How to understand how seriously a dog was injured after a fall

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Puppy With Serious Injury Makes A Dramatic Move To Finally Find Help
Video: Puppy With Serious Injury Makes A Dramatic Move To Finally Find Help


Any dog ​​owner tries to do everything to keep his four-legged friend healthy and happy. However, no one is immune from surprises. An accident can happen to the dog - for example, it may fall. Dogs are quite agile animals, however, if they fall from a height, they can get hurt. In a state of intense excitement, the dog may jump out of the window of an apartment or a moving car. Knowing what to look for and what to tell your veterinarian will help him provide the injured dog with the care it needs.


Part 1 of 3: Assess your dog's health after a fall

  1. 1 Keep calm. Any owner will be frightened if the dog fell and hurt himself right in front of his eyes. However, try to remain calm. In a state of emotional excitement, it is difficult to objectively assess the state of the animal. Plus, worrying can make it difficult to calm your dog down and prevent it from hurting you further.
    • If your dog senses that you are in a panic, he too will panic and may hurt himself unnecessarily.
  2. 2 Examine the dog for damage. After the dog has fallen, calmly examine it. Pay special attention to signs of injury and damage. Limit yourself to visual inspection and do not touch the dog. Once you understand how badly your dog was hurt during the fall, you can decide what to do next. What you need to pay attention to if the dog fell and hurt himself:
    • If the dog whines, it is most likely in pain.
    • Check if the dog has injuries: wounds, scratches, protruding bones.
    • Examine the front and hind legs. If the leg is broken, it may look unusual - for example, it may be bent at an unnatural angle.
    • Some fractures are internal and not visible from the outside. If more than five minutes have passed since the fall and the dog continues to limp, contact your veterinarian.
    • Rapid breathing can be a sign of injury. Check to see if your dog is breathing faster than usual.
    • Not all injuries can be seen on physical examination. Internal damage can only be detected by a veterinarian.
    • Examine your dog's gums. Pale or whitened gums can mean your dog is in shock or bleeding internally. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and get qualified help.
  3. 3 Give your dog first aid. If during an external examination you find a wound, you can give the dog first aid. Providing basic first aid will help prevent further injury while transporting the dog to the veterinary clinic. Provide first aid only if the dog does not react aggressively. A dog that is in pain or stress may growl, snarl, or even bite, so take it very slowly and watch the animal's reaction.
    • If the dog cannot move, do not lift it. Try to gently place a firm, level surface, such as a board, under your dog.
    • Never try to repair serious damage yourself. Severe injuries must be treated by a veterinarian.
    • Wash superficial and small wounds with saline.
    • If the bleeding is severe, apply a clean bandage to the wound to stop the bleeding.
  4. 4 Get veterinary help. Once you've assessed the damage to your dog and given first aid, it's time to see your veterinarian.The veterinarian will be able to determine exactly what injuries the dog suffered from the fall and what treatment it needs.
    • If the injuries are severe, the dog should be immediately transported to the clinic for emergency treatment.
    • Do not postpone the visit to the clinic, even if you think that the injury does not threaten the dog's life.
    • Even if the dog has no obvious or visible damage, the veterinarian can detect internal injuries or make a diagnosis in obscure cases.

Part 2 of 3: Seeing Your Veterinarian

  1. 1 Tell your veterinarian about how your dog fell. At your doctor's appointment, you should talk about the injury your dog has suffered as accurately and in detail as possible. This will help the veterinarian to quickly diagnose and effectively provide the animal with the necessary assistance.
    • Tell your veterinarian when, where and how the dog fell.
    • Include any injury or damage you notice.
    • Tell us about what kind of first aid you gave the dog.
    • Inform your doctor about any previous surgery or injury that your dog has suffered.
    • Be prepared to provide your doctor with basic information about your dog: how old is it, whether it has health problems, and what medications you are giving it.
  2. 2 Your dog may require additional examinations and medical procedures. Here are some tests and procedures that your veterinarian can prescribe.
    • During the initial physical examination, the veterinarian will detect any external damage and will also determine the general condition of the animal.
    • An orthopedic examination can detect fractures and other damage to bones, joints, muscles, as well as limited mobility in a dog. During this examination, the dog may need x-rays.
    • If the dog hits its head during the fall, it may need a neurological examination. If your dog is disoriented or has a gait disorder, a neurologic examination can help determine if its nervous system has been affected.
  3. 3 Follow all directions from your veterinarian. After the dog has received all the necessary assistance in the clinic, the veterinarian will prescribe further treatment at home. In order for the dog to recover as quickly as possible, these instructions must be followed precisely.
    • If your dog has been prescribed medication, follow the medication schedule. If it is an oral drug, make sure the dog swallows it completely.
    • Bandage your dog if necessary.
    • It may be necessary to apply ice or a hot compress to the damaged area.
    • Try to reduce your dog's physical activity to a minimum - while the injuries heal, the dog needs rest and rest.

Part 3 of 3: Try to keep your dog safe from falls

  1. 1 Do not open the windows completely in the car. If your dog loves to ride with you in the car, this is an easy way to keep him safe. Most people will not dare to jump out of the car on the move, but the dog may be more reckless. Keep the windows up to prevent your dog from jumping out of the car while driving.
    • It might be worthwhile to make your rides safer and equip your car with a dog harness.
    • It is better to block the electric windows so that the dog does not accidentally press the button and lower the window.
    • In hot weather, do not leave your dog in the car with closed windows. In a stuffy, locked car, a dog can get sick.
  2. 2 Close windows when leaving home. An open window within a dog's reach is a common cause of tragedy. Even if the net is stretched over the window, the dog can still try to jump out. Any window that the dog can reach must be closed so that the dog cannot climb out through it.
  3. 3 If there are dangerous areas in the house, keep your dog out. If you have a potentially dangerous area in your home where your dog could fall, keep it out of the way. By limiting the animal's access to such places, you can protect your dog from falls and injuries.
    • Steep stairs, non-fenced attics or balconies are all places where a dog can fall.
    • Keep doors to such places closed.
    • You can buy special barriers and fence off stairs and doorways.
    • Even if you are at home, never let your dog in where it might fall.
  4. 4 Take your dog to the vet if it falls out of the blue for no apparent reason. If you notice that your dog stumbles and falls for no apparent reason, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. This is a serious symptom that will help your veterinarian diagnose and prescribe treatment.
    • The reason that the dog falls on level ground may be problems with the inner ear or ear infections.
    • Another reason a dog, especially an elderly one, falls out of the blue is a brain tumor.


  • If the dog has fallen, remain calm and examine it carefully.
  • Tell your veterinarian exactly how the dog fell and what damage you noticed.
  • Follow your veterinarian's instructions carefully after visiting your veterinarian.


  • Do not think that the dog is in perfect order after a fall, if it has no visible injuries and it wags its tail. Dogs do not always show clearly that they are in pain.
  • A dog from pain can bite even its beloved owner. Use caution when handling the injured dog.
  • If your dog is injured, see your veterinarian immediately.