How to improve your English vocabulary

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to increase your vocabulary
Video: How to increase your vocabulary


No matter how talented we are, each of us at least once got into an awkward situation when he did not have enough vocabulary. Communication skills can be very useful in life. The level of communication speaks of the level of success. Increasing your English vocabulary is the first step to improving your communication skills. This article will be useful for people who want to increase their vocabulary both from among the native speakers and those who have English as a second language.


  1. 1 Determine your vocabulary level. This can be done by passing tests on special sites. After passing the tests, you will be able to determine the quality and quantity of your vocabulary.
  2. 2 Read dictionaries. A dictionary is a good source for learning and expanding your vocabulary.
  3. 3 Purchase tutorials to help you reach your goal. Go to a good library or bookstore and find a knowledgeable worker. This person will listen to your speech and help you find the tools you need.
  4. 4 Start at your level. Your level is when you understand the meaning of every word you come across.
  5. 5 Make a study schedule. Follow this schedule with at least 30 minutes a week for study. It is better to set aside 10 minutes daily than half an hour once a week. Daily practice will bring more results and help you reach your goal faster.
  6. 6 Subscribe to a site that emails one word every day. Such services are offered by the company for the release of dictionaries "Merriam-Webster". Many other sites can be found on the net.
  7. 7 Say every word, read it out loud. It is very important. Make sure you pronounce it correctly. There is nothing more annoying than mispronouncing a word in front of people. Imagine that while talking you accidentally said "Fa-KET-EE-uss" instead of "Fa-SEE-Shus" (the word is spelled like this: "facetious"). Practice and say the words out loud and then your words will sound natural and correct. This is especially useful for non-English speakers. The pronunciation of vowels and consonants in English may differ from their native language.
  8. 8 Write down the meaning of the word and write a few sentences with this word. This will solidify the word. Read your sentences out loud by pronouncing them correctly. Muscle memory will play a role. Pronouncing the word correctly several times, the next times you will also pronounce it correctly. If you mispronounced it the first time, it will be very difficult for you to correct it later.
  9. 9 Repeat new words daily, adding one new word at a time. Remove a word from the list if you are sure that you memorized it well and continue to learn the rest.
  10. 10 The best way to memorize words is to study the mnemonics and etymology of the word. Learn the root, then it will be easier for you to derive the same root words from this root.


  • Use new words in jokes. The funnier the joke, the better! This makes it easier to remember the words.For example: "adhere" (means to stick, stick) - "The mouse was adhered to the cheese, because it was covered with Superglue." - "The mouse stuck to the cheese because it was smeared with superglue."
  • Share new words with friends who may find these words useful.
  • Never be discouraged. English is a very cool language with a lot of strange words. Sometimes even native speakers find themselves in an awkward position.
  • Exercise regularly.


  • This goal is not easy to achieve. This can take a long time.

What do you need

  • Oxford Dictionary
  • Roger thesaurus