How to know if you like your friend romantically

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
What It Means When A Woman Wants To Be Friends First Before Dating Romantically
Video: What It Means When A Woman Wants To Be Friends First Before Dating Romantically


So you guess you like someone, right? Your friend? And this is already a problem. Read on for some tips below - and these fun and personal mind games will help you determine if your feeling is real or not!


Method 1 of 8: Assessing Emotions

  1. 1 Ask yourself a few questions. First of all, try to find out if the feelings you have for your friend are romantic or more like a strong friendship? It is unlikely that this will please you, but it is difficult to separate one from the other.
    • Why do you like this person so much? is it because you paint you together as a romantic couple, or because you get along well with him / her? Or maybe it's something in between?
    • Do you really think it will lead somewhere? Do you believe that the two of you are romantically compatible, or the spark will go out once the hope of love dies.
    • Will this ruin your friendship? This is where it is more difficult to define, because if the relationship continues, then, in essence, you do not need to worry about the friendship being ruined. Anyway, have you seen the person who continues to stay in touch if you had a relationship but it ended?
    • The purpose of these questions is to make you think about the other person in a somewhat romantic way. When you do this, you will begin to experience emotions. What do they look like? Excitement, anticipation, butterflies in your stomach, craving? Or indifference, nervousness, fear? Emotions often tell you much more about what you are thinking than the thoughts themselves.
  2. 2 Understand if you are jealous. When it comes to the other person, how often do you catch yourself on jealousy, even though you know it shouldn't be? This is a sure sign that the emotion you have towards your friend is more than just friendship.
    • Do you get angry when you see him / her with another boyfriend / girlfriend? Do you have a nagging feeling in your stomach when you notice him / her with another person and automatically suspect that they are dating? Chances are, you like this person romantically.
    • Do you get jealous when he / she spends more time with his / her friends and less time with you? Do you resent his buddies because your friend spends less time with you?
  3. 3 Do you catch yourself thinking that sometimes you think about a person during the day. If you think about him often, this is a sure sign that you are in love with your friend.Does every little thing remind you of him? Do your friends get annoyed when you constantly tell and / or mention this person in your company? Do you constantly think what he is doing at the moment?
  4. 4 Find out if you feel inferior when this person is not in your life. Do you want to spend time with him / her at the end of the week? Is he / she the first person you call after a long vacation? Are you embarrassed when the two of you are not having lunch together?
  5. 5 Ask your friends if they think you like your friend. Oftentimes, the other person knows better what is going on under your nose. Ask your friends if they think you like someone and see what they say to you. You might be shocked.

Method 2 of 8: A Mind Game # 1 - Blind Love

  1. 1 Close your eyes and relax. The worst thing you can do is change your mind too much and get worried. While you are relaxing, try to remember this sentence: it doesn't really matter; it's just a test.
  2. 2 Imagine your subject and you together without being surrounded by other people. Draw yourself his / her face in all its features and make psychological notes about:
    • What do you feel
    • Why are you having these feelings
    • Whether you are physically attracted to this person or not
    • Why doesn't he / she attract you
  3. 3 Imagine yourself kissing. It may sound strange and very, very nasty, but imagine it. Consider this kiss thoroughly: what does it look like? Do you like it? Why?
  4. 4Play the Mind Game # 2

Method 3 of 8: A Mind Game # 2 - Together

  1. 1 Relax and close your eyes. Now that you know that you are enjoying / not enjoying being intimate (even if it is not intimate at all) with the person, it is time to visualize. It's funny too!
  2. 2 Imagine you are on a dream date. Flowers, beautiful outfits, delicious food, lake, boat, music, winter, autumn, spring, summer - whatever - do it!
  3. 3 What will you talk about? Any answers will do. Your conversation:
    • Superficial, lightweight and fun?
    • Deep, strong and tense?
    • Sweethearts, charms, sentimental and revolving around love?
    • Ordinary and a little silly?
    • Significant and long lasting?
  4. 4 Rate your vote. How does it sound? Zychno? Annoying? Soft? Seductive? Easily? Boldly? Again, all answers are correct!
  5. 5 Rate the voice of the interlocutor. Does he sound like yours? Or is it different?
  6. 6 End the date early - have your subject apologize and say they have something to do. What do you feel? You're happy? Are you upset? Evil? Or happy?
  7. 7Play the Mind Game # 3

