How to prove that God exists (Christianity)

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Does God Exist Series: Proof?
Video: Does God Exist Series: Proof?


Often called Apologetics.

Did some creature actually create the universe? Does it know how it did it, and does it have the strength to possibly do it again? Did this creature manifest itself to humanity through the person of Jesus Christ and does it continue to rule the world through the Holy Spirit, as the Bible claims? Is the God of the Bible the best possible explanation for existence? These are the main claims of Christianity, and this article will allow you to present convincing evidence that all of the above reasoning is indeed true.



  1. 1 Use the Bible as a narrative, faithful, and poetic source for understanding divine intervention (influence) in everyday events (but not coercion) and the development of Judaism through early Christianity, and that it is also a spiritual roadmap for creation and reveals God's ultimate purpose and plan for humanity. The Bible's opening remarks read: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1: 1) Question: "Who or what can say, who or what really started the universe?" Modern science - although not absolutely sure what, when and how: ~ State scientific theories that postulate that the known universe does indeed originate from what is called the "Big Bang theory." It makes no logical sense to argue that "absolutely nothing" could have produced that initial explosion or anything else: "something existed" and "caused it" - creating the things that we think it all started with.
  2. 2 Ask those who do not believe in God to consider the accuracy of the Bible, i.e.That is, that:
    • There was "the beginning of everything"
    • In the story of the Book of Genesis about the creation of the earth and life, there was a description of "development from simple to complex."
    • Explains our universe much "before humanity had theories / developments or technologies" to try to form such concepts and test scientific statements. For example, the Bible says:
      • "He extended north [direction] over 'emptiness,' and 'hung the earth on nothing.' (Job 26: 7)
        • As if the writer four thousand years ago (2000 BC) knew that the earth is "not suspended on anything" - not attached to anything, but the mountains were called the pillars of heaven in Job 26:11: "Pillars of heaven tremble and are horrified by His thunder "- that is: the mountains" tremble and amaze "(a poetic phrase).
  3. 3 Show a picture of God, which the Bible describes in words as the revelation of the only God. He is omniscient (knows everything, observes and experiences everything), omnipotent, having an image, but not having ordinary physical flesh and blood, omnipresent, eternal, unchanging, indivisible, giving freedom of choice (freedom) with many ensuing consequences / rewards, and all of it worries are the reason for his perfect love. The Bible says, "God is spirit ..." (John 4:24), and it says, "God is love ..." (1 John 4: 8), and that "perfect love casts out fear." Reverent interdependence / relationship and amazing grace, filling the entire universe, suggests a planner, creator, superhuman architect with unlimited knowledge and power. The mind of humans takes time and possibly eternity to learn what the original mind (divine mind) actually accomplished in creating the universe and everything it contains. The Bible says that God created humanity in his own image (Genesis 1: 26-27), and it is logical to realize that the human mind is able to succeed more and more, to advance in understanding the universe, because the human mind has a similarity to the divine mind.
  4. 4 Discuss how one man known as Jesus fulfilled many of the Old Testament messianic prophecies and did things that no ordinary person could do. It was written that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5: 2) from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10), and came to the temple (Malachi 3: 1) and rose from the dead (Isaiah 53:11). Historical sources and archaeological evidence establish the legitimacy of Jesus of Nazareth as a truly existing person, as real as any other famous historical figure. The books, called gospels, document the life and teachings of Jesus, as well as the existence and spread of Christianity as the main religion, showing the purpose of Christ - to give free access to all miracles through his support / intercession.
  5. 5 Develop a theme about an imperfect world, but about where the ability to focus on a “good” (or optimal) outcome far outweighs the hopeless life that anyone would imagine, perhaps much worse if it were just random or unintentional and dependent on the mercy of the material, nonliving aspects of the universe. It is characterized by decline, extinction, breakdown, destruction against amazingly self-healing forms of life and human existence, which can be visualized, give hope, build and improve many things. While the material universe provides us with everything we need to maintain, improve and enjoy life, there are also exquisite luxuries that are not essential for survival and reproduction, such as knowledge: art, music, and ever-evolving technology. Is this a sign of an indifferent space, or is it an indicator of the existence of someone who is very friendly towards self-learning people? It seems reasonable to conclude that the universe materialized due to the presence of an intellectual force / source. When someone takes the time to learn how so many things work right to get us here, and how difficult it might be to explain how none of this interdependent will work wrong without asking God for or against it (or beliefs). It also seems as if the universe was invented for humans, given how phenomenal they are with the rare ability to “be successful” to maximize the somewhat hidden potential of the universe.
  6. 6 Explain that there are many examples showing the existence of God, but you need to be able to look and understand their truthfulness. Accept them instead of doubting, try to see them instead of closing your eyes, and you will believe that God exists.Discuss how the usefulness and attractiveness of human-made things when presented are not random qualities, but are the result of our intellectual nature and our natural admiration for order, balance, and beauty. Likewise, it would be unreasonable to claim that the exceptional utility and attractiveness of things in nature is accidental, but it is probably wiser to conclude that they are the result of an unrivaled intelligence that also admires order, balance, and beauty. Creativity is the basis and pinnacle of the existence of all living and nonliving, and it is up to every person to try to explain his or her natural reverence for this known state of affairs. The Bible says that God created everything and was quite pleased with his work.

