How to know if you like a guy

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You
Video: 8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You


Trying to determine if you like a guy or not can be difficult and confusing. Once you've figured out what your real feelings about him are, be honest with yourself. Take time to introspect: take into account your feelings, actions, and reactions. Ask for advice from those who know you best!


Part 1 of 3: Analyzing Your Feelings

  1. 1 Stay honest with yourself. Take the time to clean up your life. Consider if your feelings for this guy are genuine or just a distraction. Ask yourself uncomfortable questions and answer them honestly.
    • Have you noticed that you are dreaming about him?
    • Have you imagined situations where you “accidentally” bump into him on the street or at school?
    • Are all your friends in a relationship and you feel left out?
    • Do your feelings only show up at certain times, such as before a disco or a month before Valentine's Day?
  2. 2 Keep a diary. While you are trying to determine if you like a guy or not, keep a journal. Write about your relationship with him. Describe how you feel when you see him. Notice if these feelings persist throughout the day or disappear soon after you split up. Take notes of any thoughts and dreams about him, consider if you have any hopes for your future with him. At the end of each week, reread your notes to assess your feelings.
  3. 3 Talk to your best friend. Look to your best friend as the person who knows you best for advice. Discuss your feelings with her. Share why you're not sure if you like this guy. After you have said it, listen. Let your friend give her assessment of the situation. Perhaps her reaction will upset you, cause disagreement, or confirm the sincerity of your feelings. Take your time to reflect on her opinion.

Part 2 of 3: Assessing Your Behavior Changes

  1. 1 Pay attention to how often you talk about him. If you constantly think about the guy you like, then his name is likely to slip into any of your conversations. If you can't stop talking about him, it might be a sign that you can't get him out of your head and you like him even more than you think!
    • Have your friends or family members paid attention to the fact that you are constantly talking about him?
    • Have you noticed that you make even weak connections between his life and every topic you discuss?
  2. 2 Consider if you have new interests. Have you noticed that recently you have new interests that you could share with the guy you like? If you start taking part in new activities or suddenly start taking an interest in a topic that is far from you in order to impress a guy, chances are you are in love with him!
    • Have you joined any hobby group to spend more time with him?
    • Have you started reading science fiction so you can talk to him about something?
    • Did you start watching any of his shows non-stop, and then mention it in conversation with him?
  3. 3 Pay attention if you become overly attentive to your appearance or behavior. If you like a guy, you can pay extra attention to your appearance and behavior. You will be eager to be the most attractive, confident, fun and flirting version of yourself in front of him. You can start spending more time choosing the perfect outfit or hairstyle. You can replay your conversations with him an infinite number of times in your head, analyzing what you might have said differently. If you've become overly eager to impress him with your looks or actions, you probably really like him!

Part 3 of 3: Assessing Your Relationship

  1. 1 Study your reaction to it. Your reaction to his presence, touch and voice can tell a lot! If you are overjoyed when you meet him, if you have a strong reaction to his physical presence and if you can talk to him about nothing for hours on end, chances are good that you like him! If you feel indifferent to his presence, chances are you don't like him!
    • When you are faced with the object of your adoration, do you feel the butterflies begin to flutter in your stomach, or do you feel a sense of decline? Do you blush when you talk to him?
    • Do you feel a thrill when his body touches yours? Do you blush while doing this?
    • If he calls or texts you, do you smile and immediately answer or ignore his attempts to contact you? When you talk to him, do you dread the moment when the conversation comes to an end, or do you look forward to its completion?
  2. 2 Think about how much time you spend together. The amount of time you spend with the person you like is a huge indicator of your true feelings for them. If you deliberately adjust your schedule to see it, come up with ways to accidentally “bump into” it, or look forward to meeting you again, chances are you are interested in it. However, if you barely make an effort to meet him, this relationship may not be a priority for you.
  3. 3 Determine if you are feeling jealous. When you fall in love with a guy, it often becomes difficult to see him flirting or talking to other people. If jealousy shows its monstrous nature, then this is a sign that you are showing romantic feelings towards him. If you start to feel a sense of ownership in relation to him: you constantly need to know where he is, with whom he is and what he is doing - you may be interested in something more than friendship with him. If it doesn't bother you that he flirts with other girls, you are either not the person who feels jealousy, or you don't want to be the only one for this person.
  4. 4 Think if you notice the small details associated with it. When you like a guy, you often want to know every last detail about him. Perhaps you know what kind of coffee he likes or what he makes a sandwich with.You can also be aware of his favorite music group or movie. It is likely that you are aware of his unusual fears. When you learn and memorize small details from someone's life, you take steps towards knowing that person on an intimate level.