How to understand social distance

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Understanding Social Distancing
Video: Understanding Social Distancing


The term "social distance" can be heard all over the news, but what does it really mean? This term refers to the need to keep a certain distance from other people in order to prevent the spread of disease. Specific distance is determined by health professionals and national governments, and the social distance set in this way is a recommended medical practice to help “flatten the curve” or reduce the number of COVID-19 cases around the world. With the internet full of misleading information, take a few minutes to understand how to maintain social distance and why helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 is so important.


Method 1 of 2: The Basics

  1. 1 Be aware that the term "physical distance" also refers to "social distance." You may often hear the terms social distance and physical distance.Although these terms mean the same thing, the World Health Organization (WHO) prefers the term "physical distance". The main purpose of this practice is to provide sufficient distance between people, which can reduce the risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19. However, it is still important for your mental health to stay in touch with the people you love, even via video chat.
  2. 2 Stay 1.5 meters (or another distance recommended by your government) from other people. COVID-19 is commonly spread through the air, such as through sneezing or coughing, and through contaminated surfaces commonly found in public places. These droplets can travel long distances through the air, which is why physical distance is so important. Try to leave more space between you and the people around you.
    • Check out the guidelines on the official government website for the latest information on social distancing.
    • In Russia, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters. This is roughly the width of a car, a small two-seater sofa, or two German Shepherds (not counting the tail) standing one after the other. You can imagine these objects between yourself and others.
  3. 3 Wear a mask when going outside. Since COVID-19 is commonly spread by coughing and sneezing, it is best to keep your mouth and nose covered when you leave the house. Both medical masks and cloth masks can provide sufficient protection when you are out and prevent viruses and germs from spreading from you to others.
    • Always check to see if the mask covers both your nose and mouth, otherwise it will not be effective.
  4. 4 Don't go to parties or large gatherings. Social distancing can lead to feelings of loneliness, and it's perfectly normal to miss the company of others. Unfortunately, party-goers do not follow proper social distancing guidelines, and when many people are standing close to each other, the virus has many opportunities to spread. With this in mind, use video chats or phone calls if you need some kind of social interaction.
    • Always adhere to restrictions imposed in your area due to COVID-19, such as the maximum number of people allowed at a public event.
  5. 5 Stay away from crowded places. Going outside cannot be avoided, especially when you need to buy groceries and other essentials. If you choose to visit a public place, make sure that employees at the organization follow safe social distancing measures so that you can stay safe during your visit.
    • In general, stay away from most public areas unless you really need to.
    • Try to wipe down any surfaces other people may have touched, and use contactless payment methods whenever possible.
  6. 6 Call or video chat with loved ones instead of visiting them. Reach out to a friend or family member and see if they'd like to talk or chat. If the phone call doesn't suit you, offer a video chat. While there is no real substitute for interacting with people, virtual meetings can help you stay connected.
    • For example, you can watch movies with others using programs on popular streaming services.
    • There are many multiplayer games that you can download to play with other people.
  7. 7 Work from home instead of your regular workplace. Social distancing isn't just about shopping - it should be present in all aspects of your life. If the specifics of your activity, talk to your manager about the possibility of remote work, so as not to risk getting infected yourself or infecting colleagues.
  8. 8 Order delivery instead of food at restaurants. COVID-19 is both emotionally and mentally draining and you don't need to cook every day. Maintaining local restaurants is great. Just do it safely by ordering delivery through the restaurant itself or a third-party delivery service.
    • Courier drivers make a lot of effort to comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules.

Method 2 of 2: Explaining Social Distance to Children

  1. 1 Read educational books for children to your little ones. Search the internet for educational books and videos for kids that contain concise information on the importance of social distancing. This is a great way to introduce children to this topic without overwhelming them.
    • You can also use simple analogies to get the point across. Remind your kids that social distancing is like stopping and missing an ambulance or fire truck. While social distancing can be inconvenient, it is a valuable way to keep others safe.
  2. 2 Make social distancing a game for young children. Tell your young children that they are superheroes and that they can save the world by keeping their distance from the people around them. Encourage children to dodge and move away from people they pass on the street. To make the game more fun, offer points and rewards for your child's actions.
    • For example, you can give your child a point for sneezing on the elbow or running away to avoid bumping into a passer-by on the street. With 10 points, he can earn a small prize.
  3. 3 Show the children age-appropriate videos that explain social distancing. There are many videos online explaining social distancing for the youngest viewers. Fun videos can make this topic less challenging and help your kids understand it.
    • For example, Sesame Street partnered with CNN to create a fun informational video about COVID-19. You can watch it [1] here].
    • This is a great option for both preschoolers and younger students.
  4. 4 Engage younger children by transforming face masks into something fun. Buy some fun cloth masks that your kids will really love. This way children will happily observe safety measures when they go outside.
    • For example, you can purchase a dinosaur mask or a mask that will make your child look like a cat.
    • Children may also love the brightly colored masks with colorful designs.
  5. 5 Explain social distancing in more detail to older children. Most likely, school-age children will no longer be interested in games and stories that explain the basics of social distancing. Without getting into scary details, explain how easily COVID-19 spreads and how social distancing helps “flatten the curve” of how many people get the disease. It may be helpful to show them a graph or other diagram showing why social distancing is so important.
    • For example, you might say something like, “COVID-19 is very similar to the common cold and is easily transmitted from person to person. When we stand apart from other people and keep our distance, we are less likely to get sick or infect someone. "


  • It's still important to go outside! Exercise and fresh air are vital - as long as you distance yourself from those around you.
  • Disinfect your hands frequently.


  • If you test positive for COVID-19, stay at home and isolate yourself from your roommates or family members with whom you live.