Method 1 of 2: Plans, prescriptions acquired only during life:

  1. 1 Encourage people to look around and see the world. Does he or she only see trees and not an interdependent forest? It is obvious that God exists, because his creation is not only one thing, but also prescriptions for all living things in the biosphere of the world, for the galaxy in which the world is located, and the universe in which the galaxy is located - and He is the driving force all this. Living cells that were designed and created to be self-replicating cells or organisms.
    • Each system is mixed, is interconnected with others. The "universe of life" operates in accordance with complex and precise instructions for the formation of trillions of cells in order to correctly design one life, for example, a human. Who or what developed the concept and formulated these interrelated instructions? The Bible indicates that God is the being who uttered the first words and that God is the source of all life (which contains all the plans, genes and living cells necessary for the embodiment of plans).
  2. 2 Show how these natural, interdependent systems point to God when you look at the small factories needed in a cell to build and run one of them (or from other cells in the body and nowhere else in nature). For example, trace the interdependence of the sequence of events, when proteins are collected exclusively in a living cell (which was in the first place: a cell or laws that work only inside it and nowhere else).
    • These proteins, as they should, become part of the structure of the body and perform many functions, but their formation requires the stepwise processing of nucleic acid substances called "nucleotides", sugar plus nitrogen and phosphates - that's where they come from. All of them were produced by one cell (or interacting cells of a multicellular organism), following very specific plans.
  3. 3 Discuss where the important plans (targeted instructions) for the existence of life came from: in "living" cells. Instructions are meaningful only when processed by existing "living" cells, and they only act there.
  4. 4 Realize that complexity does not matter, only the interdependence of materials and instructions (plans) functions for a specific system. Why? Dead / non-living cells do not need and do not use plans, no processes, nothing constructive (they cannot read and follow genetic plans).
    • Imagine how an existing, living cell needed to use DNA and RNA (acid molecules). They work like an assembly line, following the instructions for this “automated assembly line” (explained below) by matching opposing DNA nucleotides and “messenger RNA” plus “transport RNA” along with the “ribosome” (a form of RNA) that goes along the pipeline: what is messenger RNA.At every third nucleotide of messenger RNA, the ribosome stops and the transport RNA attaches amino acids as the next link in a growing chain, which, in the end, will go off the conveyor belt, as one of a trillion proteins that form living systems.
    • DNA polymerase catalyzes the formation of DNA. In this regard, the question arises, which was the first, DNA or DNA polymerase? This is just one of many similar functions and cycles that make up a chemical device found in all living cells. If any of these cycles were broken, life could not exist. Either there are instructions or life does not exist. Here is another gap that cannot be explained.

