How to understand by correspondence on the Internet if a guy likes you

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Flirting is usually obvious when it happens in real life, but on the internet it is much more difficult to understand a guy's intentions. In order to understand from Internet correspondence whether a guy likes you, you need to analyze his messages and his way of communicating with you through a social network or messenger. If you met through a dating site, you will understand much more precisely whether he likes you if you meet him and get to know each other better. A guy's behavior will tell a lot about his feelings for you.


Method 1 of 3: Communicating through Messages

  1. 1 Pay attention to how often he corresponds with you. The guy who likes you will be constantly online to chat with you. For example, he may sometimes write to you just like that, even if you are not online.Perhaps you suddenly realize that you are spending hours and even nights on correspondence with this guy! This is a sign that he enjoys interacting with you, and he always makes time for it.
  2. 2 Pay attention to how quickly he replies to your messages. If you text him and he hasn't answered you for over an hour even though you know he's online, he might just be nice to you. But if he immediately replies to you and then continues the conversation, chances are he likes you.
    • In addition, a guy who likes you will write to you as soon as you appear online on any social network (Vkontakte, Facebook) or messenger.
  3. 3 Analyze the quality of the messages he sends you. Some only reply to messages out of courtesy. If so, the messages will be short and dry, one or two words without a hint of continuing the conversation. On the other hand, if a guy likes you, he will try to get to know you, ask about something, share his impressions of the day, and so on.
    • If he is interested in you, he will ask: "How was your day?" or "What are you doing this weekend?" Such questions show that he is interested in your life.
  4. 4 Look for signs of flirting. Guys often flirt when they like a girl. Signs of flirting on the Internet: compliments, light jokes, exclamation marks, emoticons.
    • He might write something like, "You look so attractive in the main photo."
  5. 5 Don't jump to conclusions based on just one conversation. Never place all your hopes and fears on just one or two conversations on the Internet. Many people are "online" in messengers even when they do not have time to correspond. His short answers may mean that he is just busy.
    • But if such answers become permanent, most likely this is a sign that he does not like you.

Method 2 of 3: Communication via social media

  1. 1 Pay attention if he leaves any marks under your notes. Does this guy "like" every post you post on VKontakte or Instagram? Perhaps he is constantly commenting on your posts? This is a clear sign that he wants to communicate with you because he likes you.
    • Also see if he leaves comments on other people's posts. If he always comments on posts to everyone, most likely he is just a very active user of social networks.
    • But if this guy likes and comments only on your posts, it's a sign that he is interested in you.
  2. 2 Respond to his comments. After he has publicly commented on your photo or post, reply to him. If he tries to start a conversation with you in this way, it means that he likes you. Or, at the very least, he likes to communicate with you.
    • For example, he might write, “Great photo! Where are you?"
    • You might answer, “I was in Vancouver last week. Such a beautiful city! You were there?"
  3. 3 Pay attention to whether he comments (likes) your old photos. If you just met a guy, and he “likes” or comments on your old photos and posts, this is a clear sign that he is interested in you. It means that he took the time to look at your old photos, because he wants to get to know you better (well, or he just likes to look at you)!
  4. 4 Check if he added you on other social networks. If a guy likes you, he will try to add you on different social networks. For example, he can add you as friends on VKontakte or Facebook, and then follow you on Instagram and Twitter.
    • If a guy added you on various social networks, most likely this is a sign that he wants to read your posts and look at your photos in order to get to know you better.

Method 3 of 3: Chatting Through a Dating Site

  1. 1 Notice if the guy is trying to find out more about you. If you met a guy on the Internet, most likely, he will definitely want to get to know you better.Does he ask questions about your life? If he carefully reads and comments on your answers, it could be a sign that he likes you.
    • He may ask you about work, hobbies, your family - this is just an attempt to get to know you better. If he shows interest in your life, he will definitely like you.
    • But if he asks you personal or inappropriate questions, asks about your address or if you live alone, chances are he has other motives.
  2. 2 Invite him to meet in person. If he asks you out on a date or just for coffee, it's a sign that he likes you and he can't wait to get to know you personally. Some guys are shy and timid and find it difficult to ask a girl out on a date. If you like a guy, you can take the initiative and ask: "Maybe we can go out for a drink sometime?" If a guy reacted quickly and enthusiastically, it means that he likes you too.
    • On the other hand, he may say: “With pleasure, I’ll just look when I have free time ..” If after that he doesn’t write to you anymore, he is definitely not interested in you.
  3. 3 Be straightforward and ask if he likes you. After a while, it may become tiresome to watch for signs that he is interested in you. But you can always be straightforward and just ask him how he feels about you. For example, you might say, “I feel like we really have a lot in common, and I'm starting to like you. Do you feel the same? " Thus, you will put him in front of a direct question, and you will no longer need to guess about his feelings and intentions.
  4. 4 Check out his profile on a dating site. After you meet and go out on a date a couple of times, you might be wondering if this meeting will lead to anything. This can be understood by checking if he deleted his profile on the dating site. If so, this is a sign that he has already met the one he was looking for (that is, you), and other meetings no longer interest him.


  • As a last resort, you can find a test on the Internet that will help determine whether the guy you are chatting with likes you or not.
  • Some guys seem to be very friendly and charming. But flirting alone isn't enough to know if he's really interested in you.


  • If a guy asks you about something you don't want to talk about, just tell him, "I don't want to talk about it." If a guy really likes you, he will respect your decision not to share personal information with him.
  • If you are going to meet in person with a guy you met on a dating site, choose a public place where there are a lot of people. In fact, dating through the Internet is very popular, but still there is a chance that you will meet the wrong person with whom you thought you were talking. It's always best to take precautions.
  • If you are a minor, your parents or guardians can view your online communication. Remember that there are a lot of scammers on the Internet, so you need to make sure that your communication is safe.