding muscles.
  3. 3 Walk or run on a treadmill. Running is an excellent cardio exercise that works the muscles in your glutes and thighs. This will allow you to tilt the machine, which will increase your hips.
    • Training on a treadmill allows you to use the largest proportion of the gluteal and hip muscles - almost 50%.
    • Exercise on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes. As with everything else, combining different cardio exercises helps to target your glutes and thighs in different ways, resulting in better overall results.
    • Increase the incline of the treadmill to properly engage your thigh muscles. Thus, you will achieve more tension in the muscles of the buttocks and thighs and make the gluteal muscles more prominent.
    • Another way is to walk the treadmill from side to side. Incline the treadmill and start at a low speed. When walking, cross your leg. This will put more stress on your thigh muscles and promote their growth.
  4. 4 Exercise on a stationary bike. If you want to burn a lot of calories while exercising your thighs, consider using an exercise bike. This trainer develops and strengthens the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and pelvis.
    • Exercising on a stationary bike uses many muscles in the hips and glutes. Adjust saddle height and pedal resistance for best results.
    • To increase the load on your hips, move a little back in the saddle and try to push the pedals as hard as possible. You can also increase the resistance of the pedals.
    • When riding a stationary bike while standing, move your pelvis back and protrude your buttocks. In this case, you will have to use the muscles of the buttocks and thighs to maintain balance in this position.
  5. 5 Take time to recuperate. Allow for at least one day of rest per week to avoid plateaus and allow your body to recover. Diversify your workout and intensity to keep you motivated.

Part 2 of 3: Suitable Strength Exercises

  1. 1 Do the bridge exercise. There are many strength exercises that can help you gain muscle mass and give your glutes and thighs a boost. The bridge (pelvic lift) is an excellent exercise that engages both the gluteal muscles and the thigh muscles.
    • First, lie on your back. Place your hands on the floor at the sides of your body and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. In this case, the feet should remain on the floor.
    • With your knees bent, tighten your glutes and lift your pelvis. Stop after straightening your back.
    • Hold this position for as long as possible. Then slowly lower your pelvis to the floor and repeat the exercise several times.
  2. 2 Do squats. This is a classic exercise for the muscles of the lower half of the body. When squats work intensively the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Vary the exercise for maximum effect.
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing outward at a 45 ° angle to your body.
    • Bend your knees and squat down low. Keep your back straight. Lower yourself down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. In this case, the buttocks should be set back.
    • Maintain the bottom position for a few seconds, then rise and stand up straight. Try to use your gluteal muscles while doing this.
    • To complicate the exercise, take dumbbells in each hand and hold them below or above your shoulders.
    • To further increase the load on your hips, lift your leg to the side. When you straighten up, extend one leg to the side. Change your leg after each squat.
  3. 3 Try forward lunges. Like squats, lunges are a classic exercise for the glutes and thighs. To maintain balance, you will have to contract your thigh muscles.
    • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells and step 0.9-1.2 meters forward with your right foot.
    • Bend your right knee and squat down so that your left knee drops to the floor. Lower yourself down until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
    • Return to starting position. When doing this, push off the floor with your right foot, not your left. Change legs and do about 8 lunges with each leg.
    • You can also perform side lunges to engage your thigh muscles differently. Instead of lunging forward, take a side step. At the same time, alternate your legs.
  4. 4 Try swinging your legs. Side leg swings are one of the most effective thigh exercises. Do this exercise in conjunction with lunges, squats, and a bridge.
    • Lie on the floor on your right side. Place your right hand under your head and extend your left hand along your body or on the floor in front of you.
    • Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your left leg up. Keep it straight and extend the toe.
    • Raise your leg as high as possible. Hold it in this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower it down.
    • Repeat the exercise 8-10 times, then roll over onto your left side and do the same with your right leg.

Part 3 of 3: Nutrition

  1. 1 Increase your daily calorie intake. To increase the size of your thighs, you will have to eat a little more. You need extra calories to provide the fuel your body needs to build muscle in your thighs.
    • As with losing weight, you cannot achieve the desired result on a separate part of the body without changing the total weight. To increase your hips, you will need to gradually gain weight safely and safely.
    • This can be done by increasing your daily allowance by 250-500 calories.
    • For example, if you are consuming 1,800 calories per day, increase this amount to 2,050-2,300 calories.
    • Keep a food diary or use the appropriate smartphone app to keep track of your calorie intake. This will help you gain weight.
  2. 2 Eat three times a day and snack several times between meals. Eat more to increase your calories. You can increase your portion sizes or eat more often throughout the day.
    • One of the easiest and easiest ways to gain weight is to eat more often throughout the day.
    • Try adding small fourth meals to your main meals or snacking 1-2 times throughout the day.
    • Eating more frequent meals will help prevent overeating and provide you with energy throughout the day.
  3. 3 Eat nutritious, high-calorie foods. Among other things, you should pay attention to what you eat.You need to enrich your diet with high-calorie foods to increase your daily intake by 250-500 calories.
    • High-calorie foods can help you increase your calorie intake. At the same time, a small amount of salad as a fourth course will give you no more than 100 calories.
    • Try to eat high-calorie foods. Foods that are high in protein and healthy fats are good choices. Try nuts, avocados, dairy products, eggs, and oily fish.
    • For example, you can increase your calories by eating peanut butter with an apple, 2 hard-boiled eggs, ajil (a mixture of nuts and seeds), or high-fat Greek yogurt with nuts.
    • Avoid adding unhealthy foods to your calories, such as sweets, fried foods, and junk food.
  4. 4 Add protein to your diet. When you increase the number of calories, you should also increase your protein intake. Protein is essential for building muscle and energy.
    • To get the protein you need each day, eat 1–2 servings of protein foods with each meal.
    • Measure each serving accurately. One serving should contain about 1/2 cup, or 120-150 milliliters of product.
    • Eat foods such as poultry, beef, pork, dairy, eggs, nuts, beans, tofu, and seafood.
    • Along with protein-rich foods, don't forget about other foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


  • Keep a workout log to track your progress. You can record your workouts, hip measurements, and note any special accomplishments or challenges you encountered during your workouts.
  • Try using specific measurements to track your body fat percentage. This will increase your motivation and allow you to better control the corresponding changes in the body.
  • Break the main goal down into several smaller goals. Instead of trying to gain a few centimeters at once, try gaining one centimeter in your hips first - after all, you have two hips! It's much easier. Then move on to the next step.