Method 2 of 2: Human Traits and Other Thoughts

  1. 1 Mention that we are all born with the knowledge that there is something right and wrong, with many opportunities to appreciate simplicity and elegance, communicate, analyze, synthesize and compute - plus design and build. So people tend to enjoy creativity, not mindless destruction. Read the Bible and find out where the knowledge of good and evil comes from: from God.
  2. 2 Discuss the fact that each of us has a desire to seek love and acceptance (God is love...). Since childhood, we have been trying to fill the void that exists within us. The desire to share life with another person, enjoying communication, comes from Adam and Eve, who dreamed of loving and being loved, as complementary to each other and as a means for creating humanity. The Christian idea that humanity is the most valuable creation of God is quite logical. We need air and it surrounds the planet we call our home. We need water, and it falls in purified form from the sky. We must consume food in order to live, and it sprouts from the earth and is found in water and on land in abundance. And the family model of parents, spouses and children exists to satisfy our greatest need for love. Consider that the power, beauty, and knowledge of one is for the edification, development, and exaltation of all mankind. No other religion besides Christianity proves very convincingly that life is a gift of love from God, and our life should be lived in the service of humanity (and this is attributed to God). If we believe that there is a reason for everything that happens, then if things are created, then they have a builder and an inventor: the God of creation.
  3. 3 Check out some of the thoughts, famous quotes you can use to prove that a Christian God exists.
    • When I see all the greatness of the cosmos, I cannot help but believe that there is a Divine hand behind it all. ... Albert Einstein
    • People travel to marvel at the height of the mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the boundlessness of the ocean, the rotation of the stars, and pass by themselves without amazement... Saint Augustine
    • I believe in Christianity just like I believe in the sunrise: not just because I see it, but because, thanks to it, I see everything else.... Clive Staples Lewis
    • Some people complain because God placed thorns on roses, while others praise God for placing roses among the thorns... author unknown
    • ’If God didn’t exist, you would have to invent him just to say thank you... Pastor Robert Schuller
    • A pagan philosopher once asked a Christian, "Where is God?" The Christian replied, "Let me first ask you, where is He not?" Aaron Arrowsmith
    • What I really want to know is that God could have created the world differently; in other words, whether the requirement of logical simplicity imposes a constraint on freedom of choice. Albert Einstein
      • My religion consists of humble admiration for an infinitely superior spirit, manifesting itself in the smallest detail that we are able to perceive with our fragile and weak mind.This deep emotional confidence in the existence of a higher intelligent force, which manifested itself in an incomprehensible universe, is my idea of ​​God. Albert Einstein