Method 4 of 8: A Mind Game # 3 - Broken Heart

  1. 1 Relax one more time. If necessary, take a break and rest as much as you want.
  2. 2 Imagine that this person is breaking up with you. For him, this is a rather joyful, but formal choice, therefore, with a sad look, he lets you go. Scroll through these three excuses:
    • "I don't have time for a relationship ..."
    • “I don’t think we will succeed - we are too different. But someone else will really love you. "
    • “It's not about you, it's about me. We shouldn't go on. "
  3. 3 Think about your answers. What do you feel about them? Memorize them or write them down on a piece of paper.
  4. 4 Consider the different situations in which a person breaks off a relationship with you. Your subject is incredibly angry and upset. Obviously, he is tired of you, and he does not even hide it. He is happy that he made this choice and is probably relieved. Try these "exclamations":
    • "Ugh! I've had enough of your whining / [another problem] - this is so annoying! Look, I don't have the same feelings for you anymore, so please leave me alone! "
    • "Oh my God! Just shut up! I hate you, okay? I can not do this anymore!"
    • “Look, I don’t want to break your heart, but this cannot continue. I don't love you anymore, I'm sorry. "
  5. 5 Think about your answers. What do you feel? Are you happy or really sad? Why?
  6. 6 How do you feel after being dumped? Happiness, depression, relief, anger, anxiety?
  7. 7 Go to Mind Game # 4.

Method 5 of 8: A Mind Game # 4 - The Future

  1. 1 Close your eyes and relax.
  2. 2 You are now older and are considering settling down. Imagine what you want - to start a family and / or get married? How much time are you going to spend with this person (if you really like him)?
  3. 3 How will your subject react to your reflections? He agrees? Why? When?
  4. 4 If all goes well, offer / respond to your subject's offer. What do you feel? What does your passion feel? How she looks like? And how are you? Feel free to get creative!
  5. 5Move on to Mind Game # 5

Method 6 of 8: Mind Games # 5 - Fears and Conveniences

  1. 1 Close your eyes and relax; take a break if necessary. Be calm and don't worry about other games.
  2. 2 Visualize your biggest fears. If you have no fears, imagine being robbed or being attacked by a stranger. Now you are NOT enough to overcome this power. Unfortunately, this is the case in most cases.
  3. 3 What will your subject do if something happens? Describe it.
  4. 4 How do you feel after he helped / did not help you?

Method 7 of 8: The Final Mind Game - The Plan

  1. 1 Make a plan for how you will confess your feelings to your future passion. Study each step and write down any bad prospects.
  2. 2Check out the results below

Method 8 of 8: Results

  1. 1 Mind Game # 1:
    • If in question 2 you experienced joy, love, longing, relief, or discomfort, give yourself 2 points. If you were feeling awkward, chilly, calm, cold, or irritable, give yourself 1 point. If you are feeling sad, angry, agitated, or really uncomfortable, skip this game.
    • How about a kiss? Use the principle above while repeating the same. If the feeling is neutral, give yourself 1 point.
  2. 2 Mind Game # 2:
    • If the answer to question 3 is superficial, significant, or deep, give yourself 2 points. If you answered otherwise, please skip this question.
    • If your answer to question 4 is NOT crazy, angry, sad, or dull, give yourself 2 points. If your voice was seductive, then give 1 point!
    • If the interlocutor's voice was the same = 2 points. If not = 1 point.
    • If in the last question you were happy, relieved, or anxious = 0. If you are unhappy or okay = 1. If you are calm but angry, sad, or anything else = 2.
  3. 3 Mind Game # 3:
    • If you have experienced relief, joy, calmness, coldness, or normalcy in response to a peaceful parting = 1. If you were angry, sad, or heartbroken = 2. If you don't care = 0.
    • If you react to the second question more strongly than to question 1 = 2. If there is no change = 0. If you snap back and contradict = 1.
    • If after the breakup you are a little desperate = 2. If you are VERY depressed = 3. If you are still cheerful = 1. If you do not care = 0.
  4. 4 Mind Game # 4:
    • If you REALLY want to get married and / or have children, EVEN IF IT DOES NOT HAPPEN TO THIS PERSON.
    • If you want to live with this person for a long time = 2. If not = 1. If you don't care = 0.
    • If your subject agrees = 2. If not = 1.
    • If your proposal was successful and the subject rejoices = 3. If not = -1.
  5. 5 Mind Game # 5:
    • If the subject comforted and saved you = 2. If not = 1.
  6. 6 Mind Game # 6: If you have a lot of possibilities, that's great = 2. If not = 1.
  7. 7 Count the points.
  8. 8 If you typed ...
    • 0-5: Most likely, guys, you better stay friends.
    • 10-15: If you work on this, there will be some shifts.
    • 15-20: Potential candidate! However, make sure you read all warnings.
    • 20-29: Friend, I think this is your soul mate!


  • Ask your friends for advice
  • DO NOT try to take steps if your friendship is at risk! Only if you are convinced:
    • That you will be answered "yes".
    • That he won't mind
    • It won't work if you don't ask.
  • Ask calmly and coldly - in the most ordinary tone.
  • Make sure this is what you both want. If not, stay friends.


  • Remain yourself and don't change to please - this is NOT an option!

  • Don't lean too much.
  • This guide is intended to be a personal test. If you are still unsure of where you are standing, it is best not to risk your friendship.
  • Do nothing else
  • DO NOT try to take steps if your friendship is at risk! Only if you are convinced:
    • That you will be answered yes.
    • That man won't mind
    • It won't work if you don't ask.