  • Recognize that God can exist in a form that is vastly different from what you currently comprehend, for God's ways are as high above ours as the sky stretches around and beyond the earth.
  • Let them know that the miracle of receiving the power of God through the Holy Spirit is available to all who ask. (Luke 11:13)
  • For a more theological / philosophical approach, check out the introductions to Clive Staples Lewis's Simple Christianity and Suffering. For a strictly philosophical approach, the cosmological argument (Thomas Aquinas or later William Lane Craig, Alexander Prus and Richard Taylor) or the teleological argument (Robin Collins) should be examined. The ontological argument, although it proves that belief in God is rational, and sound arguments tend to fail to convince people due to their complex philosophical reasoning (Alvin Plantinga and Robert Madeall). Beware of distorted arguments (for example, thorns on roses are not proof that God does not exist).
  • Discuss the fact that human beings seem to be predisposed to believe in God. A person's ability to reason means that people are able to recognize the need for certain things in order to cause some others. Ask if it is by any means logical to conclude that an accidental explosion could lead to something carefully organized. Is space most likely the result of intelligence and planning, or blind chance?
  • If you hope that people will respect your opinion, first of all respect their point of view on the way to Jesus Christ.
  • Show the absurdity of denying the existence of God. What is the likelihood that a tornado flying over the dump will accidentally collect a Boeing 747 from the materials lying there? (Fred Hoyle) What are the odds that life was shaped by chance? The point is that there are certain things that the unreasonable forces simply cannot handle.
  • Be humble and meek with clear, consistent answers.
  • If people start talking about the "Christian Crusades" (1095-1291), during which many people were killed, and developed civilizations were destroyed, answer them, explaining how much these actions (although sometimes done in the name of Christianity) actually contradict Christianity. doctrine. All people are fallen, and thus prone to immoral behavior.
  • Question the idea that religion is "unscientific." Gravity is an invisible force that makes it clear why all objects fall to the ground, while God is an invisible force that explains the existence of the universe, living things and the survival, growth, and reproduction of organisms. Does assigning the term “natural” to something eliminate the need for God? Explore the mystery of consciousness. How likely is it that matter itself gave rise to mind? Many physicists believe that any theory would be incomplete if it did not take into account the existence of consciousness in some way.
  • Raise the question of why there is something and not nothing? The "why" question implies the recognition of alternative possibilities. Can the universe not exist? It is illogical to assume that existence was provoked, because in order for something to cause someone's existence, it must exist before that, thus making it impossible for it to be the cause of existence. However, opportunity precedes everything. What is the substance of opportunity? Claim that God is the eternal source of endless possibilities.
  • Understand that, strictly speaking, if you want your information to be considered knowledge or fact or truth, it must be obtained through your own observation and experience.However, there may be enough relevant evidence to persuade a person to come to a logical conclusion, and in some cases the evidence may be so extreme that it can be said that it is correct to assume that an individual's point of view is accurate. In considering the available arguments, it is best for all concerned to start with the assumption that the existence or non-existence of God is a controversial issue.
  • If you are being criticized for your faith in God, you may note that believing that the most incredible happened on its own requires more faith than believing that a superhuman force such as God created a superhuman invention such as the universe. In this regard, the question arises, who invented God? Some people are of the opinion that if God can exist without a creator, then why can't the universe? You don't have to have all the answers. The universe seems to fit a person like a glove on a hand. Ask is it possible that we really could be so lucky?
  • Explain how theories of creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive. Discuss the dissimilarity of every single piece of matter in the universe that generates spontaneously. For example, did all the "organic" carbon compounds in the universe really arise without any help, forming by chance? This goes beyond evolution, because how did the interdependent components of the first cell come about? Evolution details how the survival of the fittest leads to the emergence of the fittest, but it does not detail the birth of the first living, self-reproducing, surviving, purposeful organism.
  • Some people might argue, "If a Christian God exists, then where are all the miracles that the Bible talks about?" Let them know these miracles are happening and show examples
  • Understand that it is rude to try to impose your beliefs on people. Teach them by giving examples and telling stories (parables): this will be an indicator of your kindness, as you can save their souls from eternal torment (definition taken from "the future state of the wicked")


  • Quote Einstein with caution because many scientists and lay people believe that Einstein spoke poetically about the driving force of the physical universe, entropy, and a theory of the driving force of the biological universe called natural selection. Moreover, Einstein was not a Christian. In fact, it is often mentioned that he himself considered himself an agnostic. Many leading scientists believed and continue to believe in the veracity of Christianity (Gödel, Polkinghorn, Collins, Miller, Gingerich, Dyson, etc.). But no matter how brilliant a person may be, the truth of the statement does not depend on whether someone believes in it or not. Therefore, Christianity can be true (and there are good reasons for it), even though most professionals in any field may not believe it is true.
  • For some people, “seeing is believing”: an argument made does not become valid (or invalid). Arguments can refer to one or more boolean methods. They can help convince some people; however, some who understand propositional calculus or epistemology may turn these statements to their advantage.
    • It will be incredible for you to convince such a person that Christianity is perfectly true simply because the Bible says so. Such a person must accept God and Christ on the basis of faith, realizing that faith comes from the ability to hear, and this opportunity appears because someone is aware ...
  • The Bible cannot be a good source of arguments for atheists (since they do not believe in God, they probably do not believe in God as the author of the books).
  • No matter how convincingly you speak about the truth of Christianity, be humble enough to consider the possibility that you may be mistaken about the details or meaning of the truth. However, realize that our consideration of our own fallibility does not prove that God is wrong in any